Films shows for lsd

what are some good things to watch on acid? here are some things i have enjoyed while tripping

dark side of the rainbow
the wall
yellow submarine
grandmas boy
fear and loathing in las vegas
interstellar 5555
speed racer
the wolf of wall street
across the universe

Other urls found in this thread:

don't watch tv, go into nature

no nature near me.

easy rider


>Posts 11 normie-lsd tier films, kys and kill me to plz
Good films for acid are not the ones that show up on whatever buzzfeed article you read when you searched "trippy movies" in Google

these seem interesting

these were all just movies i had seen before and expected the lsd to amplify the audio and visuals. ive never watched something while tripping that i havent previously seen.

recommend me something spectacular then good sir.

*nods respectfully towards you*

The Neon Demon

Enter the Void
Or, even better, Irreversible heh

apocalypse now

t. never watched movies on acid

Anyone can watch whatever like like obviously, if you're taking acid and watching films I guess the point is to have a good time. But to suggest something, I would go with: Samsara, Waking Life, The Prestige, K-Pax, Apocalypto, Rubber, Gritos en el Pasillo, Brazil, any Monty Python. Hope I helped and have a nice trip user!

That's cruel, user

If I saw that OP image the day I tried LSD, I would've had a heart attack, no joke. It was a crazy ride, I always thought drugs were a meme, but it felt like I was ina lucid dream/nightmare state.

Forgot to add that at one point Spy Kids 3 was on TV and that movie was crazy under the effect of LSD.

The Lion King.


The Holy Mountain

I was tripping the first time I watched Arrival. The visuals and sounds were amazing, and the film had an intense emotional impact on me.
Usually I just listen to/play music when I trip, but movies are nice during the comedown