How will Leia be handled in Episode IX? Carrie Fisher is dead.
How will Leia be handled in Episode IX? Carrie Fisher is dead
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She was dead before Last Jedi also, that didn't stop them from using her.
cgi + text-to-speech
i'm not being ironic.
off screen death or she will just be "resting" on some planet for the whole movie.
She was still alive when they filmed Episode 8.
Did you just misgender Leia, you shitlord?
Like this?
She died in grief off screen over losing both Luke and Han over such a short period of time.
Kylo will feel cheated out of not having a chance to go 3 for 3. Rey will point out that Leia's died "on her own terms" as a way to prevent Kylo from completing his turn to the Dark side by killing her.
There's some new adobe program that can generate someone's voice after processing 30 minutes of them speaking.
I sure hope they don't use drunk Carrie as the template
Several year time skip between 8 and 9, like with the old movies. Leia dies offscreen during that time.
She saves the day in the climax as a force ghost.
They'll have her say she cheated on solo with lando. Then a giant dark mouse shaped figure pulls the plug.
She'll die offscreen from deathstick overdose
"General Leia was on Planet Cocanium when it exploded"
>Finn is her son that she had kidnapped by the First Order
No she wasn't they dangled her body around like a puppet and let CG do the rest
They mentioned this in the interview where John Boyega describes his experience of fucking your wife in great detail
A ship will explode and someone will say "Leia was on there."
They can make it out like Leia can use the same force hologram(tm) power like luke and just cast another actress to potray her that way. Luke appeared younger and different than in reality, she could do it too, potentially at least
I think this will be the answer. A time skip also gives JJ a chance to clean the slate a bit after TLJ.
My bet is that she'll dissapear like Luke did, filmed from the back so you don't see it's a double. Then they'll have her force talk to other characters once or twice with unused voice clips.
I know they could have a CGI Leia but JJ and Disney know the fan backlash would be huge, they're not THAT stupid.
Note: Drumpf died on the way back to his home planet
leia's home planet is a pile of ash floating through space.
write a script, user.
CG Leia will lose a Pazaak game against Kylo and be sent to the Shadow Realm
Rian deliberately sought out every possible way to fuck JJ over. This was one way.
That would be way too expensive
>they're not THAT stupid.
we shall see user
we shall see
>Playing as a male character
>Not romancing Carth
Carrie would be alive if she'd stuck to her prescribed diet instead of smuggling in poison for the whole cast :(
Your Leia theories suck.
What do you think the public perception would be if somebody created a Twitter bot that replicated the style of Carrie Fisher's tweets, emoji's and all?