Time for a good old fashioned prequel memes thread.
Time for a good old fashioned prequel memes thread
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Was he basically Sulla
Did any foreignons watch Ep3 dubbed in their own language?
The Italian one is the best.
No, he's Augustus. Sulla wanted to restore the Roman Republic, Augustus was the one who declared himself emperor.
È tradimento allora...
what a beautiful trans lady
Sulla fits better if you think about the Marians as the jedi
It sounds so cold blooded. Sheevano Palpatinio is best sheev
Augustus never declared himself emperor. Only ever Princeps.
Videos like this are why I don't wear headphones anymore.
>When you're trying to talk ethics but your robot friend is really into numerical methods
best boy
haha i love /r/prequelmemes
epic thread guys keep it up
i wouldnt mind being double penetrated by them desu
>thread literally consists of posting content straight from reddit
Jesus christ
>"I could save you, of course. Return you from the brink, as you did Venamis. I could retask your body to repair the damage already done to your lungs, your hearts, your aged brain. But I'll do no such thing. The idea here is not to drag you back at the last moment, but to bring you to death's door and shove you through to the other side."
latino sheev sounds like a colombian drug lord
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuug bro
All this and they didn't even mention what he was preparing the galaxy for
Fake nerds get out
The goddamned Vong. I wonder if there's an alternate timeline where the good guys win the Galactic Civil War.
Heartily keked.
It's even more soapy.
How come Sheev looks older in aotc than in rots?
What do bros?
Sheev is a stupid name.
activate ray shields on this nigga's ass
>people who enjoy The Room and know its bad will laugh when others also enjoy the badness of the movie
>people who enjoy Lawrence of Arabia understandably are peeved when people don't appreciate it as a film
This makes no sense because the prequel trilogy is the Lawrence of Arabia of sci-fi and you know what I'm not even going to play dumb. Fuck you.
the german one sounds terrible, which is ironic since it should be the easiest one to sync.
"C'est moi le Senate" is awesome tho
>comparing the sequels to lawrence of arabia
Okay you just crossed the line bud
Man, fucking crazy how Sup Forums used to be the big Sup Forums thing.
[that is a fan-dub in case you didn't realize]
italy is known for having great voice actors, which is a blessing and a curse at the same time, since most people are not used to watch the original dub.
The dark side is the pathway to many abilities some consider to be... Unnatural
Oh yeah? Show me an Italian anime with a great dub.
good voice actors =/= good translations, if that's what you're trying to say.
The Italian Mace Windu was like music but the French Palpatine was better
I can't speak Italian anyway, I just want to hear the good voice actors.
well, I'm not a big expert on anime (aside from the normie ones like DBZ), but a great example of god-tier italian voice acting is the Simpsons dub. The voice actor who did Homer (Tonino Accolla) was great and in my opinion fit the carachter as well as Castellaneta. When he passed away and they changed the voice actor the series pretty much died. I also have a soft spot for Saint Seya because the characters all talk like they're straight out of a greek tragedy or a Roman senate meeting, I don't know if it's like that in the original too.
I like the Hungarian version because it fixes Hayden's emotionless delivery, and makes some of the dialogue sound better.
We should select the best dub VA for each character and create a mega-dub.
I see, that's pretty interesting. It's also interesting that you consider Saint Seiya a normie anime because that series is basically unknown to Americans. From what I've heard Italy got a lot more anime on TV than America did, especially old mecha anime. I'll look into that.
Frenchfag here, we had extremely good dubbing during all the saga (haven't seen the new ones dubbed though).
how does force lightning even work. is it just magic lightning or do they use the force to replicate the conditions for lightning, like creating friction in the air and building up enough static until it shoots out in bolts.
cause if its that, then it would be easier to make force fire. you could pull the water from the air for force water gun. fuck, you could move the air around the water to super cool it and toss out force ice shards. force elemental masters need to be a thing
its not actually lightning, if it was then you wouldn't be able to "clash" with other lightning
its just some sort of pain sparkles
usually in France Sam Jackson is dubbed by another guy
Force lightning was a purely offensive, energy-based attack that channeled Force energy down the user's limbs, hurling arcing bolts of electricity from the wielder's fingertips or palms; Force lightning could be executed with either one or two hands. Powerful discharges would branch out into dozens of smaller forks; thus, skilled practitioners could target several foes at once.
Due to the fact that Force lightning was, at its core, simply electricity generated by the dark side, it could be grounded with any material that was resistant to electrical currents.Depending on the level of intensity, Force lightning could ground itself on an ignited lightsaber, with no apparent ill effect on the lightsaber's operation. However, some of the technique's most exceptionally powerful practitioners, were capable of producing blasts that contained enough kinetic energy to tear an ignited lightsaber from their opponent's grasp. Powerful light-siders were sometimes able to resist the attack, or even block the lightning completely. Mace Windu, with his lightsaber combat form Vaapad, could reflect the lightning back to its source with a "superconducting loop". It required tremendous effort on the reflector's part, however, as seen in Windu's battle with Palpatine; Windu was seemingly able to overcome Sidious's lightning. Obi-Wan Kenobi was also able to deflect Count Dooku's lightning, with his lightsaber, without exerting much effort as well.
Force lightning required a living conduit for the energy to be channeled; thus Darth Vader, despite being an immensely powerful Sith Lord, was never able to properly employ this ability, as any attempt to generate it carried the risk of shorting out his life support systems. In addition, Vader's life support systems were not well insulated, and the system's delicate circuitry was vulnerable to the damaging effects of Force lightning. This vulnerability would eventually contribute to his death.
Dude, you just validated my nagging interest in rewatching the Prequels after 10+ years.
How many of these bullet points are hyperbole?
Just watch this.
Well Anakin wasn't only "just an apostate to the Jedi Order", he literally killed dozens of children. But the other points are pretty much correct.
Oh yeah and I forgot to mention :
In OT :
Luke is dubbed by the guys who does Nicholas Cage
Vader in the first one has the same voice that the doctor in The Thing
In PT :
Anakin has the voice of Chris Pine,
Obi-Wan has the voice of McConnaughey, Depp, Walhberg, early Joaquin Phoenix
Mace Windu has Wesley Snipes
Is it just me, or is the German dub better?
mazon, UPS, FedEX, Alphabet, Alibaba, Lockheed, Alstrom, Black Water and the top cargo shiping companies merge into one big supercorporation
The UN fears it so they make all nations put taxes on the sea and air travel
The company retaliates by blockading Hawaii
Who would be the jedi sent to force a settlement?
I usually like Deutsch but I think it could've been better here
Since they're shooting it out of their bodies, it is obvious that they weaponised their own bioelectricity.
do you think its possible to weaponize their own piss?
You don't think anakin would have returned to Tatooine to drown it in so much piss it looked like a yellow Kamino if the sith could weaponise urine?
>no Castilian Spanish
what if thats what he and sheev focused on discovering after giving up on extending life since padme died?
Why did the lukrehulk never make a comeback?
It doesn't work. Return of the Jedi was a movie made for kids where a young orphan boy uses a magic laser sword to defeat an evil wizard.
yes, Italy (and also France iirc) had its first exposure to anime with stuff like Mazinga, Daitarn and Lupin III. Most kids born from the 80s onwards grew up with Saint Seya, Captain Tsubasa, and DBZ.
Jesus that change when he says he is the senate.
They appeared on the space of geonosis and the battle of coruscant, the separatist base on mustafar is also a lukrehulk core