Other urls found in this thread:
>Gay? Why not trans?
>Black? Why not blacker?
Typical leftists moving goal posts
Now that white people don't use the one-drop rule anymore, black people are starting to use it.
Once white people are taken care of, they will go for light skinned people.
"But Not Too Black"
Old news.
Light skinned non whites are always the master race
The Castizo Chads will rise
>"Dear White People" is racist against blacks
Reaping what they saw
when you profess to be perpetually offended, you can never admit satisfaction
Mainstream media has fucked up beauty standards, what else is new
It only tolerates black people if they look sort of white
But black people don’t like darkies either
Dark skinned niggers are difficult to shoot due to lighting and cinematography reasons.
this is like the "skinny fats" thing
Why are the negroes so damn uppity these days? Whites have done everything for them, we've even died en masse for them yet they still are not happy.
They were always like that.
The liberal victimhood meme is running amok and eating the left. Being pro-gay, pro-black, pro-feminist won't save you from the monster. It will consume everyone and everything without mercy or consideration for your race, gender, or political stance. If you even exist and say and or do anything you will become a victim of the victimhood machine.
Who the fuck cares? *They're* never happy.
You give these people an inch they will take a mile.
They will never, ever be happy
lol at Sup Forumstards saying that other people are "perpetually offended" when they throw a hissyfit every time they see a person of color on screen
no this is something black ppl have been doing for a bit
Wesley Snipes, Eddie Murphy, Denzel Washington, Samuel L. Jackson, Forest Whittaker. Even John Boyega isn't light skinned.
>Sup Forums is everywhere!
You ever heard of the "paper bag test"?
>implying the psychofarmacological jew isn't the biggest jew there is
You think it's a coincidence that all mass shooters in recent decades were on anti-depressants?
Yeah keep in mind Haiti and Zimbabwe have successfully eliminated their white populations and still won't shut the fuck up about the rayciss oppression
The only way to really fix things would be to build a time machine and assassinate Yakub before he ever invented white people in the first place
What's the problem with Americans and light skinned brotha's? I've never caught shit here in Bongland
Please oh please let this trend, I wanna see light skinned blacks get red-pilled and then switch to our side and tell the other niggers to fuck off
Who the fuck give a fuck about the Dark continent? seriously
The whole slavery thing might have soured the white and black relationship a little bit.
You ever heard the fable of the scorpion and the frog?
It's the other blacks who hate the light skinned blacks. Not totally sure why but it seems to be partially jealousy and partially just hatred of race mixing. A lot of blacks are strongly against mixing races, more so than whites in general.
How about when white people ended slavery and then ended it world wide even though black people started it in the first place l?
Yeah but I was saying that seems to only be a big thing in America, I've never seen it here in England and I'm light skinned
blacks have always done this on social media for fucking years
black girls usually put "lightie" in their bio to signal their a lightskin hottie and not typical black trash and black guys prefer the lighter ones it's happened for ages
I's say catapulting their species into modern society was a fair trade. Also this
Please don't post this faggot here.
Spike Lee is rolling in his grave.
I don't think Euros really understand America's blacks. They have a very different culture and way of thinking and doing things here. I know you've seen the stereotypes in American media. Those stereotypes are based on actual people who are exactly like that. Not all of them are but a lot are. It's not a meme or some cultural myth it's a daily reality here. One of the true stereotypes is that the very lowliest blacks will actively try to pull down other blacks and prevent them from changing or becoming better. It's the crabs in a barrel analogy. And some of those people see light skinned blacks as betraying the black identity so they attack them. For every real case of "the man" keeping blacks down there are hundreds of cases of blacks keeping each other down. They don't want other blacks to have more than them or be more successful than them.
Heard dark skin girls call a light skin girl Becky.
Why aren't they angry at the African tribes that actually captured and sold them? Is it because those tribes squandered the fortunes they made and can't be brow-beaten into gibs?
That heeb's Sephardic
I watched who killed captain alex and I have no idea of how Bruce U's face looks like because that nigga is too dark
I guess something similar happens in hollywood
>African tribes
>We want black representation
>Here you go
>That representation isn't black enough!
It's not the point to achieve positive change. The point is to feel resentful.
I don't want to feed into the whole "LOOK AT THESE FUCKING LIBTARD SJW LEFTIST LOL" that you guys engage in because that's cringey af and honestly pretty pathetic.
If I'm remembering correctly part of the deal with the main character is she had a white parent and the tension it causes comes up and explores the social privileged she's privy to with a mixed background.
Pretty much this, but the article is obviously baiting for clicks.
This shit has only flared up within the last 10 years. Anyone who was old enough to remember the 90s or early 2000s can tell you that. People HAD put aside this shit, some new group is dragging it back into the open for their own political purposes
Yeah, a lot of these sites use really asinine titles to trigger the literal children yelling "SJW!" after spending an afternoon watching h3h3 and Ben Sharpio videos because clicks=money.
Good. Light skinned niggas be looking all white and shit, which perpetuates Eurocentric norms of beauty, which is still racist. Where is Lupita Nyong'o? She's a REAL black woman, yet she ain't on these movies. Fuck that.
Wuhbout dos niggas so black they blue?
>article from 2014
>42 replies
Fucking Sup Forums
wow, she pretty much looks white by American standards.
Its divide and conquer, the ruling class realizes that if all the poor people banded together they would be out of power. So they make the poor people hate each other based on skin color and ideological differences while they continue to run the government for benefit of the rich only.
>The 90s people put aside shit
>NWA, fuck tha police, Rodney King, LA riots
>"I am a literal baby who only knows about the 90s from a wikipedia article I read on my dad's iPad
That's rather ironic
They're bitter and racist, so they overlook the date.
