Does it bother you that Blade Runner 2049 flopped? Interlinked

>Does it bother you that Blade Runner 2049 flopped? Interlinked.

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>Dreadfully distinct

Not at all, deserved it.

no, I'm just glad it got made


It's a good a thing, smaller of getting ruined by a sequel.

Was a great film desu. Technology has changed too much for the aesthetics of the first film to properly translate, but it terms of atmosphere it still managed something worthwhile (if different). K's character and arc were also way better than I was expecting.

Most people never saw the original or didn't really like it, so no one really knew what it was about. It will get a boost when it wins a few oscars however

The original is heaps above this fanfic-tier sequal, so no.
>replicants giving birth is a "miracle" for some reason
>"soul" somehow being relevant to the discussion of replicant freedom
>the value of life and concept of humanity as brought up in the original has been taken over by contrived notions and activist movements like "the replicant freedom movement"

i dont think ive seen a person miss the key themes of br2049 as hard as you did

I liked that they made the tech unique and not just the same boring sleek white futurism design or looking horribly dated like Alien.

Sequels would have killed it. Now nothing will alter it’s perfection. Have to buy the DVD before sjws have it banned as a “white male power fantasy”

>taking the bait

Bitch you think SOULS aren't gonna get mentioned in an AI vs Human debate you silly idiot?

No, why would it? I get a good movie that I wouldn't want a sequel to anyway.

>Do you ever get mad about Disney's ownership of Star Wars? Cells.

>I was only pretending to be retarded!

It's not that bad, I'm sure Villeneuve had no intention of doing a sequel anyway, and maybe now they'll leave it alone unlike Sicario.

You're way off baseline.

Very good film. Anyone on Sup Forums who would state otherwise can only bring up the reddit boogieman.


Nah, third act shoving in the “resistance” or whatever the fuck was lame as shit though. Instead they should have had some scene where K sees some document, or painting and just had a realization and gets the same message. I loved the film though and think it deserves a lot more praise than it got.

What do I care? It's WB's money, not mine. Within cells interlinked.

good movie, bad sequel

It doesn't bother me because I don't want to see another Blade Runner movie even though I liked 2049

What are the "key themes"? It is completely irrelevant that Deckard has a daughter, it's a just-because scenario that has no effect on replicant humanity nor their right to freedom.

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Brainlet here, what does cells and interlinked mean? when he does the test, all he does is repeating, help me understand

>K sees some document, or painting and just had a realization and gets the same message.
How would that work? The resistance thing was there so that his hopes and dreams could be destroyed when he learned about not being the kid and then he is immediately offered a chance to be special and a hero to this repilcant resistance. Rejecting that request from the resistance to just bring together Deckard and the daughter is part of his character arc.


It is literally just proof that I really am better than other people.



the daughter could be from any replicant/ replicant-human couple, youre right, it doesnt matter who they were specifically. but since deckard and rachel were the ones that ran off at the end of the last movie, and since deckard is a bladerunner, its reasonable they were the only ones to evade bladerunners hunting them, whereas other possible couple candidates (if there even were any) got killed off

also its a sequel that ties in well with the predecessor

That pic is so goddamned true.

It's a poem in a book called Pale Fire, by Vladimir Nabokov, the same book that Joi asks him to read in the first scene in his apartment.
The book has a very complex structure and several interrelated themes. The scene in BR49 is him being tested to make sure that his emotions don't fall too far outside of factory settings. In the first movie they had to test replicants to see if they felt emotion like normal humans, which was the purpose of the Voigt-Kampf test. In this film, Replicants are known to be Replicants already most of the time, and this is a way of controlling them: if they fall too far off their baseline, they're punished.

Remember how in Blade Runner 1 the voight kampf test would ask human questions to suspects and judge whether or not they could answer them like humans?
Same thing with this test, only with a different goal.
2049's test is trying to see if a confirmed replicant is breaking its protocol by having human emotions. The words they have to repeat show that they aren't giving a shit about the personal questions being thrown at them.

They're snippets of a quote from a book called Pale Fire.

>Cells interlinked within cells interlinked. Within one stem. And dreadfully distinct. Against the dark, a tall white fountain played.

The point of the test is to read his nonverbal/verbal reactions to upsetting stimuli to see if his emotions are being kept in check.

>ties in well
not at all

thx, is the book worth reading? for a brainlet that is

I haven't finished it but if you liked the scene then you should at least read that section of the poem.

>This movie was made for no one. Cells.

>The mainstream thinks it's boring and the cult audience thinks it's a cashgrab. Interlinked.

No because at least now they studio won't think it needs a sequel, Interlinked.

is the entire book a poem?
did the writer write it in Russian? how do you translate a poem while retaining its structural and literal beauty? seems hard asf

Wow what a waste of dubs! Sad!

