Critically panned movies still worth a watch.
Critically panned movies still worth a watch
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I don't watch movies that aren't ""critically acclaimed""
I don't watch movies that aren't ""critically panned""
one of the few movies I've seen where the directors cut actually made a huge difference.
Speed Racer and Road to Wellville are my big ones.
saw Mother last night and I liked it
I liked Kingdom of Heaven but it's obvious to anybody with a brain that the jew producers wanted to make the Christians the bad guys.
blade runner and br2049
Kingdom of Heavan is "ok" but it is frank it did terribly with the crusades with making the Christians the barbaric bad guys while painting Muslims as innocent when in reality it was far from it. Both were equally shit in the crusades killing Christians Muslims, jews pagans whoever came on to their path for religious righteousness and to acquiring much territory.
Understandably the Muslims were a huge threat at the time with the eastern Europeans having to be the ones to bare all against them in the battlefield.
Watch the Directors Cut.
The theatrical version was castrated by Fox because they wanted to repeat Gladiator’s success.
he still hasn’t watched Passion of the Christ
Kingdom of Heaven just came out at the wrong time desu. At the height of Christianity bashing and Orlando Bloom memery.
Oh god please no. Pretty sure that is the theatrical cut of the movie which is fucking terrible.
The director's cut on the other hand is fucking kino. That's the cut everyone should watch.
Well, the film had Saladin commanding the Muslim armies. Historically Saladin was a pretty honorable guy. Even in the dark ages, he was regarded as chivalrous.
What exactly are the differences between the two? I've only watched the theatrical version
The Theatrical cut leaves out, if i'm not mistaken, 1 hour of footage.
It butchered the story imo.
If you really want a detailed comparison check the link
The Mummy (both, Cruise and Brendan versions)
Van Helsing 2004
Sahara 2005
National Treasure
League of Extraordinaly Gentlemen
generally trashy, campy adventure movies
great fucking movie
I hate to break it to you... but the Templars WERE the bad guys.
Glad the audience score is so high, very good and underrated movie. If you're not a brainlet
who spews "b-buh they show christians as evilllll!". So explain why Baldwin (a Christian) is our main character and hero?
I gotta hand it to you for all of these but come on man, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen had too much bad to outweigh the good.
It was so so bad.
Le ebil christians
Le wise musluman
Le good muhamadon
They cant help themselves.
Da Vinci Code
it was cool, c'mon
i wonder why they cut the entire opening scene
Literally were the good guys.
Muhamadons were going around butchering christian towns brutally slaughtering any christian they found.
The Templars protected the pilgrims from the blood thirsty and savage muslim hoards.
Thats why the crusades were started with a unanimous cry of God wills it: deus volt.
Of course with judeo marxism teachers youd be forgiven for not knowing that.
You..... genuinely don't get the territorial aspect of the crusades, huh?
Wow, man, special ed has a vastly different history program than the rest it seems.
>top critic
Oy Vey
>The director's cut on the other hand is fucking kino. That's the cut everyone should watch.
Director's cut is a legit good movie.
Only criticisms would be Bloom's incredibly wooden acting and the portrayal of the Muslims as more or less benevolent victims of the Christians, stuff like Saladin giving all the Christians safe passage back to Christian lands when in reality he Sold the nobles for ransom and killed everyone else
Doesn't really detract from the story though.
t. soyboy
>sold the nobles for ransom and killed everybody else
Literally what everybody else did during that time.
Then why not show it? Why instead paint Saladin as this noble warrior?
For the same reason Ibelin was painted as some kind of neutral dude who didn't mind muslims.
Because it's a movie.
good comeback kid
reddit the movie
And I actually mean reddit, not Sup Forums's vision of reddit
KoH is peak eva green, shit even when she's boo hooing over her leper kid and shaves her head.
Historian here. Good and bad are of no concern to me but the Templars literally started a war that no one else wanted cause they were turbo christian even for medievals standards.
This. Only every scene with Legolas sucks.
>Literally what everybody else did during that time.
Yeahhhhh, so that's one thing I disliked about the movie, portraying the Christians as incompetent saturday-morning-cartoon villains and the Muslims as their poor little victims who do nothing wrong.
A little more historical accuracy and a little more nuance would have added to the story. Overall it's still good though.
