3 hours

>3 hours

is this a joke? do people who watch these films have nothing better to do in their lives than to sit and vegetate in front of a screen for 3 hours at a time?

If you can't tell a cohesive story within 90 minutes you shouldn't be in the film making business.

you were saying?

Stop looking at your phone too much. It causes ADHD.

I don't watch any films that are under 150 minutes long.

>do people who watch these films have nothing better to do in their lives than to sit and vegetate in front of a screen for 3 hours at a time?
in Sup Forums? you can bet for that.

the true test of good Kino is if it can last longer than an hour thirty without you noticing

Maybe you should try getting friends and having a life? Then you might find other things to do than waste three hours watching someone play a piano.

This is one of the worst baits ive seen recently and you should be ashamed of yourself op

I do have friends, pleb. Why are there so many simple minded redditors flooding this board?

>I do have friends!
>that's why I spend 3+ hours alone every single day watching movies with 160 minutes of nothing happening!

Sure thing.

t. mediocrity

obvious bait, you are trying too hard

There's a reason why you don't get invited to parties by your "friends", user.

>If you can't tell a cohesive story within 90 minutes you shouldn't be in the film making business.

well, you're not wrong


I honestly mean it

You sure showed me with that hot opinion. Now would you like to actually try and argue that 3 hour long movies are good?

You've never seen a Tarkovsky film have you? Your loss.

>movie is under 3 and and half hours

these are the same people who don't like redux because of """""pacing"""""

Dear diary today op was a faggot again.

>If you can't tell a cohesive story within 90 minutes you shouldn't be in the film making business.
>implying the story in a film matters at all

Apichatpong Weerasethakul said that when I went to a Q&A with him a few months ago. He also said that Tarr and Lav Diaz needed to cut their shit down and that Tarr has the instagram habits of "a 15 year old Korean girl".

the time of a film shouldn't matter. Its length can make the film worse or better, but the flaw of the film is never its length. it is only what it does with its length. That's why your complaint isn't really about the 3 hours but about spending a lot of time watching someone play the piano. But hey, there are also subtleties that you can't appreciate which definitely makes you a retard. If you "don't have time" for a 3 hour movie, don't watch it. but the only problem I see is on you and your retardations, sorry

I bet you'd watch every second of those 3 hours if it was gay sex.

why would you even bother making a movie that's under 5 hours? it's not enough to properly tell a story

>watched the redux version first and then the original
>thought the original was longer

>subtleties to closeups of someone playing a piano

The plantation scene is comfy, WIllard deserved to chill for a minute before getting back on the boat to hell.

>waste three hours watching someone play a piano
You clearly know nothing of cinema AND music.

Instagram is more your speed

You inspired me to marathon the extended cut and special features. See you in 29 hours

Salieri's black messenger of death outfit scared the HELL out of me as a little kid