Needs knights of cup replaced with guardians of the galaxy 2.
>prequels and not the OT
Is there a difference, redditor?
>no infinite jest
Name one (1) movie that isn't Reddit
Ghostbusters (2016)
reddit HATES Catcher in the Rye, it's usually one of the easiest ways to spot a newfag on /lit/
>Raimi Spider-Man
>Goose kino
>Baneposting movie
Those aren't Reddit.
i dont think theres a single person who likes that book unironically
lurk more tourist
ooh how contrarian
reddit beyond belief
No Fight Club? What a shit bait, friend.
hang yourself my man
curse of black pearl is KINO faggot, the sequels are reddit
t. list everything Sup Forums likes and call it reddit
There's famously an arc regarding it, and most people fall into the center of the curve:
Thinks Holden is supposed to be a straightforward hero and relates to him and his views, thus enjoys the book and thinks it's great
Thinks Holden is supposed to be a straightforward hero, and thinks they've 'seen through' Salinger to realize 'he's the real phony', thus discards the book
Recognizes Holden is not supposed to be a relatable hero, and the fact that 'he's the real phony' is the most basic, telegraphed premise of the book, not a hidden secret. Enjoys it as a well-crafted genre-defining bildungsroman
Also realizes he rapes his sister Phoebe
Last Year at Marienbad
La Ronde
>Also realizes he rapes his sister Phoebe
Isnt CitR a standard book to read in school? Don't people already know the standard interpretation (the one you call patrician)?
This thread is Reddit
I love that book. Perfectly captures the pain of losing innocence and seeing others follow the same route.
Fair, but what's wrong with Rush and Letterboxd?
And the Star Wars prequels replaced with either the new movies or the even older movies.
Surprisingly accurate
although the catcher in the rye is a great book
It's an old /lit/ meme. At this point the board has been invaded by reddit so many times few anons know it anymore, but it used to be you couldn't mention CitR without someone replying 'he rapes his sister, Phoebe'
It is a standard book, but in my experience people universally stuck to the lower level interpretations.
How fucking dare you
Do people really like Avatar? That is most plebeian movie in the last 15 years.
Yeah, typical reddit response.
I remember when I was a 14 year old girl too
Family Guy? Reddit hates it as much as Sup Forums does (which is surprising as Sup Forums usually loves what Reddit hates) because they think it's fart jokes and they could write proper jokes. I'm pretty sure these images are just 'I'll put in popular things, mix with a few obscure things, then call it Reddit'.
Wow Reddit must have good taste
I didn't read it in Bongland. We read Lord of the Flies instead.
take david bowie off there now you son of a bitch
And the redditor outs himself
These are just bad movies, but for American Psycho
Also why can't we like the Nolan batman movies, you gay
Gutes Buch
>StarWars prequels in a R*ddit list
Oh but they fucking hate them because R*dditLetterMedia told them to
What is wrong with letterboxd? Is there something better?
Do not start the contrarian cycle where this place starts to like something just because plebs hate it
It's Always Sunny is just funny, fuck off
List of things that should not be on this list:
American Psycho
We get it, you're a hipster. Cry some more into your Soylent.
All kino and /ourguys/, you have to go back bud
Spongebob seasons 1-3, both movies, and some episodes sprinkled inbetween are pure kino
The perfect confluence of stereotypical nerdy plebshit, it's the average Sup Forums poster, relatively new to the site, who goes to all the big boards on the site and shits them all up equally with his narrow knowledge and experience with various artistic mediums. He knows mainstream video games, he knows mainstream movies, he knows mainstream cartoons (especially those from the 90s and early 00s), and he knows only the biggest comic book characters. And he feels marginalized by society because of how much of a shut in he is, so he'll have the most shallow Sup Forums opinions and tastes. He'll prattle on endlessly about cucks and interracial porn, but he isn't informed or even cares about international political issues and happenings. It's just a slight veneer of memeracism and mememisogyny and the rejection of anything that could be considered "degenerate."
And the cross poster signals all of this to his other cross posters with the word "kino." It's like those hobo chalk signs. You slap it on a thread so other cross posters know it's safe to come out of the woodwork.
>Le Ace Ventura
The French
whoever made that pic should feel bad. its not accurate enough to be funny.
How the fuck is the Prequel Trilogy reddit? They worship Plinkett there you faggot
>The perfect confluence of stereotypical nerdy plebshit, it's the average Sup Forums poster, relatively new to the site, who goes to all the big boards on the site and shits them all up equally with his narrow knowledge and experience with various artistic mediums. He knows mainstream video games, he knows mainstream movies, he knows mainstream cartoons (especially those from the 90s and early 00s), and he knows only the biggest comic book characters. And he feels marginalized by society because of how much of a shut in he is, so he'll have the most shallow Sup Forums opinions and tastes. He'll prattle on endlessly about cucks and interracial porn, but he isn't informed or even cares about international political issues and happenings. It's just a slight veneer of memeracism and mememisogyny and the rejection of anything that could be considered "degenerate."
>And the cross poster signals all of this to his other cross posters with the word "kino." It's like those hobo chalk signs. You slap it on a thread so other cross posters know it's safe to come out of the woodwork.
It's a good pasta but really not kino, my dude
>kino isn't Sup Forums core board culture now
Just stop exposing yourself Sup Forumsuddy
Aren't there some tide pods you should be eating?
kino was a funny meme when it started, it died as soon as complete braindead autistic rerards started using it unironically
I never understood why people thought it was so funny
Everyone who ever liked it would go on and on about how good it was
Maybe it was because it came before the internet made all these more specifically-tailored and better shows possible?
The life cycle of literally every meme
You're lying to yourself if you think kino isn't board culture now
Besides, we do need a word to split movies into good movies for art's sake and movies which may be entertaining, but are not good as art
The people who worked on Seinfeld always say it wouldn't be possible today because of the internet. They think of themselves as the last of their kind and how lucky they were
The word film exists. It's right in the board name goddamn it
>thread that starts with "." and nothing else
That is the single worst indicator of a shit thread. Why the fuck am I the only person here who knows this?
yeah but movie and film are nearly synonymous
But film/movie isn't as funny as kino/flick. If you don't like Sup Forums board culture you can go back to r*ddit anytime, you know
>Rush is reddit
no, fuck off, fuck you, you are a stupid cunt, you have no fucking idea.
Even if it lacked cars the story was told really well, yes it took some liberties but its such a good reality to not be told in movie form, fuck you.
Cunt, kill yourself
the word flick always reminds me of flicking the bean
Found the autistic 'le 90s kids' nostalgic manchild. You watched SpongeBob as an ADHD 8 year old we get it. It's a children's cartoon and unironically turned kids brains retarded
>SpongeBob is kino!
Reminder that just because something is Reddit tier, doesn't mean its bad. It just isn't as good as they want it to be.
>Pleb reddit taste isn't bad
This kind of threads reminds me of african initiation rites.
>niggers fuck each other in the ass and cut off their dicks to mark their entrance into the manhood
>redditards go full reddit to prove to themselves they're not redditards anymore
>It just isn't as good as they want it to be.
No, it just means it's popular. Anything that's popular is reddit. Including all of Sup Forums.