Questionable Content

Seriously though, if Marten was the transgender and Claire was a man, Tumblr would want to burn this comic down right now.

Other urls found in this thread:

>If [...] Claire was a man


I love how "tech bro" is just a casual thing to Jeph. Like he's so removed from reality and everything is so problematic to him that even people who work with computers all day are just rando dudebros compared to his virtuous numale self.

You can work with machines and be well adjusted, but to imply that the stereotype is somehow just a budwieser chugging brochacho is ridiculous.

septum piercings for everyone

>Marten should feel bad about a consensual relationship he engaged in that ended because the girl was a whore who wanted a fling before she moved


who's fucking bar is this?
why dont they go to the bar where lord british works at? i like that guy

SILENCE! The cunt concerto is about to begin!

>Like he's so removed from reality and everything is so problematic to him that even people who work with computers all day are just rando dudebros
Him and his ilk think computer programmers are raging sexists and toxic masculinity infused rich jocks for some reason. All programmers I know are married with kids who make decent money, but are far from rich. They're just nerds, but for some reason SJWs are insanely triggered by nerds.

...I like that guy too. Unfortunately, depicting a male acting with any self awareness or masculinity is...disgusting. Elliot's supposed to be a big guy, but he rounds him as much as possible so he at best looks kinda fat and at worse looks like a HAES guy.

Who's padma again?

black dora
i dont remember anything else about her

Probably because there really wasn't anything else to her.

They work with computers, and you make video games with computers, so obviously every single one of them is a gamergater

Who the fuck was Padma again? Was that black Faye?

Wait a minute, how the fuck long was she gone before she got engaged?

I mean, shit, aren't you supposed to date for like a year or five before you marry?

black faye is standing right there

God dammit why can't Marten show even the tiniest bit of spine ever. I know I shouldn't care about this but it makes me mad. There was a point in my life as a dumbass teen where I genuinely liked these characters and seeing what they've become is painful.

If I went somewhere with my SO and some moron started blabbing about my past relationships I would tell them to shut the fuck up. Seriously how is this considered socially acceptable? This septum pierced butch cunt is making every effort to embarrass him to his face about a really shitty thing that her friend did to him and the best he can manage is to stammer out an attempt to run away from the situation? How was Marten an idiot for getting rejected? Why does Claire even give a shit? How is it anybody's business? It's not even like she's interested for amusement, her facial expression indicates that she is genuinely mad at him for something that happened in a past relationship, which is fucking absurd and would be unacceptable in real life.

It's 2017 and Marten's septum-pierced trans gf, whose appearance he is not allowed to comment on or have any opinion about, is mad at him for getting rejected by a real woman before their relationship even began. And his response to this is to shrink down like a whipped bitch and not stand up for himself in any way, shape or form. This is true faggotry. I can't fucking stand this. What the fuck happened to you, Marten? I used to want to be like you.

>I mean, shit, aren't you supposed to date for like a year or five before you marry?
There was a time-skip implied when Faye first started working on robots.

More importantly, if my girlfriend assumed 'he was a real idiot about it' means 'I was 100% at fault', I'd be like 'whoa, lady, can we play by play every mistake you made'?

how long has it even been since we last saw black faye? I forgot she was even in the comic

That's quite a few conclusions you jumped to there.

I still don't understand why it is a "thing" for transgender people to get nose rings.

what?His previous relationships are not her business,also why this comic make it sounds like he did something wrong?

Have you SEEN Jeph? He's one of those people who thinks the more they disfigure themselves, the cooler they look.

draw the eye away from their adam's apple

>Some good Marten faces in this one
Did he put this in himself? How big does your ego have to be to praise your own art?

It feels like its turning into Sinfest-lite.



Is it some sort of law that at least one annoying twat with that stupid ass faux-hawk haircut has to show up in every strip?

That it be.