>leftists eating eachother alive
my favorite
We really need to start institutionalizing these people.
>Falling for pharma jew
>light skinned niggas
You can be both user
What have YOU done?
Not owned slaves for one
Are you saying Egyptians were black?
This is probably why people gave less of a shit about slavery as a contemporary issue in the 90s, because there were actual issues that the black community faced in the 90s
I think it's because more often than not light skinned black girls have a mix of european facial qualities and are found to be more attractive by the general public. They have better hair, skin and prettier faces on average. Full on sub-saharan blacks arent really super attractive on average or are as attractive. The best dark skinned girls are dark skinned north african girls.
What black alive today has been even remotely affected by an institution that ended a hundred and fifty years ago?
Yeah it's the stormfags and their black equivalent
I mean I know stupid bait gets posted here all the fucking time but come the fuck on
Them chocolate milk niggas ain't real black.
a white person didn't make the movie.
They actually are.
Using Dear White People as an example for this is ironic because she gets called out for being a lighter-skinned black girl constantly throughout the movie and series.
DWP is one of those things like Detroit which makes black people uncomfortable because it calls them out on their bullshit which is why you never heard about it being up for any awards. Because they say "THIS IS SO POWERFUL" before they've even seen it and then they watch the show and they're like oh shit, better not tell anyone about this.
>chocolate milk niggas
Whitest post ITT
"Sup Forums doesn't raid this boa-"
I don't think black people are as upset about slavery as most white people seem to believe.
Yeah, I'm sure they're not fucking thrilled and long term it's responsible for a lot of problems like whenever is fucked over en masse (look at the residential schools and the treatment of the Canadian aboriginal.) but like, legal discrimination against black people only ended in the 60s or some shit? That's hella fucking recent, like I get the demographic for Sup Forums is 16 to 30something so it's hard to put it context but there are old black people who remember the ghettoization and real fucking racism.
Now some white dude from the internet an eighth of their age who read a couple articles on brietbart or some shit is like "huuur why don't you just get oveeerrr itttttt". Yeah healing needs to happen but white internet babies are not equipped to empathize with what as happened, and are saying "Just get over it" rather than asking these people how to make it better.
Yeah man, I am still waiting for the UN to resolve the old Hittites vs Sumerian war debacle. That shit is too important, we want those pottery vases the hittites stole from my family those millenia ago + interest matured overt time.
Remembering real racism and actually dealing with real racism are two different things
>legal discrimination against black people only ended in the 60s or some shit?
Kind of funny you call out what you perceive to be the main demographic for not understanding when you don't even know when The Civil Rights Act was passed (1964 btw, not 60s or some shit), which means your probably of the one you mock
I grew up in the 90s and yes shit was rough in LA, but LA isn't the entirety of the US, cities that had large race riots on the east coast didn't want to go back to that, neither did the blacks who participated
There was an easy peace, lasted all the way up until '08, the identity politics started up and by '12 it pushed HARD into the mainstream
Now why would they all of a sudden start crying racism and injustice when there wasn't? It's because it's backed by an agenda, an agenda with money
And the left cannibalizes itself further. We barely even have to do anything at this point, they destroy themselves.
They're already starting to go after Asians, but that's mostly because they destroy their narrative by being a minority that succeeds, despite at one point being possibly more discriminated against than blacks.
Obama made them believe they were KANGZ N SHIEET.
It's a pain in the ass to light a scene with white people and turbo black people.
Dear White People is good and only libcucks and conservitards hate it
Literally everywhere where a society has historically had lighter and darker populations without them explicitly being different race the lighter your skin was the more desirable and higher in the social hierarchy you were. Fucking everywhere. This is why skin whitening is one of the most popular beauty operations outside of the west. Ironically if the jew dream of mongrelization happened 100% a "white race" would still begin to evolve because of this. It might take thousands of years, but it would happen.
I wonder why, when a president on your side isn't elected, instead of unifying to fight back, they just devolve into attacking each other? Last 8 years conservacucks did it, and it hasn't even been a full year of Trump in office and the Left are already on it full steam.
Just because I have a color TV doesn't mean I want to see them on it.
>We barely even have to do anything at this point, they destroy themselves.
He said as the conservatives are destroying themselves as well. Or do you forget how Trump immediately turned his back on Bannon the moment Bannon rightfully called him an idiot. Which just tore a massive fucking chasm through the right.
Face it, conservatives are fucking incompetent and fall apart EVEN WHEN THEY ARE IN POWER. Hilarious.
Because they're intellectuals. Intellectuals can never be wrong; if there is a wrong occurrence, it's because other people aren't as smart as they. So, those wrongthinkers must be taught what to think and step in line because how can intellectuals be wrong? It's impossible; they're infallible.
The slaves were first captured by Africans, traded by Arabs who kept 2/3 in the Middle East (and didn't end slavery until the mid 1900s), of those that went overseas (mostly carried in Jewish-owned boats) 95% ended up in Latin America and the Caribbean, and those that ended up in America were owned by less than 1% of the White population (and some Jews and freed Blacks). White people also fought and died, and in the case of Britain went against their own massive economic interests to end the slave trade and slavery worldwide, and force abolition on Africa and the Middle East. But you're right, it's all the fault of White Americans.
The utter lack of self-awareness necessary to make this post.
Niggers are never difficult to shoot, user.
It's exactly what happened in Liberia. They butchered the Mulatos.
Jennifer Lawrence tiddies killed our site
This shit again
The author is about as light-skinned as the people on the show, what the fuck?
>tore a massive fucking chasmthrough the right
This delusion
When bannon said that shit, the right galvanized against him, the only person related to Trump that's caused a schism is Sessions and his anti-cannabis fuck states rights mindset