>is the entire book a poem?
No, most of it is fiction in the form of commentary by a fictional scholar about the fictional writer of the fictional poem.
>did the writer write it in Russian?
Not that I know of.

He sees big JOI, part of his ego is shattered because he already sees that she only loved him in her programming. He goes to return home all beat up and shit. He has a letter sitting on his table, he reads it we see the last line “I’m sorry you never got to really live, but then again, who does? ~Gaff” K does the Gosling stare, and then scene cut to the table with the copy of Pale Fire, the wooden horse, and the letter folded up into origami. K is ready to really live.

>No, most of it is fiction in the form of commentary by a fictional scholar about the fictional writer of the fictional poem.
I almost never see this format, but I fucking love it whenever it happens.

>The Last Jedi is beloved by all and made $1.4 Billion

>Meanwhile Blade Runner 2049 only made $20.49

Does Deckard's dog only drink whiskey?

how does it tie in poorly? what issue do you have with it?

>Does it bother you that Blade Runner 2049 flopped? Interlinked.

Nope, now it won't be ruined with 5 more sequels, each one more political than the last.

You're cute
If Scott wants his prequel and a sequel it will happen

The only point of the resistance was for K to realize two things: he isn't the child, and that his desire to be human has made him vulnerable to manipulation (Joi to please him as a consumer, the replicants to get him to die on their behalf).

Scott is too busy plant cp on Hampton Fancher's and Harrison Ford's computer so he has a justification to reshoot the Blade Runner BTS footage without them saying the replicant theory is bullshit.

Yeah, instead now in my theoretical change, he realizes he isn’t the kid, but that doesn’t matter, life is what you make it an he can make a change and not fall into the plans of Wallace, and live his own life.

Do you wish to have a gf to cuddle on this cold night? Interlinked.

InterOh Christ yes. Yes I would.

I don't like being touched so no.


I don't know. Not autism though, testing came up negative and I don't particularly care for anime.

Does it bother you that you didn't get septs?

Why aren't you achieving your dreams?

Schizoid is a pretty low tier disorder that's basically a (((psychology))) definition for reclusiveness. Schizoids don't really like being touched either.
Not autism, just a general disinterest of dealing with other people on a personal level.


>Does it bother you that Blade Runner 2049 flopped? Interlinked.

Not really, I enjoyed it but it had a lot of flaws.

cells interlinked


Are you just in love with the idea of being in love? Interlinked.

You spend another night shit posting on an image board. cells.

Ayyy cells

What were its flaws in your opinion?


>"...because you've never seen a mirror, K"
What's in the mirrors?
How did he know his name?


Who else shit their pants regularly while watching this movie in theaters because of how loud and sudden some shit was? Like the tripmine scene in Deckard's hideout? Or when K had his autism fit in the memory maker's room, nobody told me Blade Runner 2049 was supposed to be a horror movie. Could have just been my hoopty-ass local theater though.

This film boosted my iq.

fake news

It was planned beforehand for both to encounter. Also big guy was told tp lose the fight and be put down. Did you even watch the movie?

>Meanwhile Blade Runner 2049 only made $20.49
Made me laugh out loud.

When you're not shitposting, do they keep you in a little box? What's in the box anyway? What's in the boooox? Cells.

It's better that it flopped imo, I think it erases the credibility of a film being good or worthy of it is successful financially. I know it's dumb but that's how it is

Original flopped too

But what's the deal with the mirrors?

>Proof Joi had become sapiant, or is at her base code.

That cunty exchange she has with the prostitute in the morning. No man wants to hear about who his girlfriend totally can't stand and is such a huge bitch. I tune it out.

Do you long to feel the touch of (You)s? Cells.

I'd be Harrison Ford's boypet if he fed me whiskey only

The only thing that really bothered me was that the hologram was way technically advanced than anything else.

How does it feel knowing Goose himself came up with the baseline test? Cells.

it was dumb concept

they can digitize memories, I'm sure they can compute projecting an image onto the atmospheric particles and moisture. We can do holograms now they just look like ass.

No, if it was successful we'do be getting shifty yearly sequels by less talented people designed to do nothing more than squeez a bit of extra cocaine money out of the goodwill from 2049. It's better this way.

It reminds me of Rutger Hauer's addition in the first movie

I don't think anyone questions that Joi loved K. The question is did she love him because she chose to, or because she was programmed to? If the former, she's sentient. If the latter, she's just a remarkably well-programmed facsimile of life.

Can these holograms also interact with environment and light cigarettes? Understand in what sort of evnironment are they in? Call hookers and know when to tell them to leave?

Not really considering the first movie flopped too.

It bothers me more that Sup Forums had to ruin it by calling it reddit: the movie. you fuckers just can't enjoy things


No. It gives it some natural shielding from Sup Forums contrarians and prevents some hack from making a second sequel.


Ah good old Zapper Morton.

>*Fartcan engine noise*

>Interlinked with incels
No wonder this movie is so popular here