Just started watching Star Trek Discovery

Just started watching Star Trek Discovery.

What am I in for after seeing all of Star Trek to this point?

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bad acting, predictable plots, mediocrity, not-Star Trek, cringe.

>bad acting
definitely this, although it'll take a few episodes to truly appreciate how bad the acting is.

>bad acting
>not-Star Trek

pic one.

Some of the aesthetics and names for things will be familiar. The first few episodes are alienating to the core fanbase but by now we all know to expect the entire first season of any new trek to be sub-par until the show hits its stride.

The newer mirror universe episodes are making me think DIS might turn out okay after a few seasons if it doesn't get canned early like ENT.

My biggest gripe isn't the "diversity casting" or "sjw themes" that everyone on this board complains about (which are par for the course in any ST iteration); I just fundamentally dislike a trek show being based around one main character, and such a cringey, poorly written and poorly acted one at that.

>pic related, I hope a spess shit monster tasha yars the fuck out of michael burnham this season

yar quit the show because she thought she could get better roles, she got what she deserved.

same goes for wil wheaton.

>Star Trek post-Roddenberry-death
It’s shit

I feel every new iteration of Star Trek should be vastly different and new. This isn't Dr. Who. This is Sci-Fi flagship. It's the gold standard that started the conventions and fanboys as we know it.

All these "true fans" come out to denounce something after paying it lip service. True fans would rather poor content than no content.

>"true fan"
Tell me more about how great the past was grandpa.

It was pretty great.

tng literally only got good once gene got kicked upstairs. Same for the tos movies

I don't give a fuck, it can't be worse than the first half of DS9. I'd rather watch the first movie over again than watch that failed approach to Star Trek. It's not even the idea was bad, Babylon 5 did fine, it's just the lack of ingenuity. I am on Episode 2 of discovery, and see more that I like than Cisco's first season alone.

>seen all of trek
>watched first few episodes of std
>dropped because it was boring and michael is awful
it started to pick up around episode 5 though. i figure i'll wait a year and watch all of whatever is out by then, i'll be shocked if it's actually horrible. no trek has a good first season.

THANK YOU, this guy knows what I am talking about. Gene was the only thing holding it back. TOS was the original SJW anyways.

>first half of ds9 is bad
pleb red alert

I really think partway through the first season is too early to have a multi-episode arc of alternate universe stuff and characters.

The characters are barely established, how is seeing alternate versions of them special?

they're trying to attract viewers. tv shows nowadays are akin to clickbait. i'm surprised the borg haven't shown up yet desu

>Q was episode one of TNG

I feel like shitting on early DS9 has become a meme at this point. It had a ropey few seasons with some pretty strange ideas (everything involving Jake) but it also had some golden episodes that people overlook.

The episode with the fake Cardassian war criminal was some high-level sci-fi then there is the alien pray species and gamma quadrant shenanigans with Quark and Nagas trying to meet the Dominion.

nobody knew who Q was you retard

Absolute shit.

I grew up watching it before DS9 came out, it's the only Trek that had to be changed to fundamentally mid way through. You can call me a pleb, but look at what you're talking about. The show looks like it was from the 80's more than the Trek from the 80's

I blame DS9 for giving Star Trek such a terrible name.

>at this point
No offense, just curious, but how new are you?

Fucking hell look at this dude thinking he has good taste.

Think? I know I do. Third episode of Discovery, still think it's good, when does it get bad?

Everyone one else I've shown Star Trek agrees. I figure it's a bunch of fags that were raised on DS9 that nostalgia google that shit.

Ah, I see what you're doing.

This is probably one of the most retarded opinions I have ever read on Sup Forums.

It's pretty bad. I still watch it because it's star trek.

You'll see the evolution of Star Trek, right from the pilot. Never before have we seen strong women in strong positions, nor have we ever seen such a diverse cast with all races and body types being represented.

The sets and costumes are a welcome progression from the tired and boring designs that plagued the older series, and there's even political commentary that feels very 2017.

Michael Burnham is a very complex character, so much so that you'll be begging for more emphasis and attention to be put on her in episodes to come.

Star Trek History and Lore is not only respected, but improved in this version of Star Trek. 'Disco' is without a doubt the answer to the cultural problems of previous series not being progressive enough.

Make sure to pay attention though...criticism of this series usually comes from people who are not intelligent enough to accept this bright and optimistic future, which I'm sure we all wish we could experience now. In fact, that's yet another aspect of older Trek series that this one improves upon; from the very first minute, you wish that you could be a part of this crew too, interacting with these characters and being part of their community. You will want them all to be your friends, in other words.

Shall I go on?

>I can not want.
>I am an android.

Naw, that's what I was looking for. I am on episode 4, it's different but the same. I think the orville shows how it could be done wrong.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

Most of this is unironically true.

core fanbase here, I don't find anything alienating.

