TMZ interviewed Logan Paul at the airport. Seems like the whole thing has really taken a toll on him...

TMZ interviewed Logan Paul at the airport. Seems like the whole thing has really taken a toll on him. It looks like he hasn't slept in a long time. Do you think he should be forgiven?

>more e-celeb shit on Sup Forums

We need a clown. Those Japs need o learn how to slap.

>Do you think he should be forgiven?

Do I care?

Nah. Fuck him

This isn't Sup Forums - Television & Film, mobile poster

He honestly handled it pretty well. The guys from TMZ are some seriously insufferable cunts. Couldn't imagine being followed around by the likes of those clowns

I watched the gook noose video and I really don't understand why he was kicked off of youtube at all. I watched 2 Girls One Cup on youtube as well as 3 Guys One Hammer.

I had no idea who this person was until Sup Forums started shit-posting about him. My quality of life hasn't improved since learning who he is and what he does. I wish I could go back to a time before Sup Forums cared about him.

I miss baneposting.

Imagine if he suicides.

i'll admit what everyone here wishes they could, I'm jealous that he's found such an easy way to get rich.
However, I've literally never heard of him before that incident. He can go cry in million dollar mansion.
The rich deserve nothing from the working-class.

>Do you think he should be forgiven?
hes a psychopath and watching him burn would be nice
so no

90% of TMZ's stuff is staged, I wouldn't be surprised if this doofus's PR guy called them to let know where he was at, lots of people been caught doing this, Zendaya, John Mayer, Taylor Swift, etc mostly atttention whores, which this guy is

This is PR spin

No. Fuck him.


i can't believe he killed that japanese guy and staged it to look like a hanging. why is he allowed to walk free?

>boohoo babby couldn't sleep last night
>let's forgive him guise :'(
No. He needs to serve as an example to the growing legion of other brats out there

No, he should be executed because he showed some dead dude. Thank god we have the media here to drive this evil monster to suicide.

/ourguy/ will pull though

Trips and the jap ghost will hunt him down.

>Do you think you deserve to be in control?

japanese people don't have souls so they can't be ghosts

He looks like he was crying on the car ride there

all logan paul really did was create a kind of new media version of Stand By Me. he did nothing wrong.

I'm unironically more disturbed by Logan Paul's video than any rekt or grossout shit. The fact that some fucking Hollywood wannabe twink can go overseas, blatantly turn a stranger's suicide into clickbait, and still make millions off of children watching his videos is as scary to me as MS13 ripping off some guy's skin.

>sings niggershit
kill yourself

>Having a million moral fags from reddit that want you dead
>Everyone else has to publicaly shame you

t. hater

>Logan Paul Says Even He Deserves a Second Chance
That's exactly what he'd say if he didn't deserve a second chance.