Should Marvel try to make a bigger difference between Inhumans and Mutants?

They are both just species with random powers. Should Marvel make them more separate in some way?

Either visibly different, or make some major aspect to them outside of getting powers with their pubes or from a giant cloud?

Yes something needs to be done to make them more distinct. I can't answer the question of what should that thing be though. As of now the only thing that separates them is how they get their powers.

The thing is Inhumans have their own gimmick with the royal family stuff, it's just a shitty gimmick that no one cares about. The random superpower stuff is so played out, too, not just in comic books but in movies/TV thanks to Heroes and whatnot. The X-Men are iconic and have that going for them. Inhumans just need a good story (which they'll never get at this rate) not more gimmicky bullshit.

to normies there's just no difference

Well it used to be that they had a insular culture and nation that was unlike anything on Earth with a good mix of positive and negative traits, but they've done their best to completely remove that aspect of the Inhumans.

Attilan's Inhumans used to be highly susceptible to pollution and poisons because they'd lived their entire lives isolated and sheltered in a clean environment

The majority of X-men look like super models, only some of them look like freaks.
So maybe Inhumans should all get physical mutations along with their powers?
(Triton's a green fish, Gorgon's got goat legs, Lockjaw became a dog.)
If their transformation turns all of them into something that looks obviously not human that could play into the name

>The thing is Inhumans have their own gimmick with the royal family stuff, it's just a shitty gimmick that no one cares about.


The Inhumans are hugely different from mutants in the fact that the moment you become one, these assholes show up to go "You're citizens of a monarchy now" and you have to either go along with this obvious bullshit or convince them to fuck off.

And it's the biggest thing holding them back, preventing them from catching on. Their culture and government is terrible and all the characters involved in it are terrible. Nobody LIKES Medusa or Gorgon or any of these assholes, so as long as they're the lead characters, Inhumans will never catch on.

I thought Inhumans have a much higher chance of being mutated into weird monstrosities since they had to selectively breed actual superpowers into the main population.

But random guy from Jersey is not going to have that generations of super special breeding to have an amazing power instead of a slug tail for legs after terregenesis.

Do mutant inhibitor collars work on Inhumans? Can their powers be turned off the same way?

The whole point is that they're almost identical but treated vastly differently.
The leader is a guy with a power so dangerous that it becomes a handicap just to repress it, he's in a 'ship with a redhead who's head is the source of her power, the teleporting one is the most monstrous, another hot chick controls the elements of nature, etc... etc...

Originally the Inhumans were just a cast of extras for a Fantastic Four adventure about discovering a secret civilization of isolationist superhumans.
(and possibly an in-company parody of the X-franchise)

But it's the distinctions that define their different value to writers:
The mutants are freaks born of nature, their bodies and personal distinctiveness are representative of IRL human individuality, often this is compared to race and LGBT themes but individualities come in other forms too. Just the isolating, embarrassing, weird, and often disgusting awkwardness of puberty and private sexual inclinations is comparable to the mutant condition that is born into.
The Inhumans don't have that, instead of their powers being the focus of shame and alienation their completely optional embrace of a distinction from humanity is a point of shared communal and cultural pride. Inhumans are welcomed as they are. That's nothing like what mutants experience.
And society treats these groups differently because of the superficial aspects, just like real life bigotry focuses on details to justify mistreating one person but not another. The comparison only emphasizes the irrationality of intolerance, and that's the point the writers have made recently by involving these two groups in the same stories.


>implying mutants wont be retconed into being inhumans

Didn't that distinction go away when they started having random inhumans living among humans in cities across the globe gain powers when the terregen cloud came along?

It is the same nobody from X city gains a random power and is now a part of some superpowered species.

Didn't Triton used to be a whole lot friendlier?

There's "inhibitor" tech for superpowers in general.
"Psi-blockers" and tech designed to prevent telepathy work regardless of how the telepath got their powers.
Likewise with teleportation blocking devices.
S.H.I.E.L.D. has ammunition that can take away the superpowers of any superpowered person that is vulnerable to a needle's puncture.
There's "power dampener" machines that work on all superheroes with powers.
Even Sentinels have been used against non-mutants before.

