shitty poster
you mean the pic or OP
on Bored Runner 2049 Seconds In and We Left the Theatre?
It was...really, really bad.
Kino af high budget movie.
Better than the relase poster
it wasnt bad although they shilled Ford too much
I think they should have used the same font as the one used for star's name
"Boring" is not a valid argument, it only says what your mood was while watching the film.
Same as saying "it was fun", that does not indicate anything about the actual quality of the film whatsoever.
Terrible posters and promo art, extremely good film
>le epic pun post xDDD
it was BBRRRRRWWWAAAAAA you faggot
Wanna watch it for the 2nd time.
This is the standard of which all kinography will be measured against
>look mom I posted it again!!!1!
I really want that jacket. Already got the drive scorpion one.
distilled dishonesty
it would be easier to have it made than buy it
i found it. it only costs 160$
Hell of a lot better than the original.
That's a fake one, jackets like that are pretty pricey
What a bothersome post. You have made me a bit displeased.
you meant real leather or an official tag for goys?
Where's the BD rip?
honestly i liked it a lot less on the 2nd viewing, idk why, the cinematography looks so thin, smartphone-tier, there's no "depth" film provides.
>everyone is talking about how good a film is
>see another thread on Sup Forums about this film
>hate being just another one in the crowd, despite the films quality
>the only way I can stand out is to slate it
>got to make sure everyone notices though
>come up with the shitty pun
>"Bored Runner 2049"
>comedy gold
>I blade run.
same here. It was on tv screen thou
Right here.
the material cost ofcourse
Why didn't K get together with Luv? She is the superior waifu. Instead he died like a cuck to reunite Han Solo and his daughter. He should have strangled Han not Luv.
true but to be honest its a shame to spend 1k on a jacket you wear a year or two. My inner jew says no
honestly i liked it a lot more on the 2nd viewing, idk why, the cinematography looks so rich, cinema-tier, there's so much "depth" film provides.
When you spend that much money on a quality jacket you can basically wear it forever user, this is not H&M shit that falls apart in two weeks. But if you actually plan on buying a jacket like that you better live in an extremely cold place because otherwise you will look ridiculous and out of place
i live in a cold place and wearing it for more than 2 seasons is a /fa/ crime
K is loyal to his waifu to the bitter end