What kind of ending was that?

What kind of ending was that?

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What do you mean? Nick went to a better place.

I understood that. I just didn't particularly like how Rob got caught.

After all the shit he did, his arrest was inevitable. At least his brother is in a safe, happy space and not in jail.

The part with Nick in the group therapy session at the end made me tear up :'(

this is the first movie in a long time that actually made me feel invested and immersed. the ending scene paralysed me.

A kino one.

who the hell keeps acid in a sprite bottle?

Drug addicts/dealers.

he had a Good Time

The ending is suposse to show how the life of Nick slowly gets better without the bad influence that his brother was.

I liked it, it was realistic. All the shit he was up to, and he gets busted because some neighbor called the cops from a disturbance next door.

He was a wanted man, after all.

The movie showed it's chops when I was crying sixty seconds in.

I dunno I just don't like retards being mistreated and seeing Nick angry and confused at his appointment made me feel.

Actually, I disagree. He's clearly in his grandmothers' care, and by his own admission she threw things at him and doesn't know how to take care of him. His brother was just trying to make a better life for him, which isn't easy with no job and a full grown retard to take care of.

a good one

same camp here my man


Based Ray

>and we can pet the crocodiles


dude was a fucking retard. got what he deserved. typical dumb fuck wog

I know, but the way he told the story was so fucking intense.

It's called a movie you idiot. Of course it was intense.

alright nigger

The only thing that bothered me about this movie:

Connie has been taking care of Nick his entire life, and he's a lot smaller than him, I bet he's had to deal with his physical size a lot. But he can't tell the difference between him and a scrawny drug dealer? He lifted his body in the hospital and back at the house.

Turns out Connie was the real retard in the movie

he was fucking high

At which point did you think he was a smart man? At which fucking point?

reeeee connie is pure you fucking faggot gtfo

?? did you think he was dumb? he outsmarts absolutely everyone he meets, cops, hospital staff, black people, security guards, and he's constantly working from his heels

connie is supposed to be a disenfranchised genius down on his luck

Jesus, shut up faggot.

yeah i wasn't sure if it was really good acting or a real place with real retarded people


a real one

Has anyone heard of this coming out? Are there any... big... names attached?

I didn't see him as necessarily being hyper intelligent, more of an incredibly charming/manipulative con-man.




tfw no negress cunny gf

I know that feel, bro

Source on the gif? Is this scene in the film?

The real question is at the end did he end up drinking some of the acid before he got arrested? I think he did and the long shot of him in the back of the cop car with dilated eyes was to imply that.

I genuinely can't recall if that scene was in the movie.