Yeah, this situation is very unfair. I kind of wouldn't be surprised if the tranny dumps Marten over this, since the characters in this comic tend to be petty about silly shit.

transgender people are more likely to feel alienated from their body and thus more okay with going overboard with body modification

granted usually its a thing you do BEFORE you start presenting as your identified gender, like a mini-rebellion against your body, but sometimes I guess that alienation is just so deeply ingrained it persists afterwards

Marten gets dumped, he's still got a backup.

has anyone predicted that the autistic chick the buff dude and the cyborg are gonna be the comic's first poly relationship (maybe throw in black faye too)

even though realistically those three characters (two of whom we know are romantically inexperienced, one of whom has an actual social disorder) would be the worst candidates for that type of relationship, jacques will end of trapping himself like he did with claire because if the relationship ever falters or god forbid fails it'll look like a condemnation of that type of relationship in general

You are probably fucking right and I hate it.

That sounds suspiciously similar to transhumanism.

Listen, if I can augment my body to fire a missile out of my arm, you can bet I'll do it.

Oh jesus fuck, please no

The only reason I even read this piece of shit anymore is for the sexual tension between Faye and Bubbles and whatever that skeevy robot chick is up to

So, is Jeph finally gonna send this hugbox relationship to the shitter, or is this gonna be "resolved" by Thursday cause the cuntboy doesn't know how to stick to a script?

I only read it for the brief glimpses we get of best girl, Hannelore.

He has to get rid of the last vestige of the old QC where everyone wasn't a SJW fantasy sue, right?

This is seriously some top tier bullshit.

do people really say this out loud?

You are my nigga

Give it 2 days.

I use desu but I've never heard anyone say imo

There can be more than one. Jeph's only got like four basic character types.

If they don't break up, then there will be more unnecessary drama.

That's what I'm assuming. I'm getting bad vibes from today's strip.

>oh, you weren't always a tranny fetishist?
Feel lucky to have him, you freak.

Isn't she Indian? They can get engaged before they even meet the person.

I only read it for the inevitable R34

in which one of those awful comics Jeph shows up?

Maybe there's a black Claire elsewhere in the bar to hook up with one or the other after a dumping occurs.

Isn't one of the reasons people like body modifications like tattoos and piercings because they like the endorphin rush? I'm not gonna go find it, but I seem to recall a series of strips where Claire was terrified to get her ears pierced for the first time, then right after she did it she described a pleasant tingly sensation, and instantly acted addicted and insisted she wanted more holes poked in her. Then some strips later she got the septum ring.

I-I'm sorry guys. That sounds hot and I'd like to see it. OT3s are my favorite kind of ships.

I can't think of many ships that are "OT3s" as you call them.

That's why I like to modify my body in the way that is probably the smartest: by working out at the gym.

Hell of a rush.

The Eva vibrator review. But only for that one little aside while Erica is figuring out the difference between labia and labium and a scientist conveniently shows up to help talk about female genitalia.

Me neither. Which is why I'd like to see more.

thank you


Or he snapped and just wants to get rid of Claire by washing his hands of it since Canuckle Science won't turn him into a girl.....

Well its rare that a dynamic lends itself to that. The best I would say is like Tim/ Steff/ Cass where all three care for the other two in a deep way. Enough that them coming to some compromise is believable.

Way to go, Jeph

>I use desu
Weeb detected.

honestly, we can only hope.

Honestly, Martin may not be the perfect person, but he sure as hell doesn't deserve the amount of fucking over he has constantly been getting.

I hope the tranny dumps him, and then maybe he can actually find a decent girl or something and won't have to keep putting up with all the shit (and dick).

I think he meant t-b-h and it Sup Forums just switched it to desu

I know, but I can't resist an opportunity to make fun of someone.

>I hope the tranny dumps him, and then maybe he can actually find a decent girl or something and won't have to keep putting up with all the shit (and dick).