The stuff made to react to the mutant gene specifically was a plotpoint in X-books to emphasize the targeting of mutants as a minority, but it's a moot point when "CAPEKILLER" ammo can do the same thing as "the CURE".

Well they have a bit of an overlap.

The MCU treats Nuhumans as mutants and the byproduct of an alien plague, but the royal family seems separated from all of that.

The mutant gene is in the brain, all mutants including physical ones like Beast and Colossus are psychic in some way or at least in how they get their powers. Sinister can take a piece of the brain out and remove powers or add different powers to someone the same way. Mutant powers can be psychically shut off.

Inhumans are individually evolved to have some kind of superpower but at the will of the Terregen based on what will best benefit the Inhuman race.

So you could have Mutants get powers from their brains and Inhumans get their powers from evolving.

They're still treated differently.
The bigoted persecution, abuse, and widespread indifference to such that has defined the mutant experience in comics isn't something Newhumans face.
One issue of X-Men had a Newhuman being targeted for a hatecrime on the assumption that he was a mutant, upon being saved that Newhuman expressed offense that he was being compared to a mutant.
The class distinction is still there.

Since a Sentinel can look right at a mutant and detect them as a mutant, but cannot read Spider-Man means there is something there that can be picked up easily enough.

Mutants give off some kind of super special radiation

>"Their biggest problem is their government!"
>goes on to say how awful the characters are
>is pretty much saying they're all terrible
Gotta love inhumans, they fucking suck and no one likes them apart from the dog.

Well,they can start by deleting the Inhumans

This is just taking the ridiculousness a step too far.

It was already weird when the public was perfectly fine with FF and Avengers roaming around but hated anything with the mutant title for no actual reason.

Now there is an exact copy of them with almost the same origin and the public is taking the time out to categorize the new superpowered people so they know who to hate and who to not.

Would make more sense if the general population is fucking terrified of Attilan so they take that special precaution to not agitate any Inhuman they see at all because the big giant planet conquering flying city ruled by a man-god with a WMD voice is right there above their heads.

Filthy fucking muties have no one, go ahead and throw bricks at those assholes

Not really.

The Sentinels were created by a mutant who
(A) - obviously didn't know he was a mutant
(B) - basically had Forge's "instinctively know how to invent anything" ability.

They have tech that can read a genetic code from a distance and tech that can detect "mutant energies" when powers are used.
But there's no reason to believe these features are based in scientific understandings known to humanity.

I think it is more of a situation where most common people are viewing the Inhumans as handing out free superpowers in some weird gas cloud lottery to normal humans, So they are cool with seeing them around and hope if they play their cards right they get to be superhero Harry Potter and get some amazing godlike powers and go life in the cool flying suture city.

Mutants never helped anyone but themselves so humans view them as some elitist group of assholes that occasionally blow up schools.

Weirdly, it would be so much easier to do the opposite.

Kree discovered the mutant gene planted there by the Celestials and poked at it to try and activate it in humans until they can make superpowered people.

The Fantastic Four are famous for being HUMAN astronauts who gained superpowers.
And even then The Thing is considered a freakish outcast by many.
And The Avengers (lead by famous HUMAN heroes like Cap and Stark) are known as a superhero team of HUMANS.

And INHUMANS are considered a breed of HUMANS who can gain superpowers by the artificial means of terrigenesis. That is to say, they are HUMANS who elect to change their biological status.

*MUTANTS* are defined by their distinction from humanity.
They are an instance of "othering" where some group is denied the recognition of their own personhood by virtue of their difference from what someone considers HUMAN.
You see that happen in real life all the time.


>you've just gotten gassed, you're now legally obliged to follow our Royal shitheads
That's about it, right? It's what I've gathered any way, and what really rubs me wrong about the whole affair. At least with the Mutants, you were going to a school to help you figure things out or joining up with the IRA or whatever. Or just going around by yourself which wasn't such a great idea, probably, but that's just how things go. The whole "you have to join us now" thing seems dumb.

