'do you jerk off, Sup Forums?'
'do you jerk off, Sup Forums?'
I jerk off 5 times a day. Scratch that, I'm coming down.
'pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers in this racket.'
yeah except i use your moms blown out prolapsed ass hole instead of my hand
You wanna know how my moms ass got that way?
Is he a meme actor?
Why does this exist
Only if he chooses to be
"You have some nerve, OP!" "I, umm, ummm..."
Holy shit, there will soon be people old enough to post here who don't recognise >oldfag memes like troll face if people don't recognise this image.
Does nofap actually work?
who are you quoting?
newfag, that picture (its actually a series of pictures) is like 20 years old
Open secret: people do NoFap to try and overcome their trap obsession.
No. I mean it does it you want to be a eunich for the rest of your life.
I tried it off an on and when I didn't fap, my shit went numb, could hardly get erections, and when I did orgasm, it wasn't very fruitful.
Semen is toxic and it's actually really bad for men to build up inside their prostate.
I hope you die
Nice bro science retard
Check these
this has been the state of Sup Forums for the past year or so
>preaches bro science
>someone makes opposite claim
This is why every last one of you kool aid drinking brainlets need to be burned alive.
Unironically have been on nofap for weeks.
day 17 nofap
I didn't fap for over a month when I got a waifu
I didn't even feel like I needed to do it
I haven't fapped in 2 months. when i do it's gonna be awesome
I've transcended those disgusting desires. Rejecting instant gratification was an important step in strengthening my whole self mentally and physically.
depends what you mean "work". I equate it do being on a low dose of NZT from the movie limitless. what you choose to do with that is up to you. it won't fix everything about you but it will certainly improve your capacity for life. The biggest no bullshit benefit is the mental clarity the problem is these legitimate benefits are tied in with bogus ones like "women suddenly smiling at me" shit
im considering buying one of those tote bags
It's been a long 35 mins into no fap and Im struggling
>with bogus ones like "women suddenly smiling at me" shit
Semen toxification causes hallucinations and delusions.
Have you seen the average Sup Forums faggot?
Some disgusting four chinned fat ass with gabagool coming out of his pores and nasty jew hair. That 56% meme isn't far off. No woman's smiling at that.
>mrw people still call coolface by its reddit name
>Semen is toxic
>semen's not toxic, I eat gallons of it everyday
Oh it shows.
it's not too late to overcome your porn addiction friend. there's a better life for you
Yes. Clarity and focus goes way up with nofap
Drink Milk.
>tfw cumming right into the covers and leaving it dry
>tfw cumming on the floor
A little touchy there sport, what's the matter? Have you only jacked off five times today? That toxic semen is overloading your system
are they playing around or did people on that era really wore napkins on their heads?
>there's a better life for you
You see this? This is a plug people. This faggot is a con artist, a scammer, a JEW.
Next he'll be telling me my life isn't complete until I start reading the bible again and chip in a couple of hundred dollars into his patreon for "maintenance" or some horse shit.
always do the opposite of what these faggots say
whats your problem with kool aid dude that shit is delicious
porn degrades the pre frontal cortex and renders it harder for your brain to connect with others and sees everyone as a threat. funny that
>Durr semen is toxic thats why I watch blacked everyday
Nice try schlomo
No I'm touchy because I'm high test. I don't need pseudo science to jack up my T levels.
I was born with naturally high testosterone. I don't have to abstain from sexual pleasure because I'm not some noodle-armed little mumbly passive aggressive faggot who grew up without a father.
You feel like this?
t. overcompensating soyboy
No, my life of being scammed by pedophiles like you is why I see everyone as a threat.
Hell, if anything, I'm the one who's actually red pilled.
You niggers just keep pitching into the same society destroying shit that's been ruining us for generations. You are the greatest goys.
what are you on about you complete mental case
I seen it posted for years but never actually clicked on the thumbnail. But why would you know the history behind it?
>dude just stop jacking it lmao
>dude find religion lmao
>dude you should be working two jobs lmao
>dude buy this crap you don't need lmao
>dude fuck the welfare of people they can starve
>oh woops looks like you've been rendered obsolete HAIL TECHNOLOGICA!
>now go to war and die for your sins, your GOD commands it
>whoops looks like I fucked your wife
>whoops fucked your sons
>oh noo my precious semen, stuff it back in!
