Was this the most kino film of the last 5 years?

was this the most kino film of the last 5 years?

Simple answer? YES!!

Action movie? Yes without a doubt. Nothing else comes close. Other have done drama etc. better.

If you're a millenial maybe

For me yeah.

It was the greatest action film since the 80's. An incredible masterpiece.

It's the best action film of all time.

you guys are fucking plebs

no its the best film in the last 50 years

>V8 engines synced to rock music starts playing

anyone who denies is a horse cock sucking faggot.

like these cuck chans

That fucking sound design though. Undeniable masterpiece

>Liking SJW propaganda

It seems like people who complain about it can't see it objectively. How can one honestly say its "boring"?

the only film i saw at the cinema in like 5 years. was kind of bored and i instantly forgot it. i kind of liked the first 5 minutes and then it was like... walking in the desert

Best action film for at least 20 years.

That and Blade Runner 2 are the only two sci-fi/fantasy films that redeem this decade for me, personally.

And I say this as a capeshit apologist.

No it's pleb videogame tier trash masquerading as a film

How is it SJW propaganda?
It showed the women as all being incompetent and stupid. They ruined the society at the end of the film.

I guess i'm a pleb then. Fury Road is the best action film in decades and easily one of the best film this century so far.

this is an embarrassing thread
this movie is Sup Forums tier trash

Failed get haha

i tried my best
i really did