Breaking Bad Thread

Im on season 3. Im very ambivalent about it. What are your thoughts on this show?

It's a pretty good show especially the early season towards the end there is a huge drop in the quality. It's not realistic, its not meant to be, it's very over the top but its fun. Sup Forums used to discuss it a lot while it aired but now you won't get much discussion outside of "it's reddit".

Great show to follow week to week. Once it's over, you forget all about it and have absolutely no desire to revisit it.

One of the most satisfying endings I've seen in a long time in television. Don't let the retards tell you different. It was perfect in almost every way.

The show was very good. A lot of it really speaks to the male ego. I do think Walter's character progressed unevenly toward the end. He goes from 0 to 100 a little too quickly at some points. Trying not to spoil of course.

Shit show, only good if you're a soyboy redditor

It's good but overrated

I agree with everything in this post, also it sheds some perspective on the drug situation in the US and the classism that stems from it

Can you not watch a show without relying on the thoughts of other people to form your own thoughts?

Dumb thread, probably made by a phonefaggot, sage.

>I do think Walter's character progressed unevenly toward the end

My biggest problem with the show was that Walter never truly turned into a bad guy. All the "bad" decisions he ever made were in the act of self-preservation in which any other option would have gotten him killed.

It started off super strong, had great moments throughout, and the characters mostly held up but jesus fucking christ did it crawl

No need to bring your mother into this. I know she hits up my line because youre dad couldnt satisfy her like a real man should.

The early seasons felt more grounded and believable. It starts getting ridiculous once the twins are introduced. Still better than most TV shows though.

its very good

> All the "bad" decisions he ever made were in the act of self-preservation in which any other option would have gotten him killed.

What about killing Mike?

Best character in the whole show was Mike amirite?

wait till you get to "THE FLY" episod


made by the same guy who made star wars the last jedi

Mike was unironically the worst character. He had absolutely no motivation whatsoever. He was artificially "cool" but really his involvement made no sense at all.

Yeah. He was content with who he was and enjoyed what he did and still maintain a moral code.

>Worst character
>Not Ted

It's bad and each season goes down in quality. Stop watching, find something better to do instead.

One of the greatest vessels for virtue signaling among soys and hipsters. The sooner you believe Walt is an irredeemable piece of shit and the more you sympathize with Skyler, the more virtuous you are.

Ted at least has character development that made his actions believable, even if he himself was a character people did not like. Mike on the other hand is a likeable character, but a poorly written one that exists solely for the writers convienence.

Hank dies

I liked it until the chicken guy showed up, then dropped it pretty quick. Nothing fucking happened that season, they just made drugs without anything really getting in the way

Why was Skylar such a bitch?
I want to sympathize with her with all the bullshit Walter's made her go through, but the Ted subplots are so annoying to watch

>letting Jessie's girlfriend choke on her own vomit
>self preservation

Nah, Gustavo Fring and Jesse Pinkman were the best.

Should have ended a season earlier than it did

season 5 was perfect though

Skinny Pete is the best character. Worst character is Hank Jr because he's leg disabled

So it's shit?

stopped watching after his cancer magically went away. the entire impetus of the show, the driving force behind walter's desperation, was written out so they could milk as many seasons out of it as they could before it could go to shit.

if his cancer kept progressing, they could have sped up the pace and ended it in 3 seasons, maybe 4. but instead they dragged it out.

Probably my favorite show of all time. I just recently finished The Wire, and yeah obviously it's more realistic and has more complex social commentary going on, but nothing ever came close to the excitement of BrBa's over the top action scenes. Breaking Bad is seriously underrated on this board, just because it's fun and comic book-esque doesn't necessarily make it bad art.

what made it for me was how great the actors in BrBa were.
Loved the drama

Honestly despite the cartoonish action, most of the characters in the show were always firmly grounded in reality and that's what made it so good imo. Obviously you have exceptions like the cousins but still.

The point of the cancer going in remission was to take away his excuse for breaking bad. For a moment he no longer has a semi-justification and continuing to do it points out to everything who isn't a retard that he's doing it for personal fulfillment.


Id sympathize more with Skyler if Ted didn't make that awful return in season 4

Jesse on the other hand didn't deserve half the shit that's happened to him. He was always placed in the shittiest positions because of Walter. Sure he saved him by running over those two gangsters, but he lost two women he loved because of Walter's bullshit. AND Walter poisoned Brock

I wish someone would make a smug Walter Pepe with his Heisenberg hat and a crying Jesse Wojak


I just rewatched the whole series a week ago since it ended back in 2013. Im surprised it still holds up to this day, I thought I'd hate it. I think part of what hurt this show back then were all of the stupid fan theories on what will happen next.

