Lauren Southern - white genocide in south africa

Lauren is in South Africa bringing the plight of the predominantly white farmers to light. These people are attacked and murdered daily as they have no protection from marauding gangs. South Africa's ruling party, the ANC, refuses to acknowledge this problem.

Note to janitor: this is considered Sup Forums related now according to the mods:

>ostracize and kill off blacks for years
>waahhh why are they doing it to us?

we all know what Lauren Southern is really in Africa for...

t. cnn

god I want to fuck her

>Lauren Southern
another fake news merchant, appealing to the amerimongs

That isn't even remotely accurate

South Africa is a violent shithole where lots of people of all races die every day. The ANC are incompetent retards when it comes to basically everything, so it isn't surprising that nothing gets done.

Pics of her sister?

She's a coalburner so reporting on ethnic violence practically gets her off.

There were no blacks in SA before white settlement. They'd all been killed off in inter-tribal warfare. Blacks immigrated into apartheid SA from all over the continent. Living standards were higher for blacks under white rule than at any time in the continent's history.

>Note to janitor: this is considered Sup Forums related now according to the mods: →
you always make threads with this. how butthurt are you?

Daily reminder.

>There were no blacks in SA before white settlement


>Lauren Southern

(((She))) admitted shes a jew.

janitor is black and 'kang' minded

People need to read this post and understand the mentality behind it. 40 years from now when families in Texas, or Ohio, or Scotland, or wherever else are being slaughtered by imported diversity, liberals will be gleefully making false equivalencies to justify it. There will not be a point where they go "Okay, all the bad Whites who are responsible for slavery are dead now, call it off." They will take pleasure in the deaths of random, ordinary innocent people all over America and Europe and Australia and Africa until there are none left anywhere. They don't want or care about justice, they don't even bother to learn the historical events they shed crocodile tears over. They only want to destroy or to vicariously enjoy watching destruction and murder.

>super serious subject!!

>here's where me 'pa died... on this chair

>whites are DYING! in a 3rd world shithole!

>hmmm what outfit to wear to this super somber story I am about to report on?

>I know, shorts that my ass will eat up and a t shirt! I'm a real journalist now!

>mfw when Southern and co reach the pearly gates

Maybe it's hot you fucking autist...?



why are whites living in a shithole ?

fuck drumpf and fuck white people


>revenge is the right thing to do!

She has the voice of a 13 year old boy.

This whispy-haired little waif?

>Note to janitor: this is considered Sup Forums related now according to the mods:
That thread is at least about a show that airs on television with an interview with an actor who has been in multiple films and television shows and has an IMDB page.

how do we save south africa bros

targeted biowarfare, literally the only way

I guess my first question is why live in Africa in the first place?

>Beautiful country
>Natural resources
>Flora/fauna isn't as dangerous as Australias

I have this fascination with rhodesia even though i was born and raised in oregon with zero rhodesian ancestry
(my family is from flanders, so kind of dutch i guess?)

cape town looks a nice area and would be OK if you live in a closed community, like most middle class whites

>e-celeb shit
kill thyself

Because wh*tes specifically grab up lands with pleasant climates combined with vast resources suitable for industrialization and cheap development. Do you think they are there for charity?

>people migrated there

No shit, the claim that there were no Africans there before European settlement is still retarded.

kara boga


Also, why don't they just leave? Or kill all the niggers with guns?

I mean sure, but she's introducing a topic that a lot of people probably aren't in the least bit aware of.

The area around the Cape was inhabited by Khoisan, who are a distinct race. Black people did not migrate there until a very short time before Whites showed up. Blacks and Whites are both late arrivals to the area. The northern and eastern parts of South Africa have had Black people living there for a few hundred years, though even they are fairly recent arrivals if you zoom out to look at the past 1-2 thousand years.

she probably took miles of BBC on her trip

>what are khoisan
lol brainlets.

>The area around the Cape was inhabited by Khoisan, who are a distinct race.

Ummm... no sweetie. All Africans are related

this, south africa has has like half of all the cool geological shit in the entire continent. beautiful place and very livable, the natives are the only problem. it's a shame it didn't get anglo'd hundreds of years ago like NA. would've been orders of magnitude more difficult though, disease did most of the work in NA

Boers are getting the back swing

This is kinda what happens
When around blaqs Neva relax

Two wrongs don't make a right.

africa for africans

tough shit whitey

go back to europe and see if they will take you

Why do they target farmers of all fucking people?

>The area around the Cape was inhabited by Khoisan, who are a distinct race.
They're blacks and were regarded as such by European colonial governments and by South Africa during apartheid. They're genetically distinct from Bantus, but they're still black. Xhosas, Zulus, Swazi, etc. were all living in the area prior to European settlement. The claim is still dumb.

