Why did a color trigger you MRAs so much
SJW's use color to identify one another, rather than symbols like nationalists do.
hello xer
It's called aposematism, brainlet
Seeing the movie you can almost imagine the arguments going on in the studio:
>Let's drop plot threads for both a gay romance with Poe and swirling with Rey
>Nah, that will piss off large segments of the world
>Let's just give the black dude a new love interest and then kill him
>But we can't kill the token black guy!
>You cut the Porgs down to only 2 minutes of screen time? We had a contract with the makers of the plush toys for at least 5 minutes of screen time!
>Mark Hamill hasn't stopped slagging off the movie? We have to send a message that you don't fuck with Disney. Can we recut things to have him die and become a force ghost?
All groups adopt an iconography. Also develop their own languages called argots.
>le 56% face
>the kid face
God, why white people are fucking ugly
Star Wars doesn't belong to me or my kind anymore. I accepted it December 2015.
Holy fuck i only just noticed the tinfoil pan on her head.
u guys watch star wars?
Even as a kid it felt like the shallowest pan of shit developed to sell merchandise
I'm not sure how people even get into it
The more I see her picture posted here, the more I want to fuck her with that sexy purple drank hair. Too bad I am not an ebony stallion like her current lover. At best she would let me eat her pussy after a long fuck session with her noire king. Afterwards I would fall asleep on his strong dark chest like Dr. Grant on that sick triceratops.
What is your kind, user?
Hollywood likes to try to manipulate the viewer but they also like to make more money. Expect an eventual return to more relatable stories with white leads and subtle indoctrination.
White people are getting tired of being constantly attacked. And East Asians haven't learned to revel in ugliness the way Western audiences have(this can't be understated - the Chinese market is massive right now).
Fucking white males.
t. fifty-six percent (out of one hundred) / 56.000%
adds nothing to character or story
She's not an anime character, yet she dies like one.
Why do i want to fuck liberal women so badly lads
Self-destructive tendencies
Why does color trigger you liberals so much
generations of interbreeding with niggers