She wasn't possessed at the end. The priest's exorcism in the hospital worked. She killed the parents as an offering to Satan in the hope he'd reconnect. Some people say that she is still possessed when she kills the parents but those people are retards.
She wasn't possessed at the end. The priest's exorcism in the hospital worked...
What you're basically saying is she was a satanist hoping to make contact with an evil spirit much the same way Christians are hoping to receive a sign from God. Makes sense to me even though the measures were so drastic. Also best Emma
So there's this girl, right...
I thought that was pretty obvious. Underrated movie btw
What movie is this?
The Blackcoat's Daughter
Second-worst Emma is literally the least attractive of the three actresses
Marry, fuck, kill
Thanks user!
how can you be so fucking stupid? there was no satan , the girl just got nuts ‘cause she got completely stressed out in the boarding school and thought her parents would never come for her. and as the days were going by and there was still no one to take her home she just became insane seeing that boiler as something dictating her what to do. and when kiki turned into emma roberts and killed more people she basically realized there was nothing there.
>would rather choose an innsmouth frog or a hideous lip injected giraffe as best emma
I mean, yeah, director himself said that whole movie is about "lost" and dealing with it.
lost is the best tv show of all time
>DUDE there's no supernatural elements, it's all just psychological projection LMAO
Tired of this meme.
Best Emma is none of the three that get posted here
Does she happen to be one of these?
Degrassi Emma is best Emma. Stone and Watson shouldn't rank at all.
tired of stupidity
You might have heard the rumors and yes, they're true, this is best Emma