Him dumping Dora was probably the last bit of happiness OR testosterone he had left. Shit, even Martin from those few years ago looks like a goddamn superman compared to now.

user...Dora dumped him.


>panels 3 and 4
Hey non-3/4s perspective, and it's somewhat interesting. Did someone put him up to that? He doesn't usually have non-sitcom framing.

And then started dating his lesbian boss. I'm surprised Jacques didn't do another therapy arc after that.

What a cunt

No, Indian Dora.

>>If [...] Claire was a man
>if Marten was the transgender

>tfw Claire will never fuck Marten's mangina

Fucking hell it was so long ago in real time and the comic is so uncataloged it's hard to remember...

So wait, does the author of this comic not even remember his own plot? What's wrong with him?

When will Hacucks kill himself?

He probably remembers, he's just using a weird value system that somehow puts Marten in the wrong. Like how Sven was a horrible person for confessing at a bad time.

Ugh, fuck people who make mistakes. They are the worst.

Exactly, this is just very clumsy conflict, he pulls this shit all the time. Someone says something that could be interpreted incorrectly, someone else blows it the fuck out of proportion, then depending on how Tumblr reacts he either rolls with it or both parties apologize before the end of the week.

I mean at the time he had Faye recriminate Marten for being an asshole when literally all he was doing was asserting himself after being treated like shit. Like if you reversed the genders Marten would totally be in the right in the comic but Jacques's version of feminism is just meekly acquiescing to whatever the women in his life want.

Marten's is the ultimate "good guy" and it's just gotten worse and worse as the comic goes on. Like when it started with Faye rejecting him because she couldn't be in a relationship only for her to immediately get in a relationship with another guy, yeah, that's a complicated situation and if you're Marten in that situation not being resentful about it is actually a sign of strong character, but then his girlfriend broke up with him because she was jealous and paranoid in a situation that would've totally warranted HIM breaking up with HER, and then he gives permission to his fucking BOSS to immediately hook up with his ex. And that's like, no Marten, just say "nah that would be pretty fucking awkward for me" that would be a totally reasonable response. And then the shit with the girl who left town where he somehow came out the bad guy.

And now hes in a relationship with an emotionally immature child who is painfully smug in her deep understanding of relationships and for meta reasons he can never move on to a mature adult who would actually be a good match for him because that would look bad.

Where does she get off on being smug when she's transgender?

There is literally nothing else you can infer from such a painful attempt at a neologism as "tech bro", especially given Jeph's virtue signalling over the years. He could've said "tech nerd" or "tech geek" or even "tech freak", but he chose "tech bro". The connotations are clear.

That sounds like a hell of a prediction.

I believe it.

Sinfest is a goddamn train wreck. I held on for a long time in hopes of more Criminy and Fuschia strips, but clearly that dream is dead.

Like the previous poster said, for meta reasons Claire can never be demonstrated as being in the wrong about something because tumblr adopted her as a pet. The absolute worst he has shown Claire to be was being pushy and gossipy and it resulted in Claire having a full blown crying meltdown when she realized she'd been naughty.


Tumblr isn't a monolith. Surely there must be some people criticizing her actions. What are they saying about this comic?

I don't know. Marten being used as a fucktoy by am ugly, smelly hippie/stoner chick and basically getting called a faggot by her for asking about a relationship afterwards is probably a lower point. Maybe.

>two wieners
>two scoops

I .... Think I'm witnessing #triggering happening Aca's Demon style. Don't forget to have a massive tumblr rally with your assertation and Ddos attack the website

Jeph is known to block out any "criticism" of his work, even for minor stuff or legitimate gripes. I wouldn't be surprised if he has Sup Forums blocked on some filter.

>that visible belly when she jumps
>those crazy eyes
Best girl right there. What she's up to in the story now?

Absolutely nothing. Give her 7 years and she'll be a ftm transsexual robotkin in a poly relationship with every other character in the comic..

She's already demiromantic; she's flirted with no one but never displayed a sexual interest.