Is it a run of the mill show? Cult classic? Underground sensation? Would you put it in a Top X List? Few shows are Mad Men or Sopranos, but I always heard good things about this, akin to Rome or Justified. So I think it's that kind of "great show that doesn't get critical recognition because of the subject matter" series.
Where does it rank?
Other urls found in this thread:
The first two seasons are comfy as fuck
Too recent to be cult classic, but i'm pretty sure it should be.
So, more like underrated underground jewel
I got tricked by publicity into thinking it was a generic post 9/11 social trauma "hurr durr terrorists" murican show
God, was I wrong.
An example of how bad marketing and greedy corporate plebs can kill true kino.
After LOST I wanted nothing to do with JJ and I still don't.
He can shove this show back up his ass, I'm sure it's shit.
I'd say it's one of the best procedurals of all time, top 5 even. But being better than CSINCIs isn't really an accomplishment.
I'd say pleb ways of thinking like this are absolutely cancerous.
First of all, the idea is more a J. Nolan thing.
Second, I hated LOST's final conclusion as well, yet prejudice, is fucking toxic.
>Hurr durr never seen it, don't even know what it's about, but I can accurately say it's shit"
Expect the worse, get surprised when it isn't is a far more satisfying way of life.
I agree that it's one of the best procedural, easily #1. But can you think of a #2?
It's like Fringe it will become a cult clasic decades from now i think
both really solid sci-fi shows that are hardly ever mentioned more people have heard of westworld than either of these shows
Hello Zepp..
Elementary is okay, iZombie too. I don't think person of interest is #1 though when the old usa network shows exist (Monk, Psych, Burn Notice, White Collar) there's also Bryan Fuller shows like Pushing Daisies and Dead like me.
Before the super-lesbian turns up it's a great procedural-with-an-arc and philosophical notes. After that it's just subversive SJW trash.
Same showrunners went on to make Westworld which pulls the same bait and switch, but didn't wait two seasons for it.
It's a show for samefaggots like this user.
"Hurr Durr"
AI kino people are unironically too dumb for
its on top of my CBS didnt want, got, and had no idea what to do with list
What makes (you) say that user?
One of the best TV shows ever created.
Hands down.
>buttmad Sup Forumsfag in every thread
Yeah, I mean everyone knows the smartest shows are on the top 5 basic cable channels.
It's funny that Fuller hates the procedural format since he's really fucking good at them. I loved Hannibal's labored third season just as much but the procedural elements of the first 2 were brilliant and I couldn't get enough of them
He's getting worse with time. STD is garbage.
Westworld was on HBO and yet was more Reddit-Tier than PoI, since its foundation was just your run of the mill AI "awareness" and nothing else. As long as the story and performances are good, the channel makes no difference. LOST being on ABC didn't hinder it from being a classic. Gore & Nudity don't make a show. If that's all you care about, you get stuck with stuff like GoT.
RIP Lie To Me :(
Better Off Ted
qt daughter morality pet after every episode. I still miss it
I don't know if it's best when they cancel your favorite show while you still want more or run it to the ground making you wish they did. RIP Dexter up till S5.
I really hate how Westworld turned out.
When it just started, I thought it was going to be more about storytelling. I imagined Ford would be like a mad artists who creates ultimate art - people. I'm not saying this is the only way to do it, but "Robots are people so don't oppress them" is the most boring plot imaginable.
Also I heard they did some weird shit, like they didn't tell Hopkins what the fuck is going on, and they didn't tell Man in Black's actor who his character really is.
>but I always heard good things about this, akin to Rome or Justified
Where do you hear about this aside from Sup Forums?
Yeah. I mostly just hated how the mystery drove the plot, and the reveals they did bother with were unsatisfying. Guess the same could be said about L O S T but that show still had other elements that were on form. The only real appreciation Westworld left me with was for its opening credits sequence. And Maeve
It ran for 5 seasons, user. It is pretty popular. It had panels on comic con.