They won't take them. Nobody (especially other wh*tes) cares about Bores no matter how much they are shilled on Sup Forums

They were the first people ever put into concentration camps

Black lands belong to BLACKS

>go back to europe and see if they will take you
Lol, you know that they won't. Europe is only open for useless, violent darkies these days.

>tfw you will never personally drive a shovel through the head of someone who makes these cancerous e-celeb threads on Sup Forums

I know, I bet a cunny thread was killed for this!

People born in Africa are African.
The current generation of whites have just as much claim to those lands as anyone else. Colonization might have been morally wrong, but don't forget the blacks in the region likely migrated there and did the same thing.


no wonder whites get murdered so frequently in africa when they think like this.

Sounds great. How about we exchange? All the whites in SA for all the niggers in Europe and North America.

My mistake, Khoisan were regarded as coloured under the apartheid system. Regardless, Africans were in South Africa before Europeans.

Homo Sapiens literally came from East Africa.

Why haven't the chinks just killed off all the natives yet? You guys told me they had no empathy.

which is in complete contradiction to what retards like lauren southern say when america and europe are being filled with brown people.

>muh muslim sharia laws in europe
>muh taco stands at every corner

The way I see it they have 2 options: either leave the country or fight off the niggers. IRA that shit.

is her sister there tho?

the people in the video literally looked like trash

being white is irrelevant, europe doesn't want them


Honey, dear, if whites wanted simple coexistance they wouldn't still control the majority of the countries economy (that they got through colonization, loot and plunder) and disproportionately occupy the higher class along with their allies in anti-blackness the Indians

Blacks CANNOT live with non-blacks in Africa because all non blacks want to do is make black people slaves in their own land. From Uganda to Kenya, from the Cape to Luanda. All the same.

Out out out!

why is her voice so deep, she's not a MTF tranny right?

Media like this is nothing more than misdirection to keep you unaware. This specific piece is called an "inciter." It keeps you busy while a few select plunder everything around you.

Follow the money.

you think Sup Forums would worship a degenerate?

Coexistence doesn't mean not participating in society.
Whites might have a lot of political power, but that should be an incentive to the black population to work harder. This works for plenty of other minority groups in the West.

The natives clearly don't want coexistence, seeing how they murder and rape constantly.

what are you talking about?
Sup Forums hates that strumpet

if mods delete this thread, I'm going to leave Sup Forums and never come back

Shes from surrey/vancouver area
most gurls from there sound like that

Not *none* but the vast majority migrated there after it was made liveable. The Khoisan people (think Asian-y blacks) were there very sparingly, but the Bantu (what you really think of as black) have not been there super long.

Why didn't Afrikaners just work the land and create a nation of smallholder farmers like practically every other Anglo nation, instead of being a bunch of lazy proto-NEETs and having blacks do most of the work?

had my fingers crossed while you said it mang, you're in the clear

Unironically, unironically; this.

>waaah let these whites who live in africa be in peace!!!

Make up your mind Sup Forumstards, you can’t have your ethniostates and your colonial lands as well

This isn't your blog you 56% faggot

Check life expectancy in south africa historically, it might hurt your narrative.

Work harder? How can you work your way out of the fact that this insular elite only works to maintain its position, live off you, and continue to keep their assets in perpetuity by raising up a few coon politicians to legislate to their needs? No, the solution to such agents is expulsion, asset seizure and nothing else. They have no incentive to change the status quo and neither do the political class

It's true though. Read a book.

>go look for one example of something
>find it

why dont real journalists do this?

i want to cum inside her

I want to make white babies with her

>muh taco stands at every corner
It would have helped if America didn't have conquered half of Mexico, with the population in it.
I'm not saying this in a judgmental way, it's just, what did you expect, my child?

Damn, it's almost as if imperialism is a bad idea and has consequences. Really made me think...

If you read many political texts by prominent colonialists much of their motivation was to spread christenfom and "raise up the dark continent" - to provide enlightenment principles of politics, democracy, science and medicine. It was actually very beneficent in principle just misled that africans could attain the same standards as the west.

would trade SA whites for nigs in a heartbeat. Many white SA people are desperate to get out but no one is willing to take them. It's going to end up like Zimbabwe if the government keeps going the way it is.

I have made up my mind. We should kill all niggers.

This is true. Reminder that the Unabomber was 100% right about liberals and he did nothing wrong.

0/10 thoughts

>imperialism is bad
oh wow, einstein over here is onto something big

Its almost as if you know nothing about european colonisation, its history, race relations or legacy.