*puts on james horner

The Shat surely was not a bad actor in TOS.
Star Trek always had horrible acting, and that doesn't make the franchise bad, deal with it.

Oi, I like The Motion Picture.
"A Gene Roddenberry production. A Robert Wise film."
Though I have to admit, the Director's Edition is better. Why did the idiots at Paramount master the new scenes in SD?

>Someone in this thread is trying to argue that ds9 was bad

If you wanna say the first 2 seasons are bad sure every trek sucks ass the first 2. But ds9 is easily the 2nd best trek and you have to be a fucking mongoloid to disagree

imagine joss whedon was hired to make a j.j. abrams nu-trek.. this is what you get

Is this a copypasta? Seems like a lot of effort for a Sup Forums shitpost.

It was hammy sure, but I'm not sure I would call it "bad"

Shat hamming it up is what made TOS what it is today. Rather watch a bad episode with hammy acting rather than a safe uninteresting episode.

I like TMP too. The unbridled optimism of TOS bleeds through it. It also has the least awkward conversations in its film run. It is a proof of concept that Trek is not limited to two people talking to each other on a screen or people just standing by the background then abruptly exit.

Are fans mostly split on Discovery or do they basically all hate it?
I know it has pretty good critic scores, but if SW is anything to go by, you know that means little.

I don't hate it but I don't love it. Somewhere in the middle.

I'm finding these Mirror Universe episodes quite entertaining.

I gotta be honest here.. Will did nothing wrong. He had the same ticket Jake Lloyd had: They wrote him a shitty fucking role, with shitty fucking dialog. I mean even Picard was pretty bad Season 1&2.
Wheaton was just some kid doing a pretty alright job. It was Roddenberry and the writers who decided they needed a boy-wonder that is one the same level as La Forge and creates fucking tractor beams for fun in his spare time.
The actors in both cases have zero to do with the quality of their lines or their shows in general, but because we love the franchises so much, rather than just saying "boy that new version kinda sucks in some places" we blame the actor for "ruining it", like they just wnadered onto set, improvised the scene and then fucked off again.

Nah, if you wanna hate W.W. hate him for recent shit he decided to say and do himself. Not for crap roles he had to play as a teen-actor.

Supposedly they wrote him out of the show for being a whiney faggot about having to stick around pointlessly in episodes he didn't appear.

It wouldn't surprise me if they deliberately made him annoying to make this easier.

One of the reasons shatner acted like that was because he was trained as a Shakespearean stage actor, where often the audience would sit far, far away from the action. At such distances you can do a subtle movement with your eyes, or a slight turn of the head, you can't silently whisper your line, your movements have to be big, and your words have to be loud.
If you watch ToS and imagine it as a play instead of a TV-show, it makes a lot more sense.

From what I heard it went like this:
>WW: I have this movie in paris to be shot over the pause, filming would go into the first episode of the new season, can you write me out of that, I don't really do anything anyway?
>StarTrekBigDogs: What? NO! The whole episode is all around your character! You can't do this now! This whole episode is about you!
>WW: Ah, That sucks, but I'm gonna do the right thing and come do the episode and pass on the movie role I have bagged then.
>STBD: Haha we wrote you out anyway, fuck you and your movies.
>WW: Fuck this and fuck you.
And so he left. Honestly? I can hardly blame him for this one. Imagine passing on such a big thing for them only for them to pull some Gestapo shit, and remove you from the episode anyway to send a message of "you better fall in line kid".

Like I said, there's plenty of reason to hate on modern WW, but with ST he literally did nothing wrong.

Yeah amazing CGI is what Star Trek was always known and beloved for.

You can just say "Rick Berman".

yeah I know just think about how successful tasha was what a fool for not quitting.

A Star Trek show made by women that have never watched Star Trek.

I mean Tasha left because she was a spoiled brat that couldn't stand the idea of job security and didn't want to salute picard for 6 years. (to be fair, at the start fucking nobody took it seriously, famously Patrick Stewart never even unpacked his bags, so to speak, because he thought this thing would be death before Season 1 finished airing)
WW on the other hand actually HAD a film role in the bag that he could have done but had to ultimately decline because they told him he is needed only to have him written out anyway because it gives some fuckhead a power-boner to make people his bitches.

I probably would have left too, (in WW case, not in Tashas)

what season and movie was it?

It was about the start of Season 4 and the movie was: imdb.com/title/tt0098575/
if I recall correctly. Working with Milos Foreman would have been a big deal (One flew over the cuckoo's nest, hair and Amadeus came all before that point). The man was pretty much a legend at that part.
I'd imagine now it would be like getting a call from Quentin Tarantino and saying: "Nah sorry, I have to film a side-role for "The Big Bang Theory" at that date."

I guess that makes sense. I was expecting season 1 or 2 though.

>every stupidly obvious theory has happened

So Lorka is from the mirror universe. What else is going to happen?

Mild brain damage.