Mentally challenged
Embarrassing list
the theatrical release definitely deserved a pan, the director's cut fixed a lot of the glaring problems
Good movies with "rotten" Rottentomatoes score:
>Freddy Got Fingered
>Man of Steel
>Batman v Superman
>Legend of the Guardians
>Eight Legged Freaks
>Deep Blue Sea
>Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
>Natural Born Killers
>Class of Nuke'em High
>Small Soldiers
>The Cable Guy
>Last Action Hero
so was Baldwin IV
Needs a recut, but could be actually good
worth a watch, yeah
it's not a good movie though
>using RT
>not Critics Choice
RT is infested with worthless "Bloggers" while CC is mostly made of professionals
check some RT panned movies and compare to CC score
Nothing, everything.
Hi kikes
Only includes recent movies, worthless.
>only one side can be bad at a time!!
You must feel very clever
>what is reconquista
>what are the northern crusades
>top: 800 years
>bottom: 200 years
>source: 0
>implying the crusades were only 14 battles
>possibility of Sup Forumstard:
>"Yeah, those muslims might have invaded most of southern Europe, buttfucked the noble hostages they took and sold tens of thousands into slavery, but Europeans are just as bad for fighting back!!!!"
Maximum cuckboy.
>but fuck those muslim Palestinian apes kek they lost their land fair and square
This. The Director's Cut is unironically kino. They had to leave so much on the floor because of the studio and muh length.
I would be genuinely curious to know if you've ever actually read about the Crusades, and the many, many times the crusaders fucked over even their own people for no particularly good reason on their way to Jerusalem.
Holy fuck do you retards even hear yourselves?
>good and bad dont matter, but the Templars started the |war no one wanted| (Bad!) because they were |Turbo Christians| (very bad!)
Conquest is always good. The christians should have slaughtered every single muslim from Constantinople to babylon, and would have been totally justified in doing it.
The moors, the turkish invasions, the turkish enslavement of the eastern europeans (hence the names slavs)
None of that even matters. Because according to your facile education and cultural marxist indoctrination a war against brown people is bad! And a war by christians is doubly bad!!
Fuck off with your judeo-marxism revisionism.
>my god is right
>all other gods are wrong, no exception, no doubt
>still the highest grossing independent film
Mel defeated the Hollywood Jews at the end of the day, and most people know that Passion was too important to give a shit about the critics.
Nice Appeal to authority!
>hur dur I'm a historian Goyim. Christians are bad Mmmmkay.
>39% and 5.5
pick one
>historians aren't reliable because they're the system and the system is controlled by jews
>instead, listen to me or other random people on the internet
This is a fight that is impossible to win.
>turkish enslavement of the eastern europeans (hence the names slavs)
You're a fucking idiot.
It's one of the only sci fi space movies that that brought a sense of mysticism. The gom jabar and hunter seeker scenes still get me on the edge of my seat.
the crusades would have been different if we were there amirite bros
>muh strawman
Neither side is right in the conflict, but Israel's land grabs are obviously illegal. Too bad the UN is ineffectual at best and a puppet at worst.
>But what about the price of tea in china.
The point is that cucks such as yourself try to paint the Crusades as European/Christian aggression, whereas in reality the conflict was started and perpetuated by the Caliphs and the various middle eastern crusades were a response to hundreds of years of muslim aggression and state sponsored piracy.
My nigger. That shit was intentionally hilarious. It was like a Lupin the Third movie by design, and it worked. Only people who didn't like it were MUH DIE HARD brainlets.
Tfw your degree is finally useful (but not really)
>Bulgaria under the Ottoman Empire ... This period, in Bulgaria, is called ***"The Turkish slavery"*** because of a number of atrocities which followed after the invasion.
>Imma historian Goy. The judeo- marxists edumacated me real good.
Pure bullshit. Going after Jerusalem did nothing to combat Islamic aggression. They specifically chose not to actually deal with the sources of their problem. Instead they went after a pipedream holy war dreaming of riches, and plundered Europe and its allies along the way.
Do the blu ray-stream has 30 minutes more content then the movie version, that includes such minor details like
the son has lepers, and that why the mom killed him
>critics deride Bruce Willis movies for being too much like Die Hard
>Hudson Hawk, a screwball comedy heist movie with fantasy elements releases
Home Alone 1 and 2 (62% and 27%)
White Chicks (15%)
Jumanji, the old one not new one (50%)
The Neon Demon (58%)
Identity (62%)
Zoolander (64%)
Starship Troopers (63%)
Ace Ventura 1 and 2 (43% and 33%)
Saladin is historically recognized as a wise and just ruler, generous and chivalrous. Sorry mate. Sometimes the Deus Vult guys really were the bad ones.
