The Last Jedi was a succe-

>The Last Jedi was a succe-

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DESU they made money but it's looking like they're going to be making progressively much less money on new installments. Combined with dogshit toy sales and EA murdering their vidya adaptations with the biggest blunder in years, I'm starting to doubt they'll even recoup their $4bil investment, let alone profit enough to justify it.

The shareholders will want blood

Solo bombing will be the last straw. Subversion man and Kathleen will be fired

The Shareholders are mainly big (((Investment))) Banks so no they will be fine

Disney's biggest shareholder is now Rupert Murdoch

It’s been pulled from China completely.

Now China is considering never showing a Star Wars movie again.

Brava, Kathleen. Brava, Rian.

second biggest is George Lucas, if I'm not mistaken

What's with millennials and their obsession with box office numbers(and RT scores)? They aren't seeing a dime of that 1.3B, so who gives a fuck?

HA HA YES Vladimir Putin will reward me for my great job.

It was still the highest grossing movie of the year.

Box office literally dictates the future of the franchise.

It's all about ROI dickweed. The amount of money they throw into Star Wars is insane. They still haven't even disclosed the budget.

Holy shit seriously?

>Shareholders will be fine with the box office dropping $700m
>Shareholders will be fine with the film making $1.3b despite pre release estimates putting it at $1.7b

Stop using this excuse. You don't go all Rain Man over box office numbers because you're interested/concerned with the future of the franchise. You just want to wave your dick around for liking the movie that's the highest grossing so you can use it in an argument when someone tells you the movie is shit.

>"George is getting ripped off handing SW over for ONLY four billion," they said



i haven't been following this as much but why? is it because they are huge star wars fans and they dislike the direction of the film or is it something else
> On popular review aggregator Douban, the new film is rated a fairly weak 7.3, based on over 43,000 reviews. The most upvoted review complains that “the whole film really insults the IQ of its audience,” and demands to know how the universe could possibly be ruled by such an incompetent Galactic Empire. “In Star Wars, it seems only Darth Vader had a brain — it’s such a shame he’s already dead,” the reviewer concludes.
>Other factors, according to Chen, include Chinese audiences’ preference for physically attractive protagonists and stories rooted in reality. He points out that, for example, superhero films from Marvel — a Disney cash cow that has enjoyed great success in China — feature recognizable settings, such as New York and even China, and are filled with larger-than-life leads who meet the public’s aesthetic standards. The Star Wars characters, meanwhile, look ordinary by comparison.
>“These actors aren’t very beautiful, which may deter a lot of Chinese from seeing the recent films,” said Chen. “We fans often joke that if Finn were played by Will Smith, Chinese people might be more inclined to watch it — because he’s very handsome.”

With Irish, you perish.

Apparently so. They are thinking in the lines of "why waste valuable space on a franchise that won't sell no matter what is done with it."

I really wish he high balled them for 6-8 billion which would make their floundering even more worthwhile

something along the line of chinese gov thinking it is literally wasted space and resources to approve such bad film

SW has never been a big thing in China and they don't generally seem to be that keen about sci-fi.

>Chinese audiences’ preference for physically attractive protagonists

based Chinks are going to save the movie industry not ruin it. break Hollywood out of their participation award psychosis

Compare the daily grosses of TLJ with Wonder Woman if you want to behold the maddening darkness of the Last Jedi JUST abyss

>Big investors dont want big profits

You heard it here first

Honestly I cant disagree with any of this, Based Chinamen

>do your job well
>get rewarded
Take notes Kathleen!

>buy Star Wars
>don't profit

the absolute state of disney

"None of this has anything to do with the quality"..... uuuh okay. You wanna tell me what does determine the quality? I mean I'm cool with disassociating commercial success with quality completely actually, but I'm gonna apply that to every other review that fag has ever shat out and its probably not gonna hold up.

Did the chinks eat up Rogue One?

If they did, why do they hate this one?

I unironically think this shit is going to only barely break even. I've never seen a marketing campaign like this, I'd say it's bigger than TFA

>making double your investment and more isn't profiting
Like yeah it didn't perform as well as expected but its still raking in profits

is it safe to say The Last JUST has had the worst legs ever for such a high profile film? I can’t think of any others at the moment

They only watched for Donnie Yen, but but they saw the pandering, even the actor didn't like being used. Since they killed him off they aren't invested anymore.

They haven't made even half of the investment back

the budget cant have been more than 600 million
if they're on track to make at least 1.2 billion they'll be making back double the budget

You are insane if you think big (((Investment))) Banks aren't constantly chasing profits and baying for blood when anything happens that suggests their profits will be even marginally reduced from previous estimations.

>Implying I like TLJ

>Studios get 100% of the box office gross

I would post an image of a retarded wojak but I'm not retarded enough to actually save that shit so you will have to make do with your imagination.

