The "I don't know, I kinda liked it" Thread

Pic related for me

Doctor Strange for me, just saw it for the first time this morning and thought it was actually really good.

Watchmen. Snyder's strengths actually worked for it, unlike what happened with BvS.

I liked the directors cut. It fixed a lot of the mistakes of the theatrical cut

Man of Steel

If you just replaced Eisenberg's Luthor I'd gve the UC a 9/10. You wouldn't even have had to change the lines (though I'd do without the cherry/jar of pee scenes), just the delivery. I just can't stand Eisenberg's performance.

Watchmen was Snyder's best work, and i read the comic years before the movie came out. I see it as a good companion to the comic

It's okay to like something bad user, just so long as you know why it's bad and like it anyway.

I liked Godzilla, but I know how bad it is, Yes, THAT Godzilla. Yes, the one with Zilla.

Not sure if troll or 13 year old

I liked Emo Hulk.

The Harlem fight is underrated.

This is legit one of the top 5 MCU films. I don't understand why people rate it so low. It really is the perfect Hulk movie, and it's BY FAR the scariest Hulk design.

Ruffalo is a terrible Banner and his Hulk is shitty comic relief with a beer gut.

I lost my shit when he tore the squad car in half and used the two halves as gloves against Abomb. Norton was the perfect Banner too.

Stop looking for validation from Sup Forums, most of Sup Forums is shit and has shit opinions. You are allowed to like whatever you want and think whatever you want is good.

same, I loved the movie

you are cancer

I thought this film was actually very well received at the time it came out? The only reason nobody ever talks about it anymore is because it's so old, by MCU standards anyway.

>"I don't know, I kinda liked it"
You mean indifference?
All superhero movies provoke that feeling.

Wow, you are so fucking cool.

Aren't I?

Yeah. Can I suck your cock?


So was the Green Lantern movie really that bad?

Most of Lex's dialogue was legitimately good. I think he would have been fine if Eisenberg just acted like he did in the Social Network, not whatever the fuck that was.

Most people like Dr. Strange. It's more uncommon to dislike it.

Maybe I just went into it with incredibly low expectations, but I think it's okay.

I dunno, I herd nothing but negative reviews from Sup Forums, then again Sup Forums generally hates everything. Still, fun movie

After watching this a second time I realized that Waller is responsible for the Justice League forming, without her Bruce would never be able to find any of them

I liked all 3 punisher movies.

Ok the plot is a bit of a mess, but as far as actual Transformer moments go, its easily my favorite of the movies. Lockdown is easily the best villain in these movies. The Autobots actually feel like characters, and we get extensive moments of them interacting. Besides Prime and Bumblebee, every single Autobot in these movies could be summed up with a single sentence, quickly fading out of the spotlight. characters like Ironhide became notable simply by existing in multiple movies.

They also finally give Megatron something to really do, after sort of ambling in the shadows of other villains in the prior two. I like how Megatron and Lockdown are two independent threats that don't entirely overshadow each other.
And Mark Wahlberg's character is infinitely better than Shia Labeauf's petulant, whiny Sam. Yeah his daughter and her boyfriend weren't great, but I liked the interaction he had with Optimus.

Norton works for a solo hulk banner, but probably wouldn't play very well in the overall very lighthearted quippy MCU.

That's true, but we do need more positive posts around here, or just semi-positive like OP's.

Sup Forums just fell deeper and deeper into the hole of hate and cynicism as time went on and part of that is because positivity is discouraged. It's so much easier to shit on something than admit you enjoyed it.

Are you me? I really enjoyed Age of Extinction, even with that mess of a plot.

I like The Wolverine. Even the third act was okay in my book. The ninja fight was fun and even the silver samurai fight. I would have preferred the real Silver Samurai of course but I was okay with what they gave me

I really liked the first one but was salty when they didn't use Thomas Jane for the later ones, so I skipped them. Mistake?

>LARPing as Sup Forums

Eat a gun

Idk I did the same as you user. I was super mad they didn't use Jane for the Netflix Frank. But dude-who-played-Shane is good too

Best movie Lucifer

>We will never have a Constantine 2 with Keanu
He was amazing and I loved him in that role. Rewatched it so many times.
>That bit where he's walking with the girl and they get to his car
>"What's that sound, birds?"
>"Something bigger...talons."
>Walks up to Mary and burns the thing killing every demon.

As an adaptation of Constantine, dismal. As a paranormal detective movie, it grew on me.

I didn't realize that people actually hated the Wolverine. I know that the CGI Silver Samurai wasn't well received but I assumed that the movie for the most part was liked by fans.

You absolute mad man!

If it hadn't been censored down to PG-13 and had done Silver Samurai correctly, it would have been great. The climax is utter shit that ruins an otherwise okay movie.

I really like Man of Steel. BvS, eh, not so much.

If they changed his name and the title this movie would be revered as a cult classic.

Pic related, people shitting on it like there's no tomorrow. I didn't mind it, little forced in the twist department.

It wasn't the comics John Con or the comics Lucifer, but the movie versions were good anyway.

Take Shia LaBeef out of the movie and it'd be great.

It's fanfic tier, both art and writing wise. It's amazing DC actually published as if it was a comic made by professionals.

>So was the Green Lantern movie really that bad?
First half is pretty ok

Somewhere around the time when Ryan Reynolds tries to convince everyone that he feels unworthy (and fails to be believable) is when the movie takes a dive and then just keeps getting worse. A totally amazing sinestro was wasted on a dumpster fire of a film.

I actually liked aou and im3.

Aou would have been 100 times better if the producers hadn't messed with Whedon's vision (imo the existing deleted scenes already improve the film tremendously, even if we still don't get to see why Thor thought activating the Vision was a good idea), and surprisingly, for me and likely me alone, I liked damn near everything about iron man 3 except for the action scenes. Im3 had silly, campy early 90s b movie elements but I thought it pulled them off well.

I liked Eisenberg's Luthor.
But I'm an absolute casual when it comes to DC, obviously.