After all the memes, all the autism, all the going to shit, i still like him desu

after all the memes, all the autism, all the going to shit, i still like him desu

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fuck you

He's a genuine guy who does what he loves and seems really grateful to his fanbase. He's probably a bit full of himself, but which internet quasi-celebrity isn't?

Who the fuck? Vikernes?

Damn, he finally went completely bald

shaving your entire head is better than pretending you're not going bald tbqh

Doug is comfy, but a lot of his NC videos aren't as good anymore though. I've been digging Lindsay Ellis' (nostalgia chick) video essays lately. She's really stepped up her game recently.

I'm always hesitant to watch a Nostalgia Chic video. Any recommendations?

Her recent Loose Cannon series is decent. She's dropped the Nostalgia Chick label too.

i stopped watching when she went way too political, are her vid essays free of that?



>legitimately thinks The Last Action Hero is a bad film


Her Hercules one was pretty good. Was probably as minimal on social justice as you could get.

But Hunchback kind of allowed her some room to work a lot more SJW angles in, and it's a little obnoxious at times. Not as bad as it could be I guess.

Holy crap, her videos are super neat, well-made, and high quality! Just got done watching this:

Legit pissed me off, how can somebody who apparently does this shit for a living miss the point that much? He reviewed it like it was a straight action film

Honestly this, you have to have no heart to dislike that film.

I do not even want to rewatch his old stuff, like i rewatch avgn. Like i grownup from his style of humor or something.
Good thing i can say about him – he is not The Spoony One.

You. Will. Never. Finish. Melvin.

People that like him generally are real simpletons when it comes to comedy and entertainment. Even when people say they liked him when they were younger are still the same morons. You didn't grow out of his style, you just got sick of him and then moved on to other just as lame forms of entertainment.
Good comedy is subjective, but bad is obvious.

2018 is the year of the Spoontang!

it beggars belief how someone can pump out scripts for years and not stumble upon the existence of "Courier New" and "paragraphs"

How he gonna survive without twitter?

Remember when he tried to make an LP and it was just him screaming for 20 minutes?

there's literally people that make money doing this

I hope James Rolfe shaves as well

Where did the hair go?

Credit where credit's due, he's still here. He's still going after all this time and still has a huge fanbase.

Like Yahtzee

The real tragedy is, he was always the funniest of the internet nobodies. I can still watch his old SWAT videos or the Ripper playthrough and laugh my fucking ass off. The fact that he lost his talents and degenerated into such an odious, broken human being is so fucking sad. Social media is a cancer and it rots your brain, and I mean that completely unironically.

she is so pretty lads, i could listen to her ramble on about feminism all day long

>it's a little obnoxious at times. Not as bad as it could be I guess.

This might as well be her tagline at this point.

Why aren't people spamming that at him 24/7? It's perfect.

would you play the same character for years and years if it still made you money?
Holy shit did anyone watch the new James and Mike? At the end of the video Mike asks James when he's going to shave his head and go full Picard! The room goes dead silent. Holy shit!

He doesn't do enough to name the Jew.

aww that's a shame
Dunno why the guy doesn't get a transplant or go full biofibre.
Biofibre would work well for him, it's basically fake hair implanted. If he only keeps his hair a certain length he should be fine.

He would look cool in Picard

Doug got a massive amount of cred from me for shitting on all three Matrix movies. They're not THAT good, not even the first one is.


>mfw watch every nostalgia critic unless it has too many skits

So he's basically AVGN for people with literal autism or/and who don't play old videogames?

He's easily the least worst of what's left of CA.

>Sup Forums tries to meme him as a failure
>has 1 million subs on Youtube, gets more views than ever, and is not shackled by the hundreds of autists he used to sponsor on CA

What happened?

why do people (who actually like films) watch him?

*tips fedora*

man knows his audience you either grew out of his and onto the others in CA or stayed a loyal watcher

>Ripper play-through

You're my boy. I've watched them literally 100 times over the past 7 years or so. I can practically speak alongside them.

>this kills the Spoony

the reason why he's successful is that he puts up new videos constantly. something that all the failed tgwtg clique don't understand

in memoriam

mike has lost his mind again

Objectively, how could anyone POSSIBLY like him?
He's a mushmouthed idiot with production values worse than the gay SD video skits I did with my friends in middle school, what is there redeeming about him? Even people he's friends with or works with all the time eclipsed his level of quality years ago, let alone people with vaguely professional-level talent like the cheeseheads at RLM or this newer wave of teenage faggots making movie reviews in between film classes.


Why do you drink cum?

I just wish he will stop overdoing it with the sketches. The extras are really annoying.

Is that beard hair?

you dont like seeing thicc tamara?

Kill Jester, she's shite.

who's in the judge dredd costume?


dunkirk looks pretty good in 4K

He runs the same joke in a lot of his videos. Honestly there are some good ones, and the commercial episodes are pretty good.

