Admit it. You geeked the fuck out at the battle of geonosis.
It was every starwars fans wet dream.
Admit it. You geeked the fuck out at the battle of geonosis
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It's a fun level in BF2, I like it and Kashyyyk
sure, just as long as you don't notice it' clones vs droids so there's no real stakes involved.
lasers sure are pretty though
pew pew pew
Kinda cool
Yoda was in a ship and said some cool shit right?
Padme rolled in the sand or some shit too right?
>every starwars fans wet dream
Star wars is shit franchise and you should kill yourself if you "geeked" on childs movie as an adult.
>geeked the fuck out
No, it looks like a video game and dozens of Jedi running around swinging their lightsabers makes obvious how silly the idea of using lightsabers to deflect blasters is (as in, it both looks silly and makes one wonder why people don't just try shooting the Jedi with regular guns or even with lasers).
The battle was nothing like the simulations.
>It was every starwars fans wet dream.
It's the definition of empty spectacle. Sure, it's a big flashy battle but there's nothing to it.
>he didn't enjoy things as a kid
Been a cynical asshole since birth eh?
Why did the battle even happen?
So rescue Padme/Anakin/Obi-wan.
Why do people even like star wars. Look at this shit.
The Geonosis map in BF2 sucked dick, wtf
>sure, just as long as you don't notice it' clones vs droids so there's no real stakes involved.
Gee, almost like it's a manufactured war
Yeah but how do you move that much personnel and equipment in such a short span just to prevent/save two people, who relatively speaking, aren't really that fucking important?
>you're not supposed to care about what's happening on purpose
george really knocked it out of the park in that case, I apologise.
also it wasn't just about saving Obi and team.
The Separatist council was formed there with most of their armies. They were trying to crush the CIS in it's infancy.
Welcome to Sup Forums
i wouldnt say "geek" out but i was in my early teens so yeah i thought it was fun.
>digital zoom
>every star wars fans dream
one and only one reddit faggot
No lie, BF1s was great
Battle of Scarif is the most kino Star Wars can ever hope to be though.
Who did ever denied that? Space Hinds are sexy.
They're not redditors, they're just 13 years old. Come on man, they're just trying to fight SJWs like us.
was shit at the time and this movie gets worse every re-watch. all the prequels do.
I just rewatched it yesterday. It's better than I remembered. Too many cringe moments earlier in the film, and not easy to explain to kids who Syfo Dias was or why Count Dooku was building two armies. It would be a perfect comic book series.
LAATs got to be my favorite star wars ship
>reddit spacing
You missed his point, idiot
Why do people act like these scenes are bad? Especially for a movie from 2002, it looks fucking great.
fucking nerds man
Looks like it's from those animated series. Kinda shit.
Yeah, especially if you look at other movies of the time
Because CG was not ready. They need to make a special edition with updated graphic. That would be incredible.
>When you finally blow up the techno Union ship
I still don't mind it, AOTC is worse movie of all six not because it aged bad, but because of terrible Hidein Christass 'acting', horrodenous Tattoine and Naboo romantic scenes and uneven pace.
I really don't see what everyone is talking about. Those scenes look pretty good.
Unfortunately it comes after like an hour and a half into the movie where nothing had happened.
It's not only the cgi, that could be forgiven.
For me it's mostly the direction and the lack of a narative in the action. If you look at those webms above it's just loose shots of a tank landing, a ship exploding, troopers shooting and walking, robots falling. It's just things moving.
What you want to see is a character accomplishing (or failing at) small objectives. (Think of legolas facing of the oliphaunt in ROTK)
never noticed Aayla in that scene
>dude, let just like, walk straight towards the enemy while shooting at their general direction like it's fucking 1776
The movie sucks user, there's literally no scene in it where something isn't fucked up.
>You geeked the fuck out
Imagine speaking like this
To jam as much shit on the screen as humanly possible in order to sell toys? No, I got it.
rlm drone detected
It's the same kind of stuff that happened in the OT though.
it's not about the looks of the cgi, it's that we don't care about either army, it's a nice fireworks display but there's no weight to the scene, it's a direction/narrative problem not a visual/technical one.
People who call others drones truly are the real drones. Either prove him wrong or shut up.
people are always saying its the cgi though.
in the OT, I never really cared about the rebels or the stormtroopers. IMO the battle going on is the contextual backdrop when what really matters is is Anakin + Obi Wan chasing down Dooku.
untz untz untz untz
>Battle of Scarif is the most kino Star Wars can ever hope to be though.
Wrong, the maximum kino potential of Star Wars is the future cinematic rendition of the Sandral/Matale feud showdown
the cgi 'problem' with the prequels isn't the action scenes, it's the every other scene that should have been a practical set but george would rather film it on a tiny stage with greenscreen.
I hate to bring up the RLM videos because of the reeeing (You)s it will bring, but they pointed out good examples of this, like the scene with anakin telling windu that sheev was a sith, there shoudl have been some urgency, but the size of the stage they're on only allowed for them to slowwwly stroll in one direction for a bit, then stroll back the way they came, instead of I don't know having an actual hallway to hurry down because yeah this is serious, and it just makes the scene feel weird.
it affects actors when they're performing in and to nothing so much, instead of being in a proper location, cgi was overused when it really didn't need to be used at all.
this always ends in a bloodbath when I did it, was it just me?
That's episode 3 you're talking about.
No. Every vehicle looked silly.
Jar jar is made a general?
Fuckin retarded.
>jar jar
That's episode 1
>every vehicle looked silly
>Hairfire droids looked silly
>at-te look silly (they are just smaller at-ats
>clone gunship looks silly
It didn't make sense. They're having super sci fi tech, but fighting like it's Napoleonic wars or some shit.
>this always ends in a bloodbath when I did it, was it just me?
You can resolve it peacefully but the bloodbath is usually too fun to not allow it to happen
They did the same thing in the OT.
it was just one example, he filmed too much of all three movies from his armchair in front of greenscreen.
>Jar jar is a general
Why would you put an accident prone literal retard in charge of the lives of valiant soldiers?
I was 12 and thought it was overbloated CGI trash that ruined the Jedi and especially Yoda forever.
it look too small scaled for an intergalactic war
that space battle in Revenge of the Sith was the one that really captured the scale
You don't want to hear this but it sounds like RLM is just cherrypicking.
The PT has it's flaws for sure but that one scene with Windu and Anakin doesn't really stand out that much. It seem like a huge gripe. Seems a bit autistic.
If you had complained about the romance and dialogue in AoTC or how Christianson may have been a bad pick for Anakin, I could take that seriously. But that just sounds like nitpicking.
it's like poetry
why would I complain about romance dialoge (which is awful) when we're talking about cgi?
going off on a tangent like that would be autistic nitpicking.
>going off on a tangent
You started talking about Ep. 3 when we were discussing scenes in Ep. 2
ok fine I take it all back, you win.
what ps2 game is this?
Meanwhile Obiwan escapes with minimal hearing damage.
Looks like a PS4 game. Doesn't look bad imo, especially for a movie from 2002. And that's a still frame of a dynamic scene.
I think that, sincerely, that looks interesting. Its like the 70s pulp sci-fi but interpreted through early naughties mind. Its a great way to see that the 00s had their own "flavor".