Any predictions yet?

Any predictions yet?

It's shit

>and the Oscar for Best Cinematography goes to
>Emmanuel Lubezki for "Song to Song"

Best Picture - Shape of Water
Best Director - Del Toro
Best Actor - Gary Oldman
Best Actress - Salky Hawkins

jew soy faggot bitchtits milkies monkey shit

only clueless goyim cares about academy awards

Best Picture: TLJ

will win best animated feature

this is the only one i'm sure is 100% correct

It raises the question, just what did this man do to these people?

The sun will rise tomorrow

The Post wins best picture

>Best Picture
Lady Bird

>Best Director

>Best Actor
Daniel Day Lewis

>Best Original Screenplay
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

>Best Cinematograhy
Phantom Thread

>Best Visual Effects
Blade Runner 2049

>Best Director
The academy might be pleb enough to do this. Then again he is a white male. Did any ladies direct something this year?

The Memes of Water will win almost everything, the rest will be won by movies about niggers

Gary oldman best actor, baisically like Scorsese getting his Oscar, one of his weaker roles but he deserves it for his career, an oversight oscar

Best Original Screenplay - Two Billboards

Lady Bird, Detroit and Mudbound are the ones that usually come up. Greta is definitely getting a nom.
Maybe Varda can get a Best Documentary nom.

Jimmy Kimmel will relinquish his hosting duties on stage. Meryl Streep will fill in to host. Her first (and only) statement will be to gently say "....Resist". Rapturous applause will ensue for 4 hours. No awards will be given.

Like you?

It SHOULD be PTA's year. Phantom Thread is right up there with the best films he's made, maybe even the best, though it's less ambitious than some of his previous films. But nobody's fucking seen it, and nobody's talking about it, so he's gonna get passed over again.

It'll probably be some bland shit that wins for the sake of political correctness. Fuck it

Lady Bird will win Best Picture, Sup Forums will be irate

Last Jedi nominated for best picture and best screenplay.

Watched it on Christmas, loved it so much. But you should stop caring about awards. Honestly why even care? It's my favorite movie I saw last year, and that's all I care about.

The Last Jedi will win steal everything

>Best Director
Guillermo del Toro, "The Shape of Water" (WINNER)
Greta Gerwig, "Lady Bird"
Christopher Nolan, "Dunkirk"
Jordan Peele, "Get Out"
Steven Spielberg, "The Post"

Sup Forums will cry and shitpost about it for weeks after

>Mfw it pulls a Fury Road

>Easy to digest
>Focuses on the "minorities"
Yep, winning, no matter how many better movies get nominated

It shouldn't but it will

But Greta is /ourgal/...?

I don't, really, but it would be nice to see some kind of recognition for work like this. God knows it doesn't work out at the box office. It's a miracle PTA still gets funding for his projects.

"Any predictions yet?"

What´s the most underrated award and why is it screenwriting? Seriously, without the writers there´s no way to start

Reminds me of Brittany Murphy tb h fàm


>White men are evil
etc etc


What I appreciate about PTA is he makes films he wants to make. Not many normal people will go to watch Phantom Thread, let alone not want to leave after 20 minutes. I personally loved it. But the average movie goer will hate it. He's like anti-Tarantino to normies but makes quality thought provoking films.

War for the Planet of the Apes wins Best Visual Effects. Dafoe wins Best Supporting Actor. Desplat wins Best Original Score.

deakins gets fucked. again.

A bunch of snobs will give awards to boring dramas and people who worked on boring dramas and almost all acceptance speeches will be some variant of "DRUMPF." That's my prediction.

BR2049 wins every award. Then when Goose, Luv, and JOI go to accept, Clint Eastwood, who is presenting the award for some reason corrects himself to reveal that Black Panther won all of the awards. Then the camera will pan back to reveal it was all on Deadpool's tv screen because that is what is playing...Deadpool 2. Igotta take a shit

>But the average movie goer will hate it.
I've been wrong before, but I honestly don't think so. I don't think many people will see it, I probably wouldn't have gone to see it based on the trailers/description if I wasn't a fan of the director. But it's much more straightforward and accessible than his last two films, I honestly think that pretty much anyone who sits down to watch it would like it.

dunkirk will win best picture

>best picture
get out

poopy cowabunga my dude

tell me your prediction for best picture first

thx brah i ate a lot of zza today dude

James Franco will be a contender for best actor for sure

Get Out and Lady Bird have both SAG Ensemble and DGA nominations and will certainly get WGA nominations.

They will be nominated for Best Picture. This world is garbage.

