Is Rey just a badly written Revan?

you know, I think I've figured out why I like rey/TLJ over most people.

being a 400 lbs man, I have no social life. So in my freetime I just play video games. One of those games, Knights of the Old Republic, the old one not the new one, was one of my favorite games. I beat the game in about a week, and maybe it's just me, but for some reason I keep connecting Rey and Revan.

In the back of my mind all plot holes have already been answered because to me, Rey is just Revan. If you haven't played KOTOR, basically the main character is a dude who's memory was erased but had several flashbacks throughout the game explaining who he used to be.

Anyone else have this issue when watching TFA and TLJ? Or am I just a schizophrenic shithead?

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considering Kylo's mask is lifted straight from Revan I think he is suppose to be him. I mean fuck, he is basically already a grey Jedi.

nigger do you read or are you just expressing an opinion

the only thing you base your argument on is the amnesia which has already been debunked. Kylo is much more of a Revan than Rey.

Hell no. Revan had mastered the Force on the Light and Dark Side, was a Grey Jedi, is basically the equivalent of Goku, made HK-47, fought in the Mandalorian Wars. What has Rey done that's even close to any of that?

why was his memory erased


Right, but if you look at the parts you actually play as Revan, you don't do that much cool shit. Everything you've mentioned is backstory.

I'm not saying they're on equal playing fields (which I think most retards here are missing the point on that). I'm saying they had similar mysterious backgrounds which lead to them having a much easier time remastering the force.

Look at Revan as Spongebob seasons 1 to 3. They were the best. Look at Rey as one of the shitty seasons of Spongebob. She's a shell of what Revan was.

Overall I was just saying that I excused most of Rey's flaws due to her story have a few similarities between that and Revan's.

Hasn't Rian mentioned that he played both KOTOR games? I definitely think it's been on the minds of the people making the ST. I mean, Kylo's mask is directly inspired by Revan's mask.

the problem is Rey has NO mysterious background and NO similarities to Revan.




rekt lmao

Holy shit. Lol was not expecting that

It just proves my point. She is Bastila and Kylo is Revan. Are you retarded?

low quality bait

this is what happens when you allow redditors into the site.

No. Dummies have said JJ has played KOTOR. I think their reasoning is "hurr he wants to adapt Half Life so he must've played our Star Wars game!"

says the fucker that just got 0wned. come back to me when you dont lose internet arguments faggot

no, revan was a product of warfare during the mandolorian wars. Rey as a mind wiped warrior at the edge of the galaxy would/could/can bring back all the old fans due to the lore it implies.

No, Revan is a badly written Mary Sue as well.

Kylo = Malak ?
Rey = Revan

Revan's mask is ripped off from boba

>basically the main character is a dude
you got it wrong. Revan is canonically a female.

Nope, it's ripped from a Mandalorian chick killed by Boba's ancestor. Or at least Jango's ancestor.

> all this autism when JJ doesn't even know who Revan is
Lmao, EUfags are delusional

kys normie faggot

I meant the design. Bioware just wanted a cool and recognizable look, so they ripped off boba's helmet

> Revan
> canon

At this point we can as well go back to EU and pretend it's the actual canon. I mean, shit, what's the alternative?

Rian played Kotor dont talk from your ass. He is one of the few directors who plays videogames.(starting from atari)

Kylos lightsaber is a ripoff from revans (canon)

Malachor is canon, Thraw is canon they are just picking up things from the "Legends" part. So the muh nothing is canon from Kotor is beyond retarded

How is it that Disney's "Star Wars" STILL hasn't be able to surpass Revan's theme?

Malachor is not Malachor V desu senpai.
But aside from that, I agree. Fans are the only ones who give a fuck, Disney's just fucking around. There are even some authors who smuggle the EU stuff in novels and comics. James Luceno is the most prominent example, but even the Marvel comic series reintroduced the Hundred Year Darkness and the Great Schism. They didn't mention Ajunta Pall and the other Sith Lords, they also didn't contradict the original story, so I don't see a problem with seeing those parts of EU as an actual canon.

Malachor and Malachor 5 are the same the last one is a heavily destroyed version.

I need a proof for that desu. And why would it be Malachor V and not Malachor III, for example? It also had a Sith temple and some dark history.


>Malachor V, or simply Malachor

the whole theme of tlj was about accepting failure and accepting the dark side, light and dark together is the force. So yeah its part of the reason i like tlj, its at least trying to do new things outside of a simple good power vs bad power crap that was already perfected 40 years ago.

you are a dense fucker, it's not that hard to connect Revan to Kylo, actually he is a watered down version of Revan.
Rey is just a shit character, the fact that she is called by everybody a Mary Sue is not because some stupid hate thing, it's because it's a character so badly written that the only possible explanation is she just being a Mary Sue or that the people coming up with her concept are suffering some severe retardation.
Revan and KOTOR for all that is worth wasn't brilliant but at least it was better defined and a million times better written

Fair enough.

revan had the benefit on not being tied to other well known characters and being the player character, a movie version of him wouldnt work as strong.

>actually he is a watered down version of Revan.
No, nigger. Kylo is a fucking carbon copy of Jacen Solo / Darth Caedus from Legacy of the Force series. He has nothing to do with Revan. Now go back to Sup Forums.

He is, Kylo is a silly character made up from a lot of different sources, he has a little bit form here and a little bit from there... still a shit character. Rey isn't Revan or anything like it. It's just bad writting.
I don't know why you quoted me man, I was arguing that OP is actually a retard for thinking Rey is Revan.

I completely agree, the story of the game would be boring as shit as a movie. In fact, it's not that great either, but works for a videogame just fine and has a nice twist. One that was decent a decade ago.

maybe, they seem to be pushing this balance of light and dark on us, revan becoming canon is inevitable at this point. Im calling it, rey and kylo have baby, name the baby re-van, and kotor ensues but in the setting of the future rather than the past.
im a dickhead.

Why is Chewbacca with Rey when he has no life debt to her? In Kotor the wookie is honor bound your bitch because you saved his ass.

his ship?

I quoted you because you stated that Kylo is at any point similar to Revan, which makes you just as retarded as OP.

Where the hell else would he go?

to his family from the holiday special user

just in appearance and in some bits, but the writting on nu wars is so shit that they said they scrapped the expanded universe to actually steal shit from it and re use it.
It's really hard for people that doesn't give a shit to come up with new ideas, I've always thought that they scrapped the EU so they could just recycle everything for years to come. You can't write a Kylo Ren if you already have in your universe a Revan or a Jacen Solo.
Nu Wars wasn't meant to be Star Wars for fans, it was meant to be Star Wars for people that never watched a single movie

In the game he was in a space battle with some jedi and his ship got hit knocking him unconscious. The jedi boarded and wiped his memory then kind of planned a sequence of events to try to get him to become a jedi again.

Revan is canonically male; the Exile is female. And then they and Bastilla had threesomes all the time.