she will never be your gf

> she will never be your gf
why even live?


Looks fucking ridiculous

>Don't stare at me. You've got the bug eyes.


>normie hate
Go watch some reality show, I am sure everyone looks normal there.

Janine was a low-key cutie.

Are you uncomfortable?

haha what kind of weird sicko likes big eyes haha so creepy

If a cyberpunk movie doesn't make you feel uncomfortable then it has fucking failed.

I want to see a face of the man who thought this was good.

I know, right? It's cultural appropriation and it takes a very high IQ to understand why anime characters have large eyes.

Just buy a 1.5k sex doll, almost the same thing.

just fucking google it. You're on an anime board, questioning anime movie. Maybe, just like... go find a new hobby.

>Manga Alita: Can you still accept me even though I'm a hot anime babe?
>Movie Alita: Can you still accept me even though I'm uncanny valley as FUCK?
Movie just delivers on the underlying question way more efficiently than the manga.

well said

is the reason that it's infantalizing and anime is for pedophiles?

And that it's made by nips that wish they were white.

If shes an andriod or alien it looks cool if shes suppose to be a person then yeah looks stupid

can't wait for this shitpile to flop so they would lay off trying to hollywood animes.

Best case scenario would be for them to utterly discard the action sequences in favor of the philosophy and just do an art film.

2nd best case scenario would be to skip literally the entire story and just do the motorball/bloodsports part.

Because James Cameron is a no-talent hack, we'll get an empty husk.