Why does Sup Forums hate Rick and Morty...

Why does Sup Forums hate Rick and Morty? I was wearing my R&M t-shirt in public the other day and I get 2 high fives from strangers and a few quotes from people who noticed. It's a fun show that people love. What's the problem?

because low IQ, duh?

Because normies love it (as your experience demonstrates) and Sup Forums hates it when anything goes mainstream.

It likes to feel like a niche secret club that normalfags have no access to, so anything popular that finds popularity beyond said secret club must be spat upon.

I like R&M but I won't pretend it doesn't attract a broad audience of reddit fags who act way smarter and cultured than they really are. Harmon himself is only as good as the people he is working with.

Not only is it boring as fuck, people are so fucking pretentious about it like it would be the serialized cartoon rendition of Blade Runner. I don't want to associate myself with idiots who think they are intelligent, because they like stupid random shit like this show.

>It's a fun show that people love. What's the problem?
that's the problem

It's possible to be intelligent AND have a sense of humor outside of shitty memes you know.

By this same logic, former Sup Forums or Sup Forums or Sup Forums memes that normies start using (arrow to the knee etc.) start being ripped apart by Sup Forums

>I was wearing my R&M t-shirt in public the other day and I get 2 high fives from strangers and a few quotes from people who noticed.

>haha, kid has a fuckdoll haha, and now he's fathered an alien who's tearing shit up haha
If that's intelligent humor for you, congratulations.

It is technically a good show, however it hasn't evolved in any meaningful way whatsoever over It's 3 seasons and it is really starting to show

And it doesn't need to, because as long as they keep putting in easily repeatable catchphrases like GET SCHWIFTY and WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB for normies to spout at each other, the merch will sell and the ratings will soar. There is literally no need to expand on their ideas because the core formula they have right now is enough to keep the brainlets occupied.

Humor doesn't depend on being intelligent. I guarantee you never go out of your way to tell people that racist shit/bad puns/whatever are "unintelligent" or too lowbrow for you. You only give a shit when it comes to this specific show because it's popular.

>I get 2 high fives from strangers and a few quotes from people who noticed.
Some strangers walks up to you and burps in your face and you think he's quoting?

I was a huge fan of Rick and Morty for Season One and most of Season Two but didn't like the preachy episodes. Then Season 3 came out, the sauce, the High IQ fans, and the bugmen going to the next carcass to flourish. Ive only seen up to the dumb Avengers episode in Season 3 and I haven't watched it since.

The show is heavily reliant on other writers, if Harmon can't find anyone decent to do his job the show suffers. Get Schwifty was abominable, you can tell even by the time a second season was renewed they hadn't prepared for the show to take off so well, and the main plot suffers greatly because of recycled shit like the commercial episodes. There is a bunch of weird shoehorned 90s rap that is really out of place and only serves to show everyone how "hip" the crew members are while working for an old cynical alcoholic beta.

That being said I can still enjoy the show but don't expect it to get any better or even be finished.

Because it gives off an air of smug self righteousness and constantly hammers you with smarmy new-age liberal group think. Also because plebbit loves it

>I guarantee you never go out of your way to tell people that racist shit/bad puns/whatever are "unintelligent" or too lowbrow for you.
That's why I'm here. To rub it in your noses how much of a racist faggot you all are. You are so simple minded you are unable to speak in terms other than race or gender politics. You are all 1 dimensional brainlets. All of you.

It has the hype of golden age simpsons but none of the creativity, humor, or meaning to back it up

Harmon said he hates the avengers episode, it's the worst one in the series

Well enjoy your joyless, miserable existence, then

>Why does Sup Forums hate Rick and Morty?

Because it's a terrible show? I thought that was obvious.

Do you think he realized he was putting fapbait in the show after so many people made r34 of summer peeing of did he not realize it wasn't just a running joke?

Nobody gives a shit about you.

>It is technically a good show,
No it isn't.

NatSoc has racism the way Commies like you have classism

I am sick of people talking about that stupid multiverse theory. Nothing worse than when normies try to talk science.

The show has relied on that more and more which has caused all the dime store Hawkings to come out of their basements.

It was a cartoon that made fun of the traditional dynamic of adult cartoons which was great, but then the retarded writers turned it into every other adult cartoon in the last season and there's nothing left in it with soul now.

My brothers and I watched the first season half-way through fairly soon after it was released. We didn't laugh once so we stopped. This was before the cancerous fanbase so that has nothing to do with us disliking it, it just wasn't funny. Our iq's might've been too low for it tho so we watched aqua teen hunger force instead.

It’s literally the same as Family Guy but because it’s on [as] people think it’s edgy.

Not a huge fan of the show as a whole but it undoubtedly gets better after the halfway mark of season 1. Earliest episodes are absolute shite. If you want a good episode, try Interdimensional Cable or Morty's Mind Blowers.

>reddit and memey
kill yourself

if you think contrarians exist you're retarded. and insecure.
t. person who likes rick and morty