>fuck T levels falling, need to go work out
>I can already feel my prefrontal lobe degenerating because I've been thinking about sex again!
>no bad thoughts be gone!
>What's that oh lorde? Death to the infidels? SHARIAHLLAH AKBHAR!
This is your brain on Judaism
Get a load of this fucking KIKE KIKE KIKE KIKE KIKE
I feel like cumming on the gym, feel like cumming on the kitchen
>dude slippery slope fallacy
To be honest, not using porn makes it a lot more physical and fun.
but you are the one using the dumb white male pictures, (((user)))
low test detected
No, it's a placebo. If you want to do anything, cut out porn. Masturbation is fine as long as you don't do it in excess.
You just end up having a wet dream and wake up to a mess. Not a fun time!
You will find an increased quality of life if you stop spending an hour a day watching porn, so yes, in a way it works.
If I don't jack off once a day, I start to get these absolutely raging boners throughout the day at random times. Also I find I literally cannot stop thinking about sex or females when I don't jerk off. I don't know if it's a great idea for me tb h.
Taking a break after a binge 3 days ago. Dick was sore by the end.
>being new to the internet as a whole
nofap works but its very challenging and it will give you an existential crisis
I did it for two months and it was the craziest time in my life. Im a porn addict neet
>capitalising jew
you are not fooling anyone rabbi
>I am a degenerate just to spite God
the absolute pitiful state of unrepentant sinners. Literally doing all of those things is a more fulfilling and meaningful thing than being in your room fapping to fetish porn 24/7 and wasting your life away like you do
Just get a bigger dick to score some cush and all your problems dissapear user arf arf
>I am a jew loving religious bitch faggot
I see rusty steak knives in your future christcuck faggot.
Based. Hey can I borrow your PornHub subscription? I need to see the new HD anal scene that Tushy released
OP here. I originally started this thread so it could be a discussion about Wolf of Wall street. Not degenerates talking about their masturbatory habits.
Not OP here; No one gives a fuck
Apparently alot are giving a tug, tho.
>Semen is toxic
You're blaming your acne on the wrong thing.
>Semen is toxic
exactly how much? should I call poison control?
Its true. Every time I spray my load into some chicks eye she goes blind for 10 minutes.
>they never see it coming
I do but I should it down some.
Unfunny meme shit belongs on reddit, nigger lover.
what do you think
It's a placebo.
Also eventually you'll just start having wet dreams and it won't matter
How bout you lick your dead parents shit off my cock after Ive finished killing then raping them and see whos the funny one ya edgy faggot.
this man spricht the truth. We're getting to zardoz levels of semitism
>The Penis is evil! The Penis shoots Seeds, and makes new Life to poison the Earth with a plague of men, as once it was. But the Gun shoots Death and purifies the Earth of the filth of Brutals. Go forth, and kill!
They declared war on the penis, because they don't need it. The jew is essentially female. Have you noticed their fixation for oral sex?
Is it a coincidence that the jewish race is inherited by the mother? How they seem to push their women into gentiles to procreate with them? using their furtive skills and media presence to subliminally instill the jewess' charm into gentile's brains, molding their tastes and baiting them into procreation.
Release the cock, tame the kike.
Impressive. Now lets see Paul Allens fap hard drive.
>guiding your life by vestigial feelings of a primitive brain
life by reason sounds scary doesn't it?
can you sleep though, because I cant
hoo boy do I
I'd rather see these doubles
Nah. Wetdreams are just a short time thing. Eventually your body will simply absorb the old sperm in your balls to make room for the new stuff.
>>guiding your life by vestigial feelings of a primitive brain
I am sure that being a NEET and fapping 3 times a day to disgusting shit on the internet is instead the path of the enlightened, way to go user
>not posting the superior version with the cat
will you get pregnant from that too?
That cat's up to no good
Yes but reported for non tv content
can't say you reported newfag
they outsmarted you, that's why they control you by catering to your fee fees and demonize anyone they can't control. Get out of the cave.
That doesn't sound true but I don't know enough about balls to dispute it
I do know that I stopped masturbating because the meds I'm on kill my libido, and I've been having wetdreams maybe once a week for the past year or so.
wet dreams only get rid of the excess. and it doesn't matter either way. it's about training your brain to not be addicted to the dopamine of constant fapping. when you stop fapping the pleasure of simple things like sitting in a park with trees is greatly heightened