What are some Television & Film where people make off topic threads but try to poorly disguise them as board related...

What are some Television & Film where people make off topic threads but try to poorly disguise them as board related? Are there any kino where the poster in addition also attempts to attain a post number that ends in repeating digits?




Only reply in this thread if you accept Satan as your master.

No single digits allowed in this thread. Get out.

So, did he really murder them or was it hallucinations




Satan is gone. This is hell now.

I better not see another chubby Bale, that's all I know.


I was saving this (You) for a rainy day, but I want you to have it.

absolutely pathetic. you guys wouldnt know dubs if they hit you on the back of the head. check these

I hate when people get singles. It just doesnt make any sense

Sup Forums has always been the one of the most casual boards on the site. Most boards are full of anons who are turbo autistic about a hobby be it comics, anime, RPGs, etc. but here instead of film nerds, you have what basically is a safe for work Sup Forums which I always found fascinating. It's almost as if cinema is to casualcore.


The best offtopic kino, an image of a frog with drumpf as the text.


Impresive, very nice but check this out

Theres more trips than dubs itt impressive

So... what are the rules of this thread?



Ooo that must hurt

Nice! Well done!
Unfortunate, most unfortunate indeed. You were only off by one, my darling! Oh, dear.

Pain is temporary glory is eternal

Good thread



Is he telling me to check my digits?

Holy sfgit look at his face. Is like he knew