Post the first movie you think of when you hear "comfy movie"
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Why are they wearing normie clothes and not those robes?
blade runner
How the hell did that whiny ginger fuck land Hermione?
ron just preps the bull and provides for her.
for some reason its Ronin with Robert De Niro for me
this is the last samurai right? never actually seen. Looked at RT and scrolled down to reviews and saw this gem
>Competently mounted in its studiedly immersive, elongated way, Zwick's earnest costume epic dresses a knee-jerk, reactionary sensibility in exotic garb.
why the fuck do people write like this? Are they larping as an actually competent writer? This stuff makes me sick
Yes, and it is truthfully the comfiest movie I have ever seen.
Go watch it.
Oddly enough this movie always makes me feel comfy.
harry potter is faggot nerd shit for white cucks, grow up
There was a period of time when I was a kid where I watched this and Jumanji every day for like three weeks.
who hurt you?
>white cucks
Redundant much?
robert altman films are so comfy
The "female" lead is literally a tranny with a bigger cock than the male lead.
Go back to red.dit and stay there
You lose.
>Go back to red.dit
you don't know how or when to use this correctly. It's alright, lurk a bit more, I'm sure you'll figure it out big guy :)
Fight me. Ultimate comfy.
same, love this movie
The Life Aquatic is more comfy, specially for the soundtrack.
I’ve only seen the first four. Do they ever use the time-turner again? If not, do they explain why?
The child actors ruin it. Fantastic Mr. Fox is far comfier and I would recommend Life Aquatic or Rushmore over Moonrise.
Fantastic Mr. Fox is too depressing for me. I'm convinced its actually a tradegy
If we're talking specifically Wes Anderson comfy,
for me? It's The Grand Budapest.
I love the life aquatic too. Just a little to spread thin to be great but not bad
Moonrise Kingdom. Pan's Labyrinth. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.
Good choice. Nice creative road trip comedy. When it comes to comfy Tom Waits is usually a good sign.
Book Hermione was an ugly dweeb
Groundhog day
Kindergarten Cop
awful, awful film
feeling threatened by that is the definition of being a sensitive soyboy
comfy movie. comfy commercial
Peak comfyness
Focus groups thought the robes looked gay
i want to go back in time, so i can snatch this young lady and prevent her from ever becoming what she is right now. i will show her lots of care and love and raise her to be good!
Cusack makes a lot of comfy movies.
Boy becoming a man kino. And comfy as fuck.
>posts the worst harry potter movie
I hate you
Midnight In Paris
Fellowship of the Ring, first and foremost
Fuck chicken noodle soup and sprite, give me FOTR
we're going to see the elves!
Any movie where you can sort of see the film grain gets a massive comfiness boost.
Why is every film today so clean and high-res? It reminds me of the way commercials are shot.
You literally can’t beat Grand Budapest in terms of comfiness.
>dude, the waves man
fuck off
Retconned. Hermione was a beautiful black girl
This is my go to. Specifically on late nights coming home from drinking alone.
Grand budapest hotel
Harry and The Hendersons or The Great Outdoors.
Anything in that Pacific Northwest area.
Forrest Gump
Excellent taste
and juno
night on earth
goodwill hunting is my go to cry movie because of robin williams
>the taste of tea
>relating any movie in any form to reality and/or the current positions of the cast and/or crew instead of enjoying the movie as itself
Very comfy post
sadly no one here will have a clue what this is
The intro scene alone is pure comfy kino:
The Count of Monte Cristo (2002)
One of the definitive comfy movies.
>you arent allowed to like movies casually
>no Third Man
Let me fix that.
Also a very good movie who's only major flaw is some outdated CGI.
stressful yet comfy
Some mock of GBU.