>b-but people hate the last shit because of the stronk females and only loved WW b-becuz the stronk females
The absolute state of disney viral marketing department

>You'll like what we tell you to like!
>Why does nobody like our movie?

Are you forgetting that they won't get all the ticket sales? Even with that asine demand of theirs for 65% or 70%. With your example If they make 1.2 billion they'll only just break even (840million) and that's assuming the budget doesn't count marketing, which it never does.

Yeah, you're right, exhibitors still get about 30 percent though it does taper off. I forgot about that. So yeah Disney will be making profits but not the 100%+ expected
there's no need to be rude

What Disney should do is add a huge force ghost war in the next sequel. Just tons of ghosts doing ghost things. That will make it #1 top grossing movie in China.

That's barely breaking even because theaters get paid too. And let's not forget the mouse needs to climb a 4 billion high mountain one Star Wars underperforming shit at a time

If you have read one TLJ thread in this past month you would know how wrong you are. But you haven't because you're a low effort shill

This will end up making only $80m more than R1 despite its opening weekend being $65m higher.
No way were they expecting this to happen

Basically the 'amazing' critic reviews stopped this being an even bigger fuck up because without the manufactured hype to boost opening weekend this would have only just edged over $1b WW

Ghosts are banned in China. The whole reason they changed ghosts to make them more solid like and use magic powers was to get past their censors.

So I'm a shill because I haven't devoted as much time to shitting on a shitty movie in one of the eight hundred threads posted about it in the past three weeks rather than occupying my time with other things?
Yeah you're right I must be a shill.

So, posting reddit screencap is okay now?

Drop off like that, fueled by word of mouth and franchise fatigue, is probably freaking the fuck out of Disney at the moment with Solo coming in a few months and a whole new trilogy in the works. They've got no choice but to churn out as many movies as they can to get their money back, so expect Star Wars to get a lot cheaper looking.

Lurk more before posting shill


dont they love transformers?

Disney gets around 50% of the gross dometic, 40% foreign and 25% in China. That's how it normally works although there was some stuff about their Jewish tactics so maybe 60% dom 50% WW.

Imagine being Ron with this film and having to be all like "damn, Kathleen Kennedy, you a fuckin' fine executive, all creative with your terrible ideas, marxism and horrific feminist agenda. I would totally respect you, both to further my career or for pleasure." when all he really wants to do is make another schlocky Oscar bait pic without having to dip into his own pocket. Like seriously imagine having to be Ron and not only sit in that chair while Kathleen flaunts the disgusting previous rushes and future plans in front of you, the favorable angles barely concealing Ehrenreich's lack of talent and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while he impotently pretends to be Ford. Not only having to tolerate his monstrous lack of talent but Emila's haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's TOTALLY NOT SHIT and DAMN, EMILIA CAN ACT LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and direct these no talent gremlins contort their faces into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been making nothing but a healthy diet of popcorn flicks and Oscar bait for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Happy Days. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the festering turd as Kathleen talks to the press about the force being female smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "Spielberg-esque (for that is what she calls herself)" talent, the talent she "worked" so hard for with creative people in the previous years. And then you call for another take, and you know you could kill every single person's career in this room just by showing footage of this abomination on Twitter before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Ron. You're not going to lose your future movie funding over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

Disney made some cryptojew tier demands regarding percentages before release, I think it was something like 65-70 percent

You start off your post with an absolute lie which only a shill could fabricate, surprised that you are caught being a shill ?

TFA is listed at $245M on boxofficemojo, it's safe to assume it's in the same ballpark


Pretty sure disney strong armed cinemas into forking over 60-65% of the revenue. Its still on track to barely make back the now undisclosed budget.

>only a shill could fabricate avoiding the absolute dumpster fire tier threads about TLJ
The movie was shit. We all know this. What's the point in making a hundred threads about it.

>jumanji is beating star wars in the cinema
who /litty/ here?

It's still weird that they are shitting the bed so hard with SW considering they've had years of experience releasing 2-3 Marvel movies per year and managing to keep franchize fatigue to a bare minimum, with Infinity War most likely even surpassing the first Avengers movie in box office numbers.

>Not reading all TLJ threads and being up-to-date on the current means to shit on it means you're a shill
There are other things to do then sit around shitting on one bad movie. I guess it's not surprising that those are your parameters for not being a shill considering this has become a crusade.


Yep. Chinese theaters can only screen a small number of foreign films per year so they don’t want to waste the slots on films that won’t gross.

Disney were mad enough to fire Joss Whedon and demote Ike Perlmutter to television because Age of Ultron made $100m less than Avengers and people in this thread are genuinely arguing that they don't care that TLJ made $700m less than TFA.

>“We fans often joke that if Finn were played by Will Smith, Chinese people might be more inclined to watch it — because he’s very handsome.”
Trying so hard to not be racist and this would still get you instantly fired in USA. Sometimes I love those yellow bastards.