Silence, I want to know what other floozy of a forum you hung around outside of Sup Forums. Was it fucking AVclub? It was, wasn't it?
>After that it's just subversive SJW trash
What? Where?
Why are y'all niggas talking about other shit on a Person of Interest thread?
years have passed and still a hurt
It is comfy run of the mill. Nothing at all special, but not so bad that you'd watch something else unless there was something else you just downloaded. Great for inbetween shows type of thing.
Easily the best TV show of the 2010s. It was wildly popular with our mothers due to being sold as CSI and tasy Jim Caviezel, and they all loved it, but CBS didn't because of how you actually couldn't broadcast it in any order forever like the NCCSIISes because every episode has nuggets of plot in it, and they didn't have distribution rights so they didn't get the mad cash the DVDs/Blu Rays made either.
>run of the mill. Nothing at all special
Name every show which is similar and better
>So I think it's that kind of "great show that doesn't get critical recognition because of the subject matter" series.
That might be it, it's one of the best sci-fi shows ever made, but many people didn't even know what it was, and just dismissed it because it was on CBS.
Yeah, and there's also the fact that JewJew had nothing to do with it creatively, that was all Jonathan Nolan and Greg Plageman. JewJew was just a producer with no other input.
I've seen people who watch it and still think it's "meh" tier.
This honestly puzzles me. While some watch it and agree it's absolute kino, for others it flies under the radar. I don't know if its because they weren't paying attention, or it's a matter of different tastes. Some of the "meh" people have stated they only saw loose chapters too.
Honestly, for me it's about the feels. Very few things are capable of making one feel this much.
What the fuck is this nonsense I'm reading? Do you seriously believe it turned into "subversive SJW trash"? did you even watch the whole show? This kind of hardcore Sup Forums retardation has to be a joke.
What else is there like Person of Interest? The only thing I've ever seen that it compares to is Enemy of the State which has a lot of similarities, I always suspected it was an inspiration for it, particularly the visual style. And look at that tag line, I totally forgot about that.
Don't mind him. Probably same assmad Sup Forumstard that hates people who likes Amy Acker
Same retarded speech oozing REEEE everywhere anyway.
I like to post Amy, and I dislike pointless SJW trash as well. Show didn't trigger me for even a second.
I cant think of any. In fact I'm surprised PoI was the only show dealing with the surveillance state in any meaningful way at that time. You'd think it would have been a bigger deal to people.
It's annoying as fuck that anybody could possibly have an opinion that completely retarded and wrong though. There was never anything even remotely SJW about it, there was never any "YAAAS QWEEN SLAAAAY" bullshit, there was never any "Root and Shaw vs. the homophobic strawman" moments, at no point in the entirety of the show were the words gay or lesbian even uttered, how anybody could be so completely blinded by ideology that they could think any of that was "subversive SJW trash" is fucking mindboggling to me
I'm convinced its just a case of severe autism.
As much as i dislike blatant pointless SJW shit and "postmodernism" in modern stuff, this is one time i can say, this was a lesbian couple done right.
Mostly because nobody gives a flying fuck about it. It's not a topic in the show. It just is. Neither Mr Reese nor Harold, or Fusco ever gave a shit not they had to fight against discrimination and shit. The real enemy, was always Samaritan while everyone else was just family.
This coming from someone who likes Amy and I'd rather see her as straight.
Alternatively, there was shipping autism in tumblr that gor really cancerous for the fanbase. But nor Amy Acker, or Sarah Shani, or Jothathan Nolan, or Amy posters are to be blamed for that.
>Mostly because nobody gives a flying fuck about it. It's not a topic in the show. It just is. Neither Mr Reese nor Harold, or Fusco ever gave a shit not they had to fight against discrimination and shit.
That's exactly what I mean, it was never mentioned or given undue attention in the story, it just was. Nobody was applauding them for being so #brave or some shit like that, the writers weren't doing it to score social justice brownie points, in fact it was never even planned. The only reason it happened is because Amy Acker and Sarah Shahi had such great chemistry with eachother that the relationship just sort of evolved naturally.