Guillermo will win best director, but not best picture.

will be worth it for seeing Tommy at the oscars

I haven't seen Lady Bird, but it's not crazy for Get Out to be nominated, not since they started listing 10 nominees. The hype and over-praising of that film has gotten out of hand, but it is one of the stronger and more memorable films I saw this year. Not my favorite, but I can't think of ten better films

That 3 Guild streak also makes it more likely for them to WIN too. I cannot accept that possibility.

Three Billboards is also in that boat and it'll destroy those other 2 flicks.

There'll be a musical number about how straight cis white men are evil followed by a staged mass shooting to boost ratings.

Best picture: The Post. Acceptance speech will end with a reference to Trump and how "together we can stand up against this" or some other cliched line we've heard millions of times.

When the heck are the nominees getting announced?

Jan. 23

Fucking this.
>Streep (muh drumpf)
>John Williams
How the fuck could it NOT win?

Could lose since it's not nominated for the big 3 guilds and because it's too obvious a frontrunner (Lincoln, Boyhood, The Revenant, La La Land)

Oh okay, thanks boss.

Best Picture: Shape of water
Director: Del taco
Actress: Dyke from 3 billboards
Actor: gary oldman

they could also disregard it seeing how everyone involved with The Post has already won a million fucking awards before, but due to politics they'll probably nominate them anyways

Is The Shape of Water actually that good? It just looked so boring to me. Del Toro hasn't been interesting since Pan's Labyrinth

Tom Hanks is one of the Presidents of the Academy or something, he'll probably get snubbed like he's usually been the past millenium.
Meryl Streep is a demon and will get a guaranteed nomination just for being Meryl Streep.

Nah, if they were gonna give an oversight Oscar it'd be DDL since Phantom Thread is his last film.

Detroit did not get a single nomination for any award because Bigelow is redpilled and the academy doesn't like that. Expect it to be overlooked again.

>President of the Academy
>snubbing his own elitist political flick from any nominations
Yeah right.

>implying our boyega John won't get an acting nomination


I think its worth it for the art design, Shannon, and Sally. It's okay over all

It's OK, user. It's OK.

>Bashing trump
>speeches about female empowerment
>some faggot will cry during his speech
>minorities representation
>will get boring after 5 minutes
>Jimmy kimmel won't be funny

>But BR2049 will get every fucking oscar for the technical apartments
(I hope)

>But BR2049 will get every fucking oscar for the technical apartments
No. Hollywood will give all the attention to mediocre directors like Jordan Peele and Greta Gerwig but Denis will get nothing.

That retarded shit Natalie Portman pulled at the Globes probably guaranteed her nomination.

But he already has 3. If he wants to win another Oscar and set the record for most male wins he'll have to come back to acting in a decade or two.

>Bigelow is redpilled
>makes a movie about muh police brutality

It is kind of weird that she didn't get nominated at the Golden Globes. Not that she's a very good director, but her film is one of the major contenders this awards season whereas Ridley Scott's film isn't at all.

Does anyone know when the actual voting is done?

but there really weren't any better animated movies this year


Ridley Scott had a film ready for screen when the Kevin Spacey story broke. He re-shot everything with Plummer, even though Spacey, in Scott's own words, delivers an Oscar winning performance. That's ballsy as fuck.

Nomination voting was finished 4 days ago.
Winner voting will start Feb 20 - Feb 27

That´s what someone who only watches American animated movies may think, animation is produced in other parts of the world, you know?

Why do you destroy my dreams?

Phantom Thread should win everything.
Any other year The Post would win everything.
It's a three horse race for the filmic awards though: Ladybird, Three Billboards, and Fishfucker.

The Post will win best picture because FUCK TRUMP

To be positive, Deakins won Best Cinematography at the Critics Choice Awards, which usually predicts the Oscar winner successfully.

>all these people saying del Toro is going to win anything

Nobody voting actually likes or watches del Toro films. At the most it will win best makeup

The top contenders for Best Picture will be Lady Bird, Shape of Water and Three Billboards.

Three Billboards deserves it though.

Guillermo makes good movie . But sjw will get token appease
>TFW you have to acknowledge knowing five AMPAS members

Get Out wins best picture.

>something about acting/hollywood
>something about how christians are evil
>something about gay niggers struggle during the holocaust

Horror movies don't win Oscars. Except Silence of the Lambs, and even then that's more of a thriller.

If this film wins anything I'll be frustrated.

>Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931)
>The Exorcist
>The Silence of the Lambs

The only horror films to get some sort of award recognition

If Get Out joins that category, I'll flip my shit.

If Shape of Water wins it will be the best winner since No Country For Old Men, and I didn't even like Shape of Water that much. Best Picture is a joke.

if this hivemind happens again, I'll break my computer

good triple