Will the MCU Suffer Like Star Wars?

With the utter disaster of the Last Jedi due to political propaganda from an incompetent head of Lucas Films who thought pushing"the force is female" was such smart idea and being an overall control freak to hiring and firing people from films if they didn't meet her expectations and vision for star wars not what the fans truly wanted.
Also,hiring a guy who can direct and shoot a decent scene but can't fucking write a script as you seen with the awful messy plot, mischaracterizations of OG characters while adding unnecessary and frankly terribly written side charater with motivstions thst made no sense or added nothing to th lready shitty plot and trying to subvert expectations to be "different" but reality shited all over the lore of Star Wars cause "it has to die" still seeing that little bitch defending his retarded decisions shows he is pretty much-fucked career wise no matter what the fucking shills keep coing up with asa new dumbass excuse for Rian's "genius."

Last but not least Disney overall greed with the Star Wars IP and instead of handing it with care completely fuck it up by scrapping the EU for their own ideas cause they thought they knew better and sell toys due to how well the Disney princess and marvel ones sell.

This brings me to ask because of Star Wars being mishandled this badly, will the MCU suffer the same in the future. I know you guys will say "but mcu will be fine Disney has handled it well. stfu cunt." People thought so with Star Wars with TFA and Rogue One and look what happened plus the star wars merchandise isn't selling as well as it uses to. It's starting to clear that Disney is the film studio version of EA and if Star Wars suffered this way then don't be surprised when future MCU films will too. I can already see it with Black Panther and the upcoming Captain Marvel.
But what are your thoughts?

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Marvel's cinematic universe is run by people who know, understand, and respect the source material. They take the decades-long backlog of comics and distill the best elements to make something well adapted for the screen. Then they carefully plan out the story and character arcs over several years and movie titles, or even weave the narrative into tv spin offs, or back into comics.

Star Wars under Disney is run by people who have neither knowledge, understanding or respect for the source material and enormous backlog of books, comics, and games which preceded them. They discarded it all, including the notes and advice from Lucas for VII. Instead of adapting previously established characters and events for the screen, Kathleen Kennedy and Kiri Hart invent their own. If they inadvertently end up portraying something similar to what was done before, they alter it until it is barely recognizable and will never acknowledge the EU source.
Thematically, they are eager to either display contempt for the franchise's longtime fans or replace timeless mythology with topical messages of social justice.
They blunder from one movie to the next with no overall plot or character arc planned out, and it shows.

MCU has been suffering since Iron man 2 dude. if you like it the way that it is, then no it won't be ruined.

>Marvel pulled the plug 2 months ago on a decently popular game, marvel heroes, out of fucking no where and killed the game and its dev almost instantly (2 days after the announcement of the games closure)
>now every single marvel cartoon is getting canned

Its pretty bleak. I dont think the mouse knows what to do now that star wars is floundering. I think they see that as a sort of domino future telling of the MCU and that after infinity wars, its going downhill (profit wise) fast.

Are you telling me the next marvel movie is gonna flop, again?

Marvel is soycore and is loved by soyboys and anti-social manchildren alike so it's invincible.

The fuck are you trying to say...
Its like your just shoving tired old memes into random words and passing them off like your own opinion, but failing at both ends...

When Robert Downey Jr. stops playing Iron Man, the MCU has my permission to die.

Because Star Wars is a cultural phenomenon with huge fans and to be a fan it requires you to watch 3 (maybe 6) movies
So when you put out a GLIB FACSIMILE (like Force awakens) or TOTAL TRASH (like last Jedi) people actually notice and get upset
NO ONE reads marvel nor cares about comic books so you can put out trash and people still think "well it's good enough"
You literally can't ruin a marvel character because no one liked them in the first place


The real problem is the Disney is trying to make Star Wars like the MCU. Just make Star Wars.

No, Kevin Feige knows what he is doing

>I can already see it with Black Panther and the upcoming Captain Marvel.

why because they're the only two marvel movies without a white male lead, what are you some sort of racist cislord piece of shit REEEEEEEEEEE

seriously though the black panther character was good in civil quibble and is preselling tickets faster than anything, why would you think it's going to have any problems unless you're literally just NIGGERS AHHHH


Sci-fi fans tend to be more critical over their hobbys, and usually they don't care about shitting on a bad new installment. Altought they are fans, they have an "consumer" aproach to their hobbys, and usually they rather not see shit. For example: Star Trek fans, and most of the original fanbase always shitting on new series or movie adaptations.

