Denis Villeneuve’s ‘Cleopatra’ Movie Is Reportedly A ‘Bloody, Political Thriller’

Le genre twist, epic as a thriller

>It’s similar [to All the Money in the World] in that there’s a lot of research involved and there’s a question with all that of how do you want to do it and how do you make something new out of it? With Getty, part of the idea was to take two genres we felt we knew, which was the kidnapping genre and what we’ll call the “great man” genre — the Citizen Kane genre — and smash them together and make something new out of them. With Cleopatra … instead of doing the movie as the prestige picture — the three-hour, lots of pageantry, people with fans and English accents and all that stuff — [we] really treat it as a political thriller. Dirty, bloody, lots of people swearing and having sex and all of that other stuff and just treat it as a two-hour, lean, mean political thriller, full of assassinations, etc. Just going the opposite direction from the way we think that movie is going to go.”

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>Denis Villeneuve’s ‘Cleopatra’
I thought his next project was going to be Dune? Or did that get cancelled after BR 2049 bombing?

stop making fucking cleopatra movies. she was a greek skank that did nothing but open her legs.

Is this in the Dark Monster universe?

that's not even been in pre-production yet, it's just something he's planning on.

>dude what if [famous story] was done as a [genre movie]

wouldn't it be f*cking epic if the obi wan movie was a western


I was hoping for Dune right away.

He's not even planning on it. He's not even said anything about signing on. This is just another run-of-the-mill unethical clickbaiting media """journalism""" outlet that started calling this Cleopatra project "Denis Villeneuve's Cleopatra film" as though the guy's already working on it because he's trending now.

Ha remember when Fincher and Angelina Jolie were going to do this as her vanity project and he walked out.

>Just going the opposite direction from the way we think that movie is going to go

"the very commonness of common sense makes it unlikely to have any appeal to the anointed. How can they be wiser and nobler than everyone else while agreeing with everyone else?”

when will we start subverting subversion by being normal again?

so it's gonna be a game of thrones episode then

Yes just like every single historical movie nowadays, and I bet it will also star a got actor
though for some reason this is still considered brave and subversive

>english accents

Don't Italians get upset seeing british fags reclaim their heritage like this?

That's just the Christian/Catholic version of what happened.

If they could still speak and pronounce ancient Latin correctly then they would have something to complain about

Who will play Bayek

Sounds pretty accurate the Ptolemies were about 12 generations deep into brother-sister marriages by Cleopatra's time, they were fratricidal, matricidal and just plain crazy.

People can speak it. In Assassins Creed 2, the renaissance actors speak with a heavy italian accent and it makes the action a lot more immersive.

Only the dumb ones, most Italians understand that an American movie is going to be in English.

Sounds really boring tbqh. Disappointing direction to go in. Plus if you do anything remotely historically accurate you're going to have to endure a non stop barrage of liberals and leftists whining and then Sup Forums spamming twitter screencaps of said leftists and liberals whining followed by OH NO NO NO

that's not a genre twist

No since it will be dubbed into wog anyway for the local release.

Dude the dialect had been lost well before the renaissance age

Can’t wait for all the diverse kang casting

didn't she then do the Changeling and then fucking nail it?

so it's as dishonest as all his other work? not surprising.

No, because unlike anglos we actually know the difference between reality and fiction.


A Zenobia movie would be better. It would solve the Syrian civil war, and allow them to cast some Middle Eastern actress for diversity points.

Reminder that Cleopatra was married to her brother. Somehow that part in her story always seems to get downplayed.

Anyway it sounds like it could be awesome if it's ever made.

Cleopatra and Zenobia both end in tragedy how about a winner like Tomyris.

how did a movie ever solve a war?

Cleopatra's gonna be black, won't she

Why wouldn't she be?
Cleopatra was black.

she was a turk

I might have exaggerated. But Zenobia is by all accounts a national hero in Syria. At worst they all hate it and unite to go Jihad Hollywood.

Even a casual look at Cleopatra's life can show that it was full of intrigue.

She struggled for power of Egypt against her brother and co-ruler in a civil war before she was 20.

Then seduced/created an alliance with Caesar right at the apex of his own ascent to power and mini Roman civil war against the his enemies. Creating the most powerful alliance in the ancient world. Gave birth to Caesar's only true born male heir, who would have been the first emperor of the newly formed Roman Empire had Caesar not been assassinated.

Then became an instrumental player in the Roman civil war for political power in the post-Caesar power vacuum against future emperor Augustus.

2.5 civil wars and a constant life of political power mongering before she died in her 30s

>Political thriller
It's a meme genre. MCU/DCU fags use this shitty term to describe the last two Captain America movies/BvS.

You could really just post her entire wiki, but for example let's select her start, in her teenage years.
>Cleopatra's mother is unknown, but she is generally believed to be Cleopatra V Tryphaena of Egypt, the sister or cousin and wife of Ptolemy XII Auletes

>Centralization of power and political corruption led to uprisings in and the losses of Cyprus and Cyrenaica, making Ptolemy XII Auletes' reign one of the most calamitous of the dynasty. Ptolemy went to Rome with Cleopatra; Cleopatra VI Tryphaena seized the crown but died shortly afterwards in suspicious circumstances.

>It is believed that Berenice IV poisoned her so that she could assume sole rulership. she ruled until Ptolemy Auletes returned in 55 BC with Roman support, capturing Alexandria aided by Roman general Aulus Gabinius. Berenice was imprisoned and executed shortly afterwards

>Cleopatra now became joint regent and deputy to her father at age 14

>Ptolemy XII Auletes died in March 51 BC. His will made 18-year-old Cleopatra and her 10-year-old brother, Ptolemy XIII Theos Philopator, joint monarchs.

>Cleopatra was married to her young brother, but she quickly made it clear that she had no intention of sharing power with him.

>In August 51 BC, relations completely broke down between Cleopatra and Ptolemy. Cleopatra dropped Ptolemy's name from official documents and her face alone appeared on coins, which went against Ptolemaic tradition of female rulers being subordinate to male co-rulers.

>In 50 BC, Cleopatra came into serious conflict with the Gabiniani, powerful Roman troops of Aulus Gabinius

>The sole reign of Cleopatra was finally ended by a cabal of courtiers led by the eunuch Pothinus, in connection with half-Greek general Achillas, and Theodotus of Chios. Circa 48 BC, Cleopatra's younger brother Ptolemy XIII became sole ruler.

>Cleopatra tried to raise a rebellion around Pelusium, but was soon forced to flee with her only remaining sister

desu a film about Cleopatra and her fucked up family pre-ceasar could be a interesting film on its own

I mean desu* instead of desu wtf

desu *


I'll watch it if Sofia is Cleo

>Dirty, bloody, lots of people swearing and having sex and all of that other stuff
whoa sounds h*lla fu*king epic!!

This film doesn't need a remake.

>Gave birth to Caesar's only true born male heir, who would have been the first emperor of the newly formed Roman Empire had Caesar not been assassinated

Nigga you know jack shit about roman politics if you think the senate would ever allow that. Even Octavian had hard time securing the support of the senate.

Has this been greenlit yet? Because the showrunners from Black Sails are planning on doing a Cleopatra series for Amazon next. I don't know if it's started filming yet

>Gave birth to Caesar's only true born male heir
"too many Caesars."


>[we] really treat it as a political thriller. Dirty, bloody, lots of people swearing and having sex and all of that other stuff and just treat it as a two-hour, lean, mean political thriller, full of assassinations, etc.

>>wouldn't it be f*cking epic if the obi wan movie was a western
Unironically yes