I can't stand the pozzing of media either, but Person of Interest was definitely not a case of it. In fact the show probably had a more conservative bent than anything else, especially with it's treatment of veterans.
I'll give you that the fanbase became terrible once it was infested by tumblr dykes, but that was no fault of the show, and the tumblr dykes are all gone now. They moved on as soon as Root died. Good riddance.
All I know is I started watching for Amy Acker. I don't like the idea of her being a lesbian, but it really didn't bother me here, and by the end, I also wanted a happy ending for Root ;_;]/spoiler]
But in the end, it's not even waifuism. Some brainlets and triggered Sup Forumstards claim "they ruined the show" but I really don't see it.
The best character in the end is not even Root.
It's actually the Machine. It was always about her. The fact that Amy becomes her too is just a massive bonus
Do we really have to whine about our dismay towards a given fanbase? I don't give a fuck how annoying they are, they help fuel the show. I hate it when somehow bleeds into criticism of the show itself
Damn spoilers... cant fix em for some reason
screencapped for your buffoonery in case you try to delete it
It's just the one brainlet on Sup Forums I think, and just because he hates Amy Acker for some reason. Other people hate Root because she represented the wider mythology of the show, she was only involved in an episode of it involved The Machine, Decima or Samaritan somehow. And some brainlets actually hated the wider AI storyline.
And I didn't have a favorite character, I loved them all pretty much equally, this is probably the only show I've ever seen that made me feel like that. Usually there's always one character who's shit, but not on PoI.
I agree, user.
Personally, I don't care. But the topic seems to pop up, mostly because there's this autistig fag waging war on PoI fans
I'm not triggered by tumblr. I know I liked the show as it is and that shit shouln't get in the way of enjoying it. I prefer to talk about the things we do like about it. Like this scene
And yeah, they don't matter. It wasn't even the fanbase that was terrible, just that one very vocal minority in it that dominated all discussion about the show online for about a year. Otherwise I've had a lot of really interesting conversations about the show with people. I know it sounds cheesy but the show was pretty deep and there's a lot of shit to talk about, especially because it's probably the most nuanced exploration of AI I've seen in a long time.
This episode was great; so beautiful, funny and sad all at once.
Especially sad.
I honestly can't comprehend the levels of brainletness required to hate on this.
Or the Samaritan arc, for the matter.
Comfy procedural eps are nice, but I can't stand a show that never changes, or evolves, or hasn't a bigger story to tell. If I wanted simple crime, I'd watch CSI where I can almost see any random episode and nothing ever changes, trust me, I've tested it. Is Samaritan, the perfect pleb filter?
Btf, I didn't mean anyone was expendable. They all felt like family by the time it ended.
Absolute father-daughter feelskino right there in that episode. He was always teaching her to be a good girl...
Through first part of S3. What have I got in store lads?
Define "first part".
But anyway you're in for even more kino. S3 is probably the strongest season, starting with the "Endgame trilogy", it's just one fantastic episode after another.
The genesis of the end...
Vigilance and Decima as new power players and how Samaritan prepares to be born
Also, the conclusion of Reese's backstory iirc.
You're a lucky man. Make sure you time it right so you can marathon 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 because that's when the show turns Elder God Tier and the main focus of the rest of the show begins.
>Is Samaritan, the perfect pleb filter?
Honestly? Yes. The amount of geriatric brainlets who abandoned the show because they couldn't keep up with the Samaritan arc is depressing. I loved the comfy S1-S2 Reese and Finch adventures too, but it couldn't stay like that forever or it would have gotten stale. The show only improved as it went on.
How do you make the dead of "bad guy's" hencheman an amotional scene?
Seriously, how do they do it? This shit gets to you, and I wans't supposed to care about him
Also... I hated that nigger Dominic.
It got critical recognition, but wasn't too popular among the people bc of what channel it was on.
>Dat cinematography
Because Elias isn't a bad guy, he's the best boy.
