Star Wars is officially dead. This is now spacekino

Star Wars is officially dead. This is now spacekino

>le "DUDE I REMEMBER THAT SONG" 70s soundtrack
>ayy lmao


>Batista being a bad thing
el reddito abominacion

>disney ruined the only marvel setting with actual potential by transforming it into a reddit-tier flick
not even a Nova/Annihilation flick would save this mess



For real, kys fucking redditor!

Doesn't Star Wars have ep 9 to try to redeem itself before being labelled as dead?

Why are his arms so small

Ya'll need to watch James Gunn's PG Porn series.




This but unironically.

Nice reddit spacing, Marvel faggot

As disappointing as GOTG2 was, it was still leagues better than TLJ. Let's hope they right the ship and make the third one better. Gunn will have access to Silver Surfer, Annihilus, Galactus, the Cancerverse now so no excuses.

Cosmic marvel is retarded but kinda cool shit with neat visuals

Disney gave us retarded but kinda cool shit with neat visuals.

this is very overrated

The first movie was one of the best movies of the decade (next to to BR2049 and Dredd). The second was merely okay, im afraid.

>two autistic aliens
>an autistic walking tree
>a furry


nah, DnA cosmic marvel was fucking comickino compared to the travesty of the MCU

>calling everything autistic
gotg is reddit tier but so are you

Kino comic? Comics suck as a medium, they have all the weaknesses of film and literature with non of the strengths.

They are enjoyable pulp and no more at their best.

>Comics suck as a medium
do you only read comics from the big two?
alt comix is really kino imo

Guardians is sorta cringy and suffers from needing to be written into the greater scheme of the MCU, but it's probably the best of all of those capeshit movies. I love James Gunn and I think it's cool that he rose from Troma stuff to big budget Hollywood stuff.

GotG 2 is worse than Last Jedi and the first one was only good in a campy ironic sense

I only liked that movie for two things Electric Light Orchestra and Kurt Russell where the fuck has he been John Carpenter's not getting any younger

This is the most embarrassing post I've ever seen on Sup Forums

>Reddit spacing
>Being this autistic

If two movies have been disappointing to you, would you really get that excited to see a third. Even if you would what are the chances one good movie makes up for bad ones. I can't even think of an example off hand of just how good something has to be to make up for two earlier disappointments.

And just my personal opinion, not just at Disney but Hollywood in general or maybe even just at a certain level of management, coarse correcting and listening to criticism somehow seems to mean or equate to a larger failure than just out right running something into the ground. Like there's just nothing worse than just admitting I fucked up or misread the audience or wanted to try and shake things up just for the sake of being different. It's really retarded to me but fucking up and continuing to fuck but making excuses the entire way somehow helps you get more work later on rather than fucking up and taking responsibility for it and trying to learn and grow from the experience.

So waiting/hoping that 9 will be vastly different than it's predecessors is more than likely an exercise in futility.