If they wanted that they wouldn't have done every effort to make them the same. They ruined all the differences because they were mad fox owned x-men. I hop marvel keeps fucking it.

Bolivar Trask is a mutant now? Hey, it would explain how an anthropologist was able to build super hi-tech giant robots.

Marvel should try to put the Inhumans into the fucking dirt

With the Terrigen cloud gone now are the only way new Inhumans can appear through Terrigenisis again?

I appreciate the terrible creativite excuse the cloud was to create new Inhumans, but that shits gone now.

>So maybe Inhumans should all get physical mutations along with their powers?
Nah, this is already supposed to be a thing.

Some Inhumans look normal and they're considered lucky, or blessed. There's meant to be like a 75% chance you end up some weirdass monster.

Maybe the best course of action is to kill off all inhumans and delete all their gayass spaceclouds from existance

The real reason they fell so flat is because Marvel lacked anyone with even a sliver of imagination.

I really think they didn't realize that they where turning them into dime store x-men at first.

It simply that the writers can't see that the an extraordinary people interacting with our world gets old fast. Instead it should have been an look into the mysterious world of the Inhumans by having the UN with its history of mistreating Meta's in the marvel universe literally handing over any people changed by the pod and those people having to fit into a society they may hate or despise or see as a new beginning.

Instead we have them literally sit around and do nothing have no conflict of interests because everyone loves them and for some reason the superhero community ignores incredibly their callous actions.

Hey, Karnak is pretty cool. Not that I'm in any way interested in reading anything else he's in now I've finished Ellis's series.

They should stop being babies and get over the fact that Fox holds the rights to make X-Men movies.

There's already a clear difference - mutants are basically right, inhumans are basically wrong.

Well they should reinforce it since the majority of new inhuman characters looks completely humans

Ms. Marvel, Inferno, Iso, Flint, Moongirl, Kid Kaiju, Ulysses, Quake, Reader, Grid, that fake Cyclops cop dude,

That's because they afflicted by a special strain of the inhuman disease. It's called "bad writing."

I agree completely. Karnak is best.

How about the following difference: X-men get to have their stories written and published, Inhumans don't?

>giving a shit about a cheap knock-off only pushed because Marvel's eternally buttfrustrated they're never going to get X-Men movies back

I'm barely into comics and have zero idea what he inhumans are. All I know is that they have powers and live underground.

And Karnak used to be meaner, guess they finally rubbed off on each other.

They actually live on the moon. Anyway:
>Alien robot space gods (Celestials) come to Earth and mess with cavemen
>they turn some into Supermen (Eternals), some into freaks (Deviants), and place an X-gene in others (proto-Mutants)
>millions of years later, some aliens (Kree) who never got visited by cool alien robot space gods find the Eternals/Deviants/Mutants
>"whoa what if we made our own Supermen?"
>so the Kree take other cavemen and try to make Supermen but they half-ass it and the end result is closer to Deviants/Mutants: Inhumans
>then the Kree forgot about them and Inhumans flew to the moon

I think that user confused Bolivar Trask with his son Larry, who was a mutant but didn't know it. His power was to see into the future, though. He just rebuilt the Sentinels from his father's blueprints.

Thought they left the moon a really long time ago, now Attilan is a flying doom city that fucked up the Kree homeworld

They should all get the weird little antenna that Lockjaw and Blackbolt have

Attilan's locations have been

>Atlantic Ocean
>Blue Area of the Moon
>Hala, the Kree Homeworld
>Floating above New York City
>On the border between New York and New Jersey

>Some Inhumans look normal and they're considered lucky, or blessed. There's meant to be like a 75% chance you end up some weirdass monster.

This does not seem to be the case anymore, but it was not explained why

Before only the royal family had good enough genes to actually just get superpowers, and even then half of them were still freaks. Meanwhile everyone else were just mutated in some horrible way like becoming half fish or bird, many just getting a layer of fur but no powers at all.

Now all the random people on Earth are getting amazing superpowers with no physical deformities and it does not really fit what we have seen before. Because that was supposed to be the rarest thing for an Inhuman, to look perfectly human and develop a genuine superpower.