>Invictus maneo
Better than it had any right to be
There's something about Samaritan that feels... threatening. Every other threat was nothing to the Machine, it was the limitations of her "champions" what created difficulties. But the world itself evolves, just like in real life.
You never imagined you would miss the old days of HR and had to go in hiding. That everything would change so radically.
And what's most terrifying of all, that this, would be happening in the real world too.
Is that China surveillance program finished already? Not that anyone with that kind of power on a fully finished functional version would tell it openly anyway...
Also people make really good PoI related shit on youtube. Usually I hate that music video kind of shit people do, but a lot of it for Person of Interest is really well made. Good for bringing back the feels of the show. Spoilers obviously
>tfw john reese will never rescue you from a bad situation
why is he so great, bros?
>There's something about Samaritan that feels... threatening. Every other threat was nothing to the Machine
Which is why the show would have ended with season around season 6 anyway. After Samaritan nothing would really be a believable threat to the Machine, or the world. I just wish it could have had the time to finish on their terms. Can you imagine another full length season dealing with Samaritan? Time to actually set up the Ice-9 virus properly, time to answer questions about what happened to people like Zoe, Control or Claire, time for Root and Shaw to actually be together. There just wasn't enough time...
>No, my friend is gonna kill you. I'm just gonna watch...
The Devil's Share might be one of the best hours of television I've ever seen. Every scene was perfection.
>I suspected you' were going to be a great employee, but what I couldn't have anticipated, was that you would become... such a good friend
Right in the feels
Dammit. Why can't we have nice things?
>tfw there will never be a longer version of S5
>there will never be a S6
>there till never be a Washington spinoff
It hurts
Been watching Babylon 5... after the Shadow war, I can't imagine a worse threat now, bt it seems they kept it going. Will see what happens. Point being, who knows... maybe there was a way of making something worse, though Samaritan was basically Skynet.
>that they could think any of that was "subversive SJW trash" is fucking mindboggling to me
Is Shaw being a total Mary Sue subversive sjw trash. Reese was an Operator, Operators are recruited from Tier 1 military personnel, there are no real female Tier 1 military personnel. Ergo Shaw is a bit of a YASS QUEEN SLAY since no woman has ever reached her level of capability. Didn't annoy me when watching but facts are facts.
Shaw was in the Marine Corps before she was recruited into the Northern Lights program, which despite using people from the ISA was for all intents and purposes a fictional government agency, and I can almost guarantee you that women have been used for the sort of wetwork Northern Lights was doing before. She didn't have a special forces background like Reese did, she was just a straight up assassin, like Stanton. Do you have a problem with Stanton?
That and at the end of the day, Sarah Shahi played the role very well. She believable as an assassin.
We can't have nice things because CBS a shit. But we can atleast be thankful for the kino we did get it, I guess.
Like ending of the S4 finale. I don't think I've ever been on such a rollercoaster of emotions for a tv show before. And then at the end I was just unbelievably hype, even though it was a cliffhanger. It was so good
U look like a shitposter in disguise... but I'll bite
Basically... who cares if a female operator is as badass as Reese? He was already overpowered even by human standards, and it's a realistic show, but in the end it's still fantasy and it looks damn hot.
Besides the "Mary Sue" concept has been abused on this board beyond recognition, to the point a skilled female character is automatically called a Mary Sue, just for having some nice skills. No. A true Mary Sue is more than that. It's an unrealistically likable character that everybody loves, often a projection of the author's persona or ideals that has nothing but virtues and no flaws. Root and Shaw were anything but that. Root was a psycho assassin first and had to undergo weeks of therapy before becoming her final self which was not in anyway "a perfect central figure" she was just one of the good guys fighting the good fight. Shaw, on the other hand, Was a declared sociopath and a bit of a cunt when you first see her.
>I'm only here for the dog
She was trigger-easy and took a long time to realize she could be warm and fuzzy on the inside.
Also this. Especially
>Shaw, on the other hand, Was a declared sociopath and a bit of a cunt when you first see her.
For awhile after joining the team, nobody really liked Shaw except for Reese. She frustrated