Usually non sci-fi fans writers thinks that a critical fanbase wants a "deep" story, and like any pseudo-intellectual assfaggot, they think that depth equals to politically charged stories. And so there comes the mistakes.

Now, superheroes fans are not critical over their hobbies. Most of then don't have a "consumer" approach to their hobbies, much more of a "fanslut" aproach, or a soccer team fan. They have some shitty sense of loyalty to the merch and everything related, and will close their eyes to any mistake that ain't gigantic.

Because of that, the writers acknowledge that the fanbase only want coherent stories with a checklist of action movies generic plots, Muscled dudes, fist fights, explosions, villains with more charisma than the heroes, and so on and deliver exactly that.

Are you 12?

I really don't know how they will continue even with the acquiring fox and xmen, Deadpool and the fantastic 4 it seems the planning of these phases are just more commercials each film.People are so used to Iron Man Robert Downey jr him being killed off will probably start a death spiral for the MCU films since he is a vital part. I'm hearing Disney wants to renew his contract for him to be in the next phase but Robert really wants to get the fuck out cause of how demanding being with Disney has been and wanting to work on other films and be with his family. I think Disney is not really confident with x men and fantastic 4 regardless of a good writer you need the right actors and for them to even consider bring Jackman back as Wolverine after Logan was to his final film as the character is really showing it.

Lets be honest... Marvel has fucked Xmen and F4 for years, and this is long before the movies came out.

I figured once the current lot of avengers movies are done, and the established actors are out of contract, the next wave of solo movies will just downsize the budgets slightly to be more in line with slightly lowered box office expectations until they establish some new stars, the movies didn't really do ridiculous money til after the first avengers came out.

taking downeys pay out of the starting budget already saves a barrel of diamonds, if they got him on another contract fuck knows what they'd end up paying him.

every mcu movie is the same, but people seem to like that

>They blunder from one movie to the next with no overall plot or character arc planned out, and it shows.

Does it not infuriate anybody else that these people actually get paid for their "work"?

Probably. But what he says actually sums it up, the new generation of fans didn't read comics, and are too young to have watched any old school marvel cartoons, so they have no standards of quality. Now for Star Wars... You must see all the movies to actually understand it, and if you watched anything that ain't VIII, you will already have some standards.

It is like you asking someone that only watched the Hobbit movies if the adaptations are faithful to the source material: He wont know. He will just watch the movies, and since he will have nothing to base itself on, he will think that it is good enough.

No. KK has no interest in Star Wars who only wants to make money and push her agenda. Feige on the other hand genuinely loves the marvel universe. Obviously he cares about making money, but he has worked for marvel his entire career and knows everything there is to know about the universe and the characters. I am 100% certain that if it had been run by someone else, the MCU would have crashed and burned by now

You see this with fox pushing back some of their Xmen films for later dates not really cause they don't think its good but cause Disney wanted them to and do reshoots to be more akin to the MCU. I m more pissed about new mutants being pushed and now being disneyfied cause it looks to be a very interesting addition to x men that was like legion. Now it's probably going to be just halfassed bs and not take some risk to be more kiddy friendly for disney.

It's because a Avengers that we ended up with nu-wars. That movie is an absolute abomination, a cgi crapfest full of quips and ridiculous villains. Yet it made billions. Disney figured that was the winning formula, that's why nu-wars looks so much like a crappy marvel movie, they even made Leia a superwoman because, what if she was a superhero?

Fantastic 4 never really managed to succeed on the big screen, so it is understandable. It is risky at best to try another independent F4 movie.

Hamfisting the mutants back into the MCU also could also be problematic, but I think they'll manage it.

With all the superhero movies being released left and right, it is obvious that people will raise the bar towards them, and be harder to impress in general.
Bringing back retired actors would certainly start the downward spiral tough.

Why is $1 billion gross considered a failure, again?

epic memes and financial illiteracy.

not just with black panther not performing well outside domestic box office but there are rumors of infinity war not being as good as people think it will be. Almost TLJ levels of bad.

>being this much of a conformist that you're afraid someone will take your post unironically, so you add as much hints as possible, that you aren't serious
I don't know why this triggers me so much.

>rumors that the biggest MCU project will be bad, TLJ bad
Look, I know we are all jolly for the blatant SW propaganda preforming below the industry's expectations, but isn't it a slight leap of logic to say that?

>black panther performed badly outside of the US and infinity war is as bad as TLJ

this nigger is from the future or what?

>this movie ive never seen and is months away from being complete is already absolute shite

thanks for the insider info m8