What are some soyboy repellent movies?

What are some soyboy repellent movies?

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>right wing conservative type movies

Go right ahead and tell me. I always thought movies were intelligent.




Road House
I've been trying to meme this movie for years on Sup Forums


Weak bait dude :/


Sam Peckinpah films

Harley Davidson & The Marlboro Man
Stone Cold
13 Hours

Days of Thunder


mexican making fun of other races.


>reddit spacing
>immediately assume soyboy is referring to leftists
you really must go back

Well pretty much any film that appeared in the United States before the 1960s before the erosion of the Production Code.

The ironic part is most of the movies will be homo erotic posted here :3

No country for old man
Once upon a time in the west
Mad Max Fury Road

I never understood that reddit spacing thing, the greentext only started during the reddit era of Sup Forums, before reddit no one used greentext, newfag.

>toxic masculinity amirite?

Death Wish
D. W. Griffith
Leni Riefenstahl

Lethal Weapon

Naw, more just shitty acting. It's easy to make any guy look macho, hard to make them a good actor.

Every action movie wants to be Predator, but fails horribly. Just look at Predator 2.

Die Hard



or any Mel Gibson film

First Blood

Remember, Kurt is the REAL /ourguy/, only newfags rather the Blade Reddit guy.

>80s meme action movies being posted
That shit is pure soy

Captain Ron

it's to spot redditors like yourself. You don't deserve those quads


is this image real? can someone tell me if these are actually good?


This. 0% acting, 0% charisma, 100% neanderthal jaw. And nostalgia googles.

Blade Kino xD

>Private, we are going to frag that fucking cocksucker lieutenant tonight, and if you try to stop us, you bet we're fucking you up too.

I think this movie repels anyone who isn't a complete psychopath.

The Terminator

Blade Runner 2049

Totall Recall

Once Were Warriors
is quintessential high testcore kino



Films that both attract and repel soyboys part 1

I've been on Sup Forums since before your green text bullshit, those stories is what brought the normies here anyways.

Films that both attract and repel soyboys part 2

His kino library

Was just about to post Death Wish.

>soyboy repellent


Pretty good heuristic since you seem to not like his movies.

the passion of Christ

>being this oblivious

Clint Eastwood Dollars trilogy

John Ford films

foo/tv/oyeurs is fucking hilarious. Shoulda came around here 5 or 6 years ago when I was /tg/ only.

Drive is repellent Kino

innocence, 4th on top row(don't deliver us from evil), and lolita are the only ones i've seen and they're good

They are both Straight Outta Disney

"Intolerance" (1916)


I was surprised by how apologetically racist that movie was when I watched it again. Felt like a breath of fresh air to watch something so trashy and crass with how safe everyone tries to play comedy these days.

>Kurt was walking in the streets of St. Louis at night, heading towards set, in full costume as snake
>eyepatch, gun, everything
>he rounds a corner and runs into three rough looking guys in an alley
>they take one look at him and start backing up, saying, "take it easy man"

Clockwork Orange (past a certain age)

You probably wouldn't have liked it. There's a reason why you and all the other redditers only heard about Sup Forums after 2013 when bane took off

Whoops, meant un-apologetically.