So who are the "younglings?"

So who are the "younglings?"
Kids of jedi?
Kids that the jedi handpicked for having potential in the force?
Random kids that signed up for "jedi classes 101"?
Even if Anakin killed them all, couldnt there still be more out there??

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they're random force sensitive kids that the jedi take from their families at a young age to train.

jedi don't have kids because love and women and sex are bad, this is the most sperg thing george came up with in the whole series, if he hadn't been married I'd call it incel screeching.

Not sure about that.
I think George was trying to say that suppression of those things may have lead to the downfall of the Jedi.

If Anakin was allowed to express himself more freely, he might not have went nuts.

>dress and act like monks
>dispassionate demeanour and code that condemns emotional investment to the point of selfish activity
I wonder if George maybe thought this out further than you....

george screeching about the rules surrounding the church then twisting it into the creation of it. Woah.

Remember how nobody but Qui-Gon thought that training Anakin was a good idea, because he was so much older than Jedi usually are when they're taken from their families to begin their training?
The ones who are in the right age range are younglings.
Jesus Christ did you even watch the fucking movies?

we know from the making of docs that george didn't think any of this shit through.

I'm amazed he allowed any behind the scenes footage to be released, it shows him in such a bad light.

Since the Jedi can't publicly be seen to have relationships, these kids are there for "comfort", much like altarboys in church or goats in Islam.

which movies?

>steal children from their families and brainwash them with your extremist religious dogma to then send them out as assassins to ensure your tribe of warlords continues to rule the galaxy with an iron fist

... and yet people ACTUALLY thought jedi were the """""""""""""""""good""""""""""""""""""""" guys

Did you notice that the whole "love and attachment are bad" appeared only in the prequels? And coincidentally, after George's nasty divorce?

Jedi are the good guys because of their actions, you are right and wrong at the same time, right because based on our own history and behaviour a group like this would eventually be filled with selfish assholes, hell, just look at Tibet pre-China
(tl dr: Monks were feudal tyrants who had slaves, oppressed everyone else with taxes on everything and jewish loans and torture).
Plus if they have to be ascetic and detatched, how could they possibly be army generals? Or Judges in anything at all? Their religion tells them to not give a shit about anyone, at most "rejoycing" that people die cause they become part of the force, but then they are in a position of power that should, would force them to care.
Is stupid, because is stupid and inexplicable in our own world.

But you are wrong because in Star Wars there is only black and white and the jedis have been historically good guys.


Jedi being removed from attachment makes them good arbitrators for disputes since they would work for a compromise more readily. Their asceticism makes it nearly impossible to bribe them too. As for being generals I can't really answer that though it might be because they were the only organization in the Republic that trained its members in some form of martial prowess.

Reminder that Anakin beheaded each and every one of these younglings before shitting on the left over pieces of their corpses.

>Kids that the jedi handpicked for having potential in the force?
Bingo, force sensitive kids

I tend to think he ate them.

molestation victims. gas the jedi space war now

Forcegate is real

Low key Chinese shilling in this post, kill yourself

it feels like Jedis aspire to be second rate Vulkanians, too dogmatic.

they actually got picked up when they were 3-4

Anakin was 8-9

Nohe didn't. He did that to a completely different bunch of children, because that scene is from Episode II and there is years of war between episode II and III. Those children in that scene most likely grew up to become jedi Padawans and knights who were then either killed by droids or gangraped by clone troopers during order 66.

how the fuck did Sheev get past the midichlorian scanners?

The prequels completely fall apart at the slightest bit of scrutiny

He didn't, he just leveled up Jedi Mind Trick to the point he could use it on Jedi.. to make them forget.. and to do unnatural things.. and then make them forget

Basically sheev fucked everyone but then gave them amnesia

>Even if Anakin killed them all, couldnt there still be more out there??
Yes, there were lists and in the old EU Sheev got it for himself to keep them in check (mass slaughter basically)

>"Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough"
>"Too old, too old to begin the training"
what did George mean by this? Did Anakin want his son to start school late like he did?

>Buddhist monks are actually incel screeching
>Looking for the next Dalai Llama is incel screeching

Why bother training younglings at all when it's been made blindingly obvious that teenagers can learn to use the force in a matter of weeks? Rather than spend all those credits maintaining a temple just run a summer camp once a year.

>Kids that the jedi handpicked for having potential in the force?
>Random kids that signed up for "jedi classes 101"?

you need to be young enough to indoctrinate them properly like any religion.

>Did they build these sabres themselves?
>If not, which is likely, why were different colours selected? Was all that colour specific stuff discarded?
>Are these just practice lightsabres from a box that everyone has used? Are they discarded sabres of retired Jedi with the blades turned down?
>Why give them real ones at this stage?
The scene would have worked better with them just holding sticks, look at that little nigger in the back, he's about to cut the other guy's arm off

Isn't that quote talking about his lightsaber? You don't hand a 3 year old a lightsaber on his first day.

Only kids with top tier potential can just feel it out as a teenager like that, in order to get as many potential jedis started as early as possible you gotta start young.

do you think baby yoda wore a diaper before his training?

kenobi lied

Victims of the child trafficking ring run by the Jedi. They violate the N.A.P and corrupt kids.

training sabers exist