She was most likely gonna blow the lid on him to the cops.

>ended back in 2013
>5 fucking years ago

He was bad but not as evil as people made him out to be. He was never on Gus or other villains. Gus is who Walt wished he could be but could never be. Walt was too sentimental, which give him a greater sense of "humanity" but also held him back and kept him from being the ruthless and methodical criminal he needed to be to succeed in the drug game.

Nah, Walter's just paranoid as always

Most disappointing ending of all time.

Do you remember how fucked up she was? She would have either died anyway and traced it back to him or got caught and snitched.

hey guys i'm half way through watching this show please spoilt me tv

What the fuck is your problem?

Whoa man, what's YOUR problem?

yes, that's the purported reason why it went into remission, but it made the show awful. there would still be ways to show that he's doing it for personal fulfillment while still keeping the doomsday cancer clock ticking for him. the urgency and impending demise underlying the first two seasons is what made the show great, without that it turned into your standard, boring melodrama.

It's pretty bad imo. Tried and failed to mix comedy and drama

>the urgency and impending demise underlying the first two seasons is what made the show great

those were achieved without the cancer
Seeing the walls close down on Gus as the DEA was closing in on him all while having to deal with a Mexican Drug cartel was done well. I felt the tension Gustavo had in his mind, which is crazy to me how they were able to make someone as composed as him be on edge. Like when he had to make a lie to excuse his fingerprints found in that first chemist's apartment.

You can or cannot use the cancer to have tension. It doesn't become a boring melodrama just because you found the choice to remove Walter's cancer momentarily a bad one. Like the other user said, it was to show how selfish Walter was.

you only say that because he was easy to sympathize with
he did it all for "his family" but he got too greedy and ambitious even when he was making and laundering enough money to sustain himself and his family

>He had absolutely no motivation whatsoever


Also, as dumb as it made him, he had some shitty moral code of honor that kept making him pay the hitmen he hired on Payroll that were in prison when he should have gotten them all killed when it was shown a handful of them close to cracking under the pressure of the police and FBI

I don't know.
The fact that he didn't want to kill them made him more complex from my perspective. He wasn't some monster who just threw his subordinates under the bus on a whim.

The creator tried to make it out like the audience was sexist, but she was just a thoroughly unlikable character they never tried to make sympathetic beyond "she's a victim" and "she do bad things too, she cool now", both executed unconvincingly.

It's not outright stated but suggested she was a reason for Walt cooking. She's not smart, she's not interesting, she's not understanding, she's isn't that good looking. He may have loved her, but I don't believe Walt liked her, and vise versa. Gretchen is the kind of woman he wanted. Walt settled for Skyler, as he settled for less all his life.

4 > 1 > 2 > 5 > 3

Jesse or Gus.
>Gretchen is the kind of woman he wanted
That's an interesting perspective. If I ever decide to watch it all again, I'll keep that in mind.

The writing made character behavior too unrealistic. MC is being by treated by everyone very unfairly.

>still pretty far from a good amount of meme
>and yes dumb bitch does get far worse

I really liked it at the time but I don't think I'll ever be able to rewatch it while I could perfectly see myself rewatch all of Lost in 5 years from now
Take it as you wish my man
But mostly take it easy alright

Tying up Loose Ends. Remember how scared and angry he was after Gale, Mexican friend, and Gus died? Walt had no idea what Mike was capable of. Plus, he had a Grand daughter who couldnt get Mike’s money unless a cooperation deal was made. Purely speculation though


>Season 3

I'm so sorry.
The only worthwhile parts of Breaking Bad are season 1, the beginning of season 2, season 4 and season 5 (even though it is retarded, but hey there's alot of Mike)

I remember the season where Gus dies being a bunch of fucking filler

no way, there was a lot going on in season 4.
>Jesse's developing to being a competent meth cook that can stand on his own
>the DEA trying to fuck Gus' shit up
>Gus backstory
>Cartel episode
>Walter growing more paranoid and eventually kills Gus

Season 4 developed Jesse and Gustavo so well. Oh and Jesse sobers up for the moment

Out of 13 episodes that shit was all peppered in. Cartel episode was good shit though