Your favorite film of all time

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Grown Ups 2, fite me irl


>"We also have a special handshake! It goes like this" *shakes hand* "Hi, how do you do?"

what was the significance of the rotting animal that had the rope around its neck that judas used to hang himself?

Ben Hur

>His blood be on our heads and on the heads of our children!

What did Mel mean by this?

The Quiet Man.

did you know all of jesus's followers were jews too?


>What did Mel mean by this?

Matthew 27:25

Objectively and subjectively Eyes Wide Shut

well you see sometimes the jews who follow a jew aren't really jews themselves

Haven't seen this. Is it worth the watch?

Just YouTube "Jesus scourging", that's basically the movie

Jurassic Park, Spider-Man (2002), Mulan, or Paterson.

That Jews hate Jesus and His mother Mary

Jesus was the original antifa

Evangelion's end


Past tense.

Learn to be intellectually honest

One of the most antisemitic films i have ever seen.

no need, the intellectually honest always lose the debate

He was though
He opposed a government where the martial authority literally derived from the fasces
He preached socialist ideas
He protested against Western Wall Street bankers
He also came from a broken family (his dad was not really his dad)

Jesus never condemned the Roman's, and neither did any of his disciples. It was the temple Jews that were responsible for crucifying Jesus, and Pilate did attempt to free him from any charges since his conflict was primarily with the Jews and not Roman authority, who were ultimately in control of the city, but the Jews instead chose to free Barabbas.


my brain is quite larger than average, so i wouldn't expect any of you capeshits to have even seen this movie.


>He opposed a government where the martial authority literally derived from the fasces

No, he actually didn't, read the fucking bible, dipshit, he never opposes the Roman's or virtually anything that they stood for, he merely opposed how the Pharisee's and temple Jews had warped Jerusalem and the religion.



FYI, Pontius Pilate is sanctified in some sects of Eastern Orthodox Christianity.

There's nothing wrong with worshiping David Bowie

So should the jews who condemned him, after all, Jesus dying was part of His plan

too lazy to post pics but everytime I hear that question Contact and Gladiator come to mind...

Yes, it's a great film, the cinematography, directing, atmosphere, is aesthetic af. A perfect anti-Hollywood film.