Thoughts on John Byrne's Superman?

Thoughts on John Byrne's Superman?



The best run the character has ever seen.


My Superman. Fuck the later incarnations and stories, including Jurgens.



I'd love to see Phantom Stranger show up in Rebirth




I like his version of Krypton the best.













Thanks for reading!

Thanks for storytiming.

Good read, thanks.

I'm up to volume 7 of the trades, I like the updates and the supporting cast, but there's something weird about the way Superman thinks. I do not need huge internal monologues for everything he does. And I don't care about non-rogues gallery villains he keeps fighting.

Good stuff, user. Thanks for the storytime. Love some me some supes.


Literally the whole interaction betwen Superman and the phantom stranger was just

>"Stranger! How do you do such a mysterious thing? What is this?"
>"Mmmm, sorry Superman! I'll never tell! Gweheheh!"

Yeah, it'd pretty bad. The Stranger was being a dick for no reason. He could have easily explained in a couple of sentences.

It's essential cuck-core.

Awesome run, albeit with flaws (most notably the lack of Supergirl).

I like it, it gets a lot of hate for "Marvelizing" Superman which is fair.

Calm down casual. Real fans are talking,

My god... they ran over Clark Kent!