Someone suggested a while ago, what if Mutants were much more closely related to Eternals while Inhumans were more closely related to Deviants. And the Inhuman/Mutant issue was just an extension of the millennia old Eternal/Deviant aggression that never went away. This was all in the programming set by the Celestials to see who would come out on top and dominate the planet in the end.

>Mutant gene is the same eternal seed planted by the Celestials that is coming about slowly through generations
>Inhumans are humans with damaged deviant genes that can be forced to rapidly evolve some weird trait and occasionally develop superpowers

I have to admit one thing that I have felt always distinguished the two was how their power levels as a whole worked across the both species. For Inhumans it always made sense to me that they had powers that were frequently more powerful than mutants as a baseline. What I mean is that all of the Inhumans are closer to each other in terms of power levels which is higher than the average mutant. But mutants have much greater highs and lows. I have always liked that the most powerful character in the MU is a mutant. Or that your mutation can end up being completely debilitating.

That's an interesting theory that seemingly supported by the Skrulls of all people. Despite being Deviant-descended they hate their Mutants and cull them constantly.

I always thought it was the exact opposite

Mutants have an abnormally high number of psychics and energy manipulators while majority of Inhumans were physical, like Triton and Medusa.

Only Crystal and Black Bolt had any impressive powers and they were supposed to be the top of the heap. The bog standard Inhuman rarely even had a power at all, they were just cat, fish, or bird people.

Meanwhile most of the standard X-Men members have a pretty high caliber superpower that rarely shines since they are on a team. And their villains tend to go up from there.

But the Kree do have Eternals, or did have them, there's only one left.

The Kree only made Inhumans so they can get in with the Skrulls and be a super space empire too. Not because they wanted them or had a special use for them.

The inhumans should be left to shrivel back into the corner. Pushing them has been nothing sort of a disaster for everyone including them. Medusa is pure shit now and the rest are boring. Only black bolt might still be cool.

Inhumas are humans that evolved thanks to terrigen.
Fantasti Four were Humans that evolved too.
The Avengers not only have humans that were evolved it also has humans that are just smart.
Mutants are born mutants.
while we can see this abecause of difereces in the real word. the writters needs to stop this shit show. they are unable to present fight between the two in decent way.
Also mutants are too blame too. they have always been full of unstable psychic people. and they love acting like dindu niggas.
there was a time where ororo was pretty much mad at xavier just because. it was a little before rogue joined them.
the amount of times a mutant either a xmen or not. went nuts out of nowhere, or because of serious mental problems is way too many

This is an edit, right? right?

well, when you 7+ billion people on a planet it will not be difficult to find someone who have the genes to acquire the mutant by the t-gen and still look like a human.also it can easily be written of as the royal family is a bunch of asshole liars (which is true) and said that just to rule over the few inhumans of the past.

>The thing is Inhumans have their own gimmick with the royal family stuff, it's just a shitty gimmick that no one cares about.

And now they don't even have that, since the royal family doesn't rule the inhuman anymore

>"wouldn't it be crazy if one os us was an inhuman?"
>clous arrives
>oh no they had mutant genetics
>they die

Well at least I hope that happened

Same reason why Carol Danvers and Roman Reigns aren't working.

Nobody likes being told what to like.

Yeah, it's from "Illuminating comics", kinda like Muh Phoenix but not really as funny. A few jokes word, but as far as popular parodies is concerned, it goes

Early Muh Phoenix > I Don't need Your Civil War > Latter Muh Phoenix > Full-New X-Men > Illuminating comics

>furless Beast
>gray Beast
>blue Beast
>evil Beast
>cat Beast
>thinning hair Beast
>young Beast
Are there more Beasts than Hulks?

If Inhumans realeased a toxic gas cloud that not only killed mutants but also transformed 75% of the humans into would be really hard to paint them as the heroes marvel want

To make them more marketable, marvel striped away everything that makes them different

It used to be canon

Isn't Thanos an Eternal / Deviant?