I have nothing against him, he seems hard working and like he enjoys what he does.

I think for someone already at breaking point, this could be a step too far.
Twitter, where he sent like... on average 50 messages a day? Was his release from his self made prison and without that, well how on earth are we going know what he thinks of Trump?

To be fair, she didn't say a damn thing about anything, it was the otherone, whose name I forget colluding with Spoonys ex

Lupus destroyed Channel Awesome.


>this is two guys and a girl
>but not the way you think

Be Sophisticated and watch RLM


I didn't think it got this bad

It would be a lot easier to accept this opinion if he actually gave decent reasons

something something 10.000 dollars
or was it 50.000?

The 'youtuber' style hasn't advanced. What he releases is considered good level quality for skits and YT videos.

Same for Stuckmanns skits, etc. Then you have the ones where they just have whacky windows movie maker level editing, and even LOWER level skits, IHE (I Hate Everything) Ralphthemememaker, YMS, etc.

Any criticism is essentially met with 'it's supposed to be bad that's what makes it funny' etc. Seriously though, look around at a lot of the movie related YT channels, they all do it to one degree or another. The fans, subscribers aren't demanding/asking for higher quality, so there's no reason to do it.

How is he still getting over a million views per episode?
Are his fans from the early years still this attached to him? I used to watch him every day back in 2008 but i got really tired and sick of him after that piece of shit Kickassia.

It's odd because he actually seems to put a lot of effort in. I've looked at some of the behind the scenes shit and it looks like a lot of going on. I think it's more the awful jokes than the actual look of the shitty greenscreen shit.

old fans and new autists. just like with cinemassacre.

Just do what she did and abort your attempt before it even gets started

Just do what she did and abort your attempt to save you the hassle.

It's pleb filter, it just proves Doug has terrible taste

>asking that when shit like this gets hits

You don't even need to make your own content anymore

>2008 Nostalgia Critic
>10 minutes short videos, almost no sketches, no PC (lots of gay jokes)

>present Nostalgia Critic
>40 minutes long videos, most of them are sketeches, got full SJW (though i can see Doug going through this direction so that he can keep the views)

Why does he still call the show "Nostalgia Critc" if he's reviewing mostly recent stuff now?
I thought the point was talking about stuff from his and our childhood or something, now he's reviewing Suicide Squad?

kek. I never noticed the similarity

we all grew up with the joker. seeing him in a new movie is nostalgic.

what do you want? is he supposed to change his profitable and identifiable brand just because he doesn't review those movies anymore? some dumb kind of thinking that is

Seriously, what the fuck is this shit?

A review of a terrible movie

i'd say the review is more terrible than the movie

imagine the smell

like a crowded comic book convention on a summer day at noon

>dat thicc marzgurl

When did you realize he was actually terrible?
I remember back in 2010, it was the Thief and the Cobbler review where he kept doing a terrible Vincent Price impression, that's when i said "i'm done with this schmuck".

The Lorax one got me into her.
Loose Canon is alright too.

It honestly feels like James is in some abusive relationship with Mike.

Cause appealing to recent stuff gets the clicks $$$

somebody post the webm of james flinching

>tfw I've been watching TGWTG weekly since early 2008 when he only had 1-2 vids up.
>tfw I saw Nostalgia Chick and Angry Joe before they went on to other bigger things
>tfw I remember when Jesuotaku and that comedians son weren't trannies
>tfw I remember belly laughing at NC's antics in 2008-2009 like when he trolled harry potter fans
>tfw I remember when he started getting too big for his britches, around the time of Suburbian Knights
>tfw his production values went up but the charm was lost
>tfw other, newer youtubers started doing his shit better
>tfw To Boldly Flee was self-satisfied shit but hey everyone makes mistakes
>tfw He announced a new series and that TGWTG would become a high-production value "channel" with loads of different new shows and personalities!
>tfw I saw the writing on the wall but kept watching
>tfw he releases Demo Reel #1
>tfw you remember what the TGWTG boards were like the day Demo Reel #1 came out and were there to take part in the mockery/shitposting
>tfw TGWTG pretended nothing was wrong for a few weeks and kept with demo reel
>tfw he eventually resorted to damage control and brought back NC
>tfw all his other big names have been jumping ship, dying, or getting sex changes. Now it's just Doug and his unfunny paid extras
>tfw NC is still haunted by the ghost of Demo Reel with unfunny skits/extras and taking itself too seriously
>tfw in his death throes Doug has tried to latch onto SJWisms and other, newer, but far more popular reviewers like Chris Stuckmann and RLM
>tfw he still gives that same empty, sad smile that hes been giving since around 2011
>tfw I still watch him each week as I have for almost a decade now

The only person of the CA people I watch regularly is Todd in the Shadows. Yes, he's a spineless fuck in real life but I can listen to his videos and be entertained at the very least.