He was literally ahead of his time.
Comedians that just do a mediocre version of Kaufman's act are still seen as "edgy" today .
Andy Kaufman
he honestly just seemed like an asshole
How so?
his entire life was just trolling people
He had a perfect understanding of professional wrestling according to pic related.
it wasnt funny though. its a different thing to normal laughter when you laugh thinking *I* get this. its more like selfbackpatting that makes the laughter sound
I get what you mean, it is completely possible that he was an asshole IRL and that the "innocent, oblivious Andy" was his biggest act.
But that doesn't take away from the comedy. I think most comedians are kind of obnoxious IRL, that's why they had to develop a sense of humour, to make people like them.
What I like about it though, is the idea that he knew the act would only be funny in hindsight, and he found that funny enough to dedicate his life to.
He literally did it "for the lulz".
He was a lot like Tom Green in a way.
Tom Green could have had a very lucrative career just playing the goofy guy in hollywood movies, but instead he did very obscure comedy and even became a Sup Forums meme instead.
I used to appreciate that but now i'm older it seems saddening. Side note it's why women CAN be funny but never WILL be funny. I've heard great jokes made by em but they never do things just for the sake of humor so humor sooner or later gets dropped
>he was an asshole who pissed off normies that makes him BASED
what do you want to be if you grow up
As I'm getting older I am starting to appreciate this type of humour more, for some reason.
I used to think Norm MacDonald is the cringiest thing ever, but lately I've been enjoying watching him. He isn't funny at all, but the fact that he is a highly acclaimed comedian despite being extremely unfunny, is fucking hilarious.
he was jewish
Gregg Turkington is the closest thing we have now
I thought he was Greek.
A good comedian can make anything funny with the right delivery.
You know something? I beginning to think you sound like a real jerk.
why :(
Jim killed Andy to absord him and become him.
I don't like his comedy at all but you are an idiot if you can't see how much modern professional and youtube comedy owe to Kauffman. He was the first "lol randum" and "comedy personality always on" dude. Seriously though, every time I see Kauffmans bit I just want to punch him.
>He was the first "lol randum" and "comedy personality always on" dude.
Exactly. You have to watch him in context.
>Seriously though, every time I see Kauffmans bit I just want to punch him.
I can understand that, and I think he found great enjoy in knowing this.
This post may have come off as degrading to Norm MacDonald, but I didn't mean that at all.
I just think he's a much better natural actor than he is a classic "stand up comedian". he obviously has a good sense of humour, but he acts the persona very good.
>I think he found great enjoy in knowing this.
This is partly why I respect him even though it kinda makes me more pissed.
boobs understand professional wrestling?