How the fuck is Mel's jewdar so off the chart? It's like superpower, it's scary.
How the fuck is Mel's jewdar so off the chart? It's like superpower, it's scary
Where was the dog fight?
I like dog fights.
If the person is in Hollywood or the media and not black or Asian, there's a 95% they're a Jew.
do people really have difficulty telling if someone is jewish?
it gets harder if you live around germany or poland, many white people also have those big noses
Plus they all have names that end in -stein or -ski
I didn't know to start looking until someone pointed out to me, all these little Jewish schemes I mean. Things used to just piss me off about the world and I didn't know why, I didn't see the connection.
it’s freakin genetic man, even “conservative” jews in media are first to promote race mixing/open borders.
Gonna need a rundown you nigger faggots
Mel called Winona Rider an oven dodger.
ski is Polish you retard
Poles are pretty much Jews
What the fuck is this board's problem if a person is jewish or not? Why does it matter? This didn't happen pre2016, what the fuck is with the antisemitism in this board?
It becomes pretty obvious after a while.
>This didn't happen pre2016, what the fuck is with the antisemitism in this board?
>"I've only started coming here a few months ago is it obvious"
Here's your complimentary (You)
>t. >
Poland has one of the highest concentration of Jews in the world next to Israel, Russia and Lithuania.
this interview was literally this comic, just replace names as needed
yes because I genuinely have no idea what jews look like, we don't get them at all where I live
I live in Europe so never really encounter Jewish people. Why are they so hated in America?
Get to studying their features.
Unironically because they're successful.
Sup Forums isn't reality eurofriend
have you seen how lazy nigs blame everything on white people because supposedly they keep them down?
Well it's analogous for white trash and failed white folks who can't own up to their short comings, they just blame "the jooz" when in reality they have nothing to do with their problems.
Succesful black people get along with/like white people, succesful white people get along with/like jewsish people
You know all the cancer ideas and retardation that we europeans hate and that comes from America? The jews are actually behind it
Why indeed
you really want to believe that white people started hating themselves on their own?
why are they protesting with a picture of saruman?
>This didn't happen pre2016
what the fuck are you on about, newfag
because they identify with orcs more than humans
>What the fuck is your problem if a person is an antisemite or not? Why does it matter? This didn't happen pre2016, what the fuck is with the pro-semitism in this board?
>because they identify with orcs more than humans
once you woke you always woke
jews run hollywood
jews are all over american entertainment media
basically, we blame jews for tv and film getting less daring and more lame
this, simple jealousy. the jews migrated to the US were bankers and the ones clever enough to escape nazi germany. they also have strong traditions and shit out 10 babies on average.
a lot of the euromutts that came here were farmers or irish indentured servants and over the generations haven't succeeded as well as say jews in new york. I say this as a euromutt myself.
Same reason they're hated literally everywhere else on Earth.
The newest of newfags then.