Kek: the star wars story

A good rule of thumb is to double the states budget to account for marketing, advertising etc. For TLJ i'd go as far as to say that it should be more than doubled, in the 2.5x range. Is there any hollywood accounting expert who can ballpark the actual movie budget from the given budget of $245 mil?

China has zero nostalgia for star wars so they judge the new movies solely on quality.
I'll let your noggins do the rest of the jogging.
t. 五年住在中国的老外

They were arrogant, thought Star Wars would just be an easy cash cow. It already had a massive built in fanbase. The Avengers they had to slowly build that up and actually earn it. They didn't earn it with Star Wars

WW had ridiculously slow decay. Did it set any records for retention?

I unironically unironic ironic unironically ironically ironic the ironic that has an unironically ironic

Considering they bought it for 4 billion dollars you can't just say "they made a lot of money, isn't that enough" since they had to spend an enornous amount of money for the rights, then to make the damn movie, and then to advertise the thing.

I don't know if they ever disclose total advertising budgets but Destiny was a fucking videogame with an advertising budget of 300 million dollars, so I can't even imagine how much the mouse spent on promoting the sequel trilogy so far

Gain some knowledge on subject matters before discussing them. At least do the job disney are paying you for with some effort.

>b-b-but m-muh 1.2 billion
That’s literally their go-to shill playbook response

How is it racist to say one black actor is more handsome than another black actor?

Nobody will go to the effort to post that analysis here when the thread will probably expire by the time they're done writing. Benefit from their autism.

remember that the favorable 65% is only US domestic, they get much less everywhere else. so even if we assume $1.3B they will see only $700M of it. with a production cost of about $250M and approx the same for marketing, they are recouping the 4B investment for the franchise at snail speed. even before taxes.
that is the reality.

>production cost of about $250M
try 400M at least

>so they judge the new movies solely on quality
They're not allowed to watch films with ghosts in them. Their quality standards are basically sub-human.

Not even to mention that one of the biggest revenue streams for SW, toys and action figures are at an all time low in terms of sales and popularity as well. Disney fucked this whole thing up on every level.

Almost 4x domestic multiplier, that a massive hit but then you have movies like IT making over 10x. It was a record breaking hold but only for movies in its budget range

>demands to know how the universe could possibly be ruled by such an incompetent Galactic Empire

The fact that he implicitly understood the actor had to be black for diversity and wasn't a decision based on meritocracy. He also implies John Boyega is an ugly motherfucker if it would make that much of a difference. Nothing wrong with it, mind you, but remember where we are.

Jumanji looks set to break WW record.

if you have a more solid base to extrapolate from, please share it.

This post infinitely better than anything I've read from you cumguzzlers regarding Star Wars
As far as I'm concerned, you people who like to come here to endlessly participate in the same circular arguments and spew a never-ending stream of diarrheal opinions about "the prequels vs the original" or "oh no they ruined star wars" are all the exact type of consumer-idiot that is to blame for the awful state of film today.

They forced it here in the UK too, a lot of the independent and smaller chains refused to show it for that reason (and the mandatory 4 - 5 week show period on the biggest screen.) I assume the same is correct for europe.
TFA was about $300M before tax incentives and jew magic got it down to $250 so it's probably a fair guess

If TLJ failure stops the SJWs taking over the movie industry, ironically I'd considering it the best SW movie as it saved the movie industry.

they won't feel it now though because they have already raked in the profits for existing licenses. when those licenses are about to be renewed though, that's when they will take a hit.

>t. disney mom

>still talking about star wars
>screen cap of a literal reddit post
Will you tourists please fuck off.

To add on:
>1)marvel heroes occupy a wide range of genres
Its possible to run the gamut of different kinds of films while still keeping them in one brand. Despite being marvel there is virtually nothing similar to the punisher, guardians of the galaxy and doctor strange. Compare to star wars where it will always be sci-fi
>2) there was no established actors linked to each character
This is a major reason why the han solo movie will bomb. Like it or not characters like Han Solo or Luke Skywalker originated from film and are thus linked to a specific person. Fans will lose interest if the person they picture as their hero do not portray them
>3) marvel is much better with the "agenda"
Yes i know both series are now innudated with SJW nonsense however marvel is much more intelligent about it. None of the main heroes are race swapped and for the most part are played by aryan supermodels. The supporting cast are the ones race swapped and the agenda is a lot less in your face. The only marvel film i recall as blatant as nuwars is Spider man homecoming and that was from one character, not the entire theme and moral of the film.

I would go on but im at work. Its worth mentioning too that kevin feige is at least some part a true comics fan. Compare that to lucas arts new story team (pic related).

have fun barely staying solvent for the rest of your life because you don't understand ROI