I hope you've watched this kino

I hope you've watched this kino

>there's a burgeoning Man from Earth Cinematic Universe

Get on my level

i bet is as dissapointing like The cell 2

This is a response worthy of the last decade.

Seriously, totally embarrassing.

Haven't watched it, but got it? Hope you're not lying.

i predicted everything that was going to happen when the bitch says that it looks like a van gogh painting in the beginning. it was so obvious he was an immortal.

This is the sequel, user. It was just recently released to the piratesphere by the creators (the original director of the first movie and the son of the writer).

They only beg that you paypal them hard cash if you derive enjoyment from the film. They uploaded it themselves.

Aside from the main character, holy shit the characters were horrible in every way possible

>loud black guy comic relief
>asian know it all smartass
>airhead female friend
>white religious guy with the most fragile faith ever

Tries so ruin his entire existence, breaks into his house, steal his shit, literally assaults and kidnaps him and they suffer no consequences at all

You're completely right but I thought it was hilarious because the characters in the original were also hilarious caricatures

I stopped watching the first one when it revealed old man was jesus. no thanks.

He uses this fact to troll a fundie into stabbing him in the side before he escapes later in this iteration

The Man from Earth is the ultimate pleb detector.
It's for people like who feel "smart" after watching it without realising how fucking atrocious it is.
It's like a bad cheesy B movie from the 90s. The only redeeming factor is the intriguing backstory, literally every other film element is utter dogshit.

From the mexican telenovela like acting, generic stock soundtrack, no character development, no actual dialogue just a long exposition Q&A throughout, constant boring back to back camerawork, no use of the one room, non existent lighting, a side love story pulled out of the ass, most cliche character traits, literally everything. I had to look up twice that it actually was from 2007, not early 90s.
This shit shouldn't even be a movie, it should be a book or a play. Or given to some other director because Richard Schenkman doesn't even know what a director is.
Just look at any other movie in his profile, everything is a meme (pic related)
And don't tell me they had no budget, 200 000$ is not small budget for this kind of movie. There are far superior movies with half the budget of that.

This movie has no artistic value whatsoever. It is just an excuse to make money from the script.
You will never see a renowned director admire this movie because there is nothing to admire except the concept.
Just try to compare this movie to let's say 12 Angry Men, both set in one room. The difference is almost laughable.

The only saving grace of this movie

great copypasta

Retire this already
She was hilarious

I will now, user, thanks! I loved the first one immensely so I have high hopes for this one.

How old was she supposed to be? She's 27 in real life, seemed like a typical 'late 20 something playing a 19 year old'

>shit """""sci-fi""""" movie
>shows a guy talking to everyone in a house for like 1 hour
>one of the best sci-fi movies ever


Not enough epic explosions for you user? Do actual conversations that require thinking hurt your brain?

i actually loved the idea of an immortal caveman living witnessing all of history. lots of stories feature very ancient or immortal characters but they never delve into the knowledge or breadth of experience someone like that would have after living for centuries in countless cultures or civilizations.

maybe they could make some kind of anthology series where each episode covered a day or two in the characters life, but each episode would take place in completely different places centuries apart; like Quantum Leap but no body swapping.

What was the point of the Asian character in the end? Same with Art. He spends the entire moping, then driving, and then does nothing.

>What was the point of the Asian character in the end?

Apparently to be a complete cunt by ruining someones life

Not sure why you used the word actually, but I did too. Bixby Jr and crew should buy the rights to Poul Anderson's Boat of a Million Years.

also whats the point of a 1080p of an indie movie?

While Boat of a Million Years is about the best sci-fi literary treatment of immortality, it's too different. It does focus on the mundane aspects of immortality, but it has a large number of immortals and tries to tie them together and send them off into the future.

I'd enjoy him doing this character, in a serious dramatic way, as an anthology as was mentioned where they just look at how someone who had lives so long would act in various settings. In some cases very similar, for example no magical modern moral code, only one he'd cobbled together himself which would be full of shit that flies in the face of modern morality. No magical "spent a century in a temple on a mountain and now I'm enlightened" shit. If anything, he wandered too far east and people chased him back for looking different. Ground it in what is realistic. Allow the one conceit of immortality and let the rest be as brutally realistic as possible.

Is that a serious question? You're asking why an indie movie dares to try and look as good as it can?

I watched the original and it was alright. Why did they make another? What happens? Is it good? What will have thought of it after I watch it?

John Oldman, now 14,000 years old and teaching in Northern California, realizes that not only is he finally starting to age, but four students have discovered his deepest secret.

The acting is on the same level as the first one and the four students are annoying as fuck

The first movie was an enjoyable mental exercise of a 'what if' scenario played out. It did not need a sequel. The very idea of the sequel goes against the idea of the first movie, where it's supposed to be vague and ambiguous.

While I agree with this, completely, the ship has apparently sailed and to me it's more about what direction would least damage the integrity of the concept behind the first one. The first one was carried on his handling and sincerity in the role. Most of the other actors were not great actors by any means, but as someone else mentioned, they're only intended to be very two dimensional character types. Also mentioned above, this would have made a great audio drama in that it would be a perfect showcase of that media. The risk, to me, it this going in an action direction.

It was okay. Not as good as the first film. The acting was fucking horrid, as was the camera work.

>What happens
Group of students find out who he is. One of them is a die hard jesus nut who ends up stabbing him. John is aging and heals far slower. Its hinted the reason being muh climate change. In the end he runs off. Art from the film is contacted by the FBI who are looking for John.
>Is it good
No. Man from Earth was good stand alone kino. This doesn't tell much of a story and is filled with terrible acting.
>What will have thought of it after I watch it?
You'll wonder why it exists.

Sadly it sounds like the only purpose it serves it to launch it as a series of more action / suspense style movies. That's why I'm afraid to see it. I'm one of those people that lets a fucked up sequel mess up my impression of the original.

>Put your flick on pirate bay as a "social experiment"
>Real reason, your flick is trash and nobody would pay for it

Sorry if this was answered in the film but how exactly is he able to just start over every 10 years or so and get employed as a professor in a new school without background checks and references?

Its answered in the film, he fakes all his documents.

How does it compare with the original? The original is by far one of the most intelligent films I've seen and I fear they are going to fuck it up with this.

Its shit.

It's not very well directed and the acting is cheesy, but the script is amazing. If you like high concept films with a fast pace and lots of witty dialogues, but if you want to watch a smart and slow paced films that takes it tames to develop its many themes and where intelligent people act like real people instead of super genius like in Sherlock and Death Note, then you're going to love it.
Haven't seen the sequel, but sadly it doesn't look very good.

>If you like high concept films with a fast pace and lots of witty dialogues, then it isn't for you*

This. This movie proves that even with a micro budget, a shit director and a shit cast you can still make kino if the script is gold.

>How does it compare with the original?
Not very well. The movie spends most of its time on a detective plot involving students trying to find out if Oldman is Jesus (which doesn't work very well), and it devotes way too much time on that Jesus material, which was only a small part of the cool "what if" ideas of the original. In that way, it felt completely wasted by ignoring the interesting aspects of a person living through that much (which really was the focus of the original; if I didn't know it wasn't the case, I'd assume the sequel was made by people who didn't even understand the original), and focusing on a dilemma of faith among terrible characters. Also, there's an end credits sequence that was awful. It's typical extended universe-type baiting, but does so by implying Oldman is a serial killer, which was never hinted at and really doesn't fit the established narrative.

It's an okay watch, but a pretty bad and unnecessary follow-up to the original. And very different. Unless you absolutely need to see it, it's probably better to skip it.

>The original is by far one of the most intelligent films I've seen