Why didn't Sup Forums warn me? Critics are idiots. This was pure kino. No SJW bullshit and ScarJo was hot. Prove me wong.
Why didn't Sup Forums warn me? Critics are idiots. This was pure kino. No SJW bullshit and ScarJo was hot...
If nothing else, the guy they got for Batou was fucking based. I wish he got more screen time.
You are an idiot with shitty movie taste.
Most likely 'murican.
It was very boring and the ending was very underwhelming
It was medicore as fug
Watch Blade Runner if you want a true kino experience
>This was pure kino
So absolute trash, translated from meme speak? The original is a worthwhile film, but this is generic trash with none of what made the anime good. Get some taste
I bet it will be BORING to him.
>first five minutes of movie
>"Your body (your shell) is gone, but your ghost (your soul) survived."
why would I watch this if I've seen the original?
It was written so american audience can understand it.
I think it was more straightforward.
Something like - we put your ghost (your soul) in this shell (this cyberbody). And it was first dialogue in the movie.
This "film" is obviously a plot by the Jews to estrogenize men and make them want to look like beautiful Nordic women.
As an addendum to this. the existence of White women is in itself a ploy by the Asians to turn White men gay. Over many millennia White women were mutanized to become the butch hambeast giants they are today, so as to cause White men to flee to China to have sex with their mentally stronger, yet physically effeminate men. This plot by the Jews is simply an equalizing measure to make Chinese and White men estrogenically equal, and thus create a race of mixed Chinese-White eunuchs that the native feminine Chinese women would yearn to breed with, thus giving every Jew his very own Asian wife.
>be ok with scarjo
>be ok with her character not being Matoko since her name and nationality were never the point of gits in any of the media
>still do a 180 and make her an asian named Matoko
I'm honestly still mad that they didn't have the balls to keep her as some rando westerner.
They changed what is canon. Most people who would want to see it are weebs. By changing the canon they alienated their main audience in the hope of getting audiences that are not weebs to watch it. But the non-weeb audiences still think it is weeb shit so did not go to see it anyhow.
the movie is actually boring tho
They took a deep thought-giving anime kino and turned it into a medicore action film.
Script was a complete mess.
Visuals are kino though.
They dumbed down a plot, a lot,
This is biggest movie problem.
>holograms everywhere
>visual kino
Yeah not in a million years, holograms like that are fucking stupid and serve no purpose
>Visuals are kino though.
But they copied them from anime. So it is even worse.
Instead of making an intelligent movie based on the source material which would have failed. They dumbed it down for western audiences and it stilll failed. They failed to understand that you can still make a great movie that would have become a cult classic over the years instead of trying to satiate the ADHD crowd.
Watch the anime again, the art design is so good you can actually make out the shape and style of the city
I do not remember anything about city in movie.
I just remember scenes from anime, which they copied 100%.
They took an anime with a lot of themes and turned it into a generic cyber action movie
It wasn't bad but they completely missed what made GiTS unique
>basically ignore the whole backstory of the GITS universe
>the major (who is not a major) was some street kid that got killed during a riot, not a decorated covert ops full body cyborg originally from section 6 doing some shady shit for the government during the last world war
>takes elements from the original movie and some episodes from SAC and rewrite them to fit the current political climate
>remove all the philosophic tones from the original movie
>insert instead some generic white guy CEO as the generic villain to fit the current political climate
the visuals were mostly top notch but they fucked the story and the world building up big time and scarjo was the wrong acress for this.
giv cyborg milkies mommy
I refuse to watch purely because of ScarJo. She's an annoying cunt with an annoying voice.
t. homosexual man that wants to have sexual intercourse with other men
oh fuck off. watch the original and then be ashamed over your thread
I'm assuming you didn't watch the animation?
Emily Blunt would have been a far superior choice. She has that hoity-toity air about her similar to Motoko.
>then slaps you with the original score at the end credits to remind you that you could have spent that 1 1/2 hours watching a superior film.
stuntdouble? or can blunt do that? pretty impressive
It's not particular hard to do.
jesus, i forgot about this horrific score. they had it right there! just copy-paste it into the opening sequence and every cyberpunk and weeb would have got the 4k bluray for this ony. but no, they won't.
jsut watch the anime
i was able to enjoy it because I didn't give a shit about the comics. I thought it was a decent cyberpunk movie. had it not been an anime, it wouldn't have been shat on so much. anyway, i can't take critics seriously after TLJ. Starwars ep8 has killed the illusion of goodness in the world for me. fuck critics, i'm just gonna like what i like and i liked ghost in the shell.
I liked it overall but I though Scarlet wasn't very good in this. It actually pissed me off the way she walked. Did anyone else notice that. She kind of hunched over and stomped around. I guess she was trying to looked more robotic? It was a giant mistake imo. Completely took me out of the movie every time I saw it.
Was a decent and competent dumbed down movie,far from being kino
Cartoons are for children
Pure kino? LOL.
When the studio dumbed down everything, even the rating from R-rated to PG-13. It already destined to fail.
I have to read original manga and anime again just to cleanse my eyes and memory from this abomination.
For a woman it is.
Scar Jo is a womanlet, that's how they naturally walk when the director isn't covering for them.
nothing wrong with it, the problem with this movie is that they took god tier source material and turned it into a generic sci-fi action movie that's forgettable.
and it was still better than TLJ, which doesn't deserve to be ranked in the 90s. GiTS movie deserved at least low 70s, not a fucking 45.
It was a good looking movie, but the story is RoboCop instead of GitS.
Motoko never was in doubt of her own identity in the manga, the cyberification happened consciously with her own consent. Speaking of consent, didn't you find that weird, that forceful separation from one's own cultural identity and giving consent were the main themes of the film?
not when you weigh like 80 lbs
As a 2 decade old fan of GitS I loved the movie for what it was. It even surprised me that it had so many references to every single piece of the franchise.
>comparing a dumbed down anime mainstream adaption to a raped mainstream franchise
if both stink it does not matter anymore, wich one stinks more.
that was him?
great actor though
I need more evidence that Scar Jo is hot before I believe it
Bait the thread
It just felt like a "best of" movie with recognizable elements that even normalfags would even get without putting a spin on it or at least understanding the point of those elements in both the Manga and the Movie/Anime
Is it not more of an existential identity crisis though? Ghost vs shell, are you really you kinda of a thing?
Yeah but the original version still exists, so why bother? It was a pointless film.
>so why bother
Scarjo mommy
she looks like bran in that second op pic
I noped out of that cringefest after 10 minutes.
Original is one of the top anime movies of all time though.
>tfw a single manga panel has more introspection than your entire movie
yes, i remember reading that she got mad at Tom Cruise for being too slow or messing up a take because she can't do it for long.
Why not just do it the Gal Gadot way? No core strength necessary.
You dumb fuck. The movie was about a evil corporation turing asian kids into white killing robots. How is that not SJW? Total dumbass. That was the morale. White washing and not having consent is bad.
t. redditor