Why didn't you watch this kino Sup Forums?

why didn't you watch this kino Sup Forums?

because the director put a Coke bottle up my butthole 6 years ago when we were working together

Geeze, why didn't we watch (((((their)))) obvious propaganda show.....hrm....

>Get Lit
>Those dumb ski goggles this Luke Cage looking dude is wearing
I'm just going to assume it's shit, just like Flash and Supergirl.
Let me know when they make a Static Shock show, then maybe I'll care

Black Lightning? Really? That's all they could think of? They should have called him Niggatricity.

>Black superhero
>In Current_Year+2
>Direct pandering for BLM
>Stupid-looking costume
You can't make this shit up.


Do we really need another nigger/superhero ?

Black lightning is one of the older black heroes

What does that have to do with what he said? We are all sick of nigger superheroes. Where are the Asian or Latino ones?

>can't even get the number of parantheses right
nice larp, shitlib

Yeah man all those black superhero films are just drowning out everything. Don't pretend you give a shit about Asians or Latinos, you're just some racist cunt

I am Asian and I am sick of seeing black superheroes as a way to preach diversity I am not fucking black. These nigger inner city superhero movies are 1 note and boring.

bugman btfo

Those inner city black superhero movies don't exist you fucking moron.

Dont watch anything CW makes its all stupid fucking teen porn

Not really. He's still quite clearly a racist


This. His racism has no place on Sup Forums.org.

He's complaining about something that doesn't exist

No what he says makes sense soycuck.

No it doesn't. He's tired of black inner city superhero films that don't exist

All black superheroes bring inner city bullshit with them. The trailer for this for example was nothing but that.


Look at the amount of nogitude in OPs poster. Do think that shit appeals to anyone besides suburbanite mulatto bloggers?

Black panther wont do that
Spawn didn't do that
Blade didn't do that
Steel didn't do that

So we have this and Luke Cage. Your argument is weak

back to your cuckshed baizuo

Every movie you mentioned had elements of the hood you dumb fuck nigger.

I didn't realize it was out. brb

>get lit

>accusing Based Lightning of Jewery

Back off, you jive motha!

>The Hood

Why can't you just admit you're intimidated by black people ?


They already stuff blacks into every Arrowverse show anyway (and they have the worst plots), why would anybody want to watch an entire show based on those types of characters.

Frankly, I'm just pissed off they could have used this money elsewhere, like creating a Batman Beyond show!

No I just think their stories are always boring when it's just hood nigger shit for the 100000th time.

>those types of characters

Race isn't a character trait

Id rather see black superheros than spic or asian superheros

>Batman beyond
>On a CW budget

Just watch the fucking cartoon

Niggawatt, user Niggawatt

If it had nothing to do with the hood then you would complain about it being not at all realistic and cry about them portraying black heros as normally as white ones

Black panther trailer is full of street nigger shit, why don’t you shut the fuck up and watch Tyrone plow your girl some more, fucking cuck.

If it had nothing to do with the hood I would have a heart attack because niggers are literally incapable of making stories without the hood.

I've read 70 issues of spawn and I still don't get the gist of it. It's all about Spawn getting confused on why he's here on earth and then he fights some asshole who tries to fuck up his alley home. What is this comic about?

What, a bit of music? Why are you so obsessed with the idea of black men fucking white women? I think you spend to much time on /gif/

I think Spawn ends up killing both God and Satan, ending their war and then banishes Super God to end their war. Then he goes back to his alley for some reason

That's not all they could think of. They also thought of Black Vulcan and Static Shock.

First, we had Static Shock and now black lightning. Is electricity the new fried chicken for blacks?

Black Lightning came first.
Black Vulcan was before that.

blacks don't like to see white people on screen and can't relate to them so i don't like to see blacks on screen and can't relate to them.

Because I fucking hate niggers.

Because I have chronic negro fatigue syndrome. I’m tired of niggers and their monkeyshines.

It’s getting so bad that I’m even starting to avoid some white actors, like Will Smith.

It didn't feel like 'A cw show'. I mean, black lightnings like a 40 year old dude and any teen to twentysomething is a little shit.

Thank god this isn't a part of the Arrowverse, yet.

>dare to defy
>the resistance

oy vey who could possibly be behind this

>they didn't call him Super Volt

It's already my wife's daughter's favorite show. It's the only superhero she watches other then Luke Cage and Black Panther.

I heard they showed star labs in the trailer, they'll put it in the arrowverse and shit it up with felicity crossovers in no time. Hope they don't, I'm 20 mins in and it's actually not half bad


i don't know what I expected but what I got was every niggers wet dream vomited on screen. It was almost as sad as it was hilarious, imagining some monkey writing "and then my nigga beat those cops with fucking lightening outta his hands, and makes the car explode!"

They'll at least put him in the annual Christmas crossover

>Black Blackning
>up until 16 minutes in the first episode the only non black characters in the show were 4 police officers
>the (((hero))) literally assaults police officers for doing their job
>none of the Blacks except for the count Blackula himself speak in correct english
>black black black suddenly an albino black is shows as villain who kills a white guy
>the albino black also has a trophy white woman
>not one non black character until 34 minutes in
>suddenly whites in black gangs
>boss nigger shocks an innocent white person for just being there
Hey at least they show niggers how they are - as violent incompetent monkey criminals.