> (OP)
>Home Alone 1 and 2 (62% and 27%)
>Jumanji, the old one not new one (50%)
>Starship Troopers (63%)
>Ace Ventura 1 and 2 (43% and 33%)
What the fuck was wrong with 90s critics?
It was 80% montages of people going from point A to point B with Phil Collins in the background.
>Going after Jerusalem did nothing to combat Islamic aggression. They specifically chose not to actually deal with the sources of their problem.
This is easily the dumbest shit I have ever read in relation to the Crusades. The people's and princes crusades brought the fight to the Ottoman Turks and freed multiple occupied Byzantine cities. Jerusalem and the Holy Land were of extreme cultural and political importance to Christendom at the time and their role as a unifying goal is what motivated urban to name them as the ultimate objective of the campaigns.
Very much agreed with
The movie is far from perfect, but its very interesting to me, too. I love the design, look and sound of it. It really captured the "feel" of the novels to me, but was unfortunately a disaster as a coherent film. I like it for what it is. I'd love to see its look, feel and style adapted into a better overall movie.
Holy fuck dude.
Fucking Mahdi propaganda.
You realize the movie was fictional, and 99% of the shit that happened was totally made up, and thay ridley scott litterally cherry picked historical figures to make the christians look bad...............
Literally just made them up as fictional characters to make them look and act evil.
Like literally there was no befouled aids ridlled devil possessed priest covered with lesions and boils telling people >"killing infidels is the path to heaven"
Yeah fur sure my dude that isnt anti christian anti white propaganda at all.
Hitlers 'the eternal Jew'has nothing on modern Judeo-marxists.
Jews are litterally worse than Nazis. They shouldnt be allowed to own or participate in media.
Rotten tomatoes is a mid 2000s site, so most people rating this shit are either uppity "artsy" cunts or "triggered millennials", like a few days ago when news reported that millennials watching Friends think series is problematic, racist and homophobic.
I like it too. Excellent adaptation of the source material.
The Wachowskis deserve to direct a Star War
Why, would you have liked to see “the battle of Hattin”, and not just a bit of aftermath where the Crusader Army was destroyed to the last man.
Mel, both sides did terrible shit. The Iberian peninsula was one big blood bath for a while during the reconquista.
Honestly I found it very coherent when I watched it as a kid. Nobleman was being trained in magic arts, couped by a rival family, stranded in the desert where he met natives who saw him as their messiah. Narratively it was pretty straightforward and I knew what was going on through the runtime.
I don't know why people dislike League of Extraordinary Gentlemen so much. I mean, it's like any other superhero movie. Some guys with superpowers or super skills team up to stop some evil guy, there's some fighting and destruction, how's it different to all the generic Mahvel shit?
Mummy is kino.
Wow, you're right it's almost like trying to compare the two conflicts is fucking stupid and the muslims have a much longer and more storied history of aggression than the Europeans did
For comparison here are some "rasist antisemetic iconography"
That would actually be illegal in most western countries.
But for some reason the obvious anti white anti christian racism is totally fine.....
((((Just a coincidence goy))))
And thats the joke. The Jews know the power of propaganda and knowing its power use it for evil.
They are litterally inverting racism, the deicidal curse, and Naziism.
Jews are a ball of every single hateful ideology. Every destructive and evil idea rolled into one.
They need to be outlawed. Jews cant be allowed to produce, own, or participate in media.
>Excellent adaptation of the source material.
You must be kidding, it's nothing like my chinese cartoons, however it is a good movie
For me it was Tom Sawyer. That faggot took up too much screen time and was a pain in every frame he was in. I would've liked League of he was completely recast or removed altogether.
>All of those battles in Lombardy
>The sheer fucking clusterfuck of battles in Spain
Does anyone actually believe this shit? Does anyone think that there could have been that many armed clashes in such a small space without literally wiping out the adult male population?
God you people are fucking retarded
>subverts your expectations
heheh nottin personell kidd
Don't act like contemporary film critics are any better. Reminder that TLJ and Thor: Ragnarok outscored Blade Runner and Killing of a sacred deer.
Wow you're right it's almost like trying to compare the individual aggression of singular Mudslime rulers to the combined strength of the fucking entire Christian world is retarded and incredibly disingenuous
iirc this movie has the greatest divide between critic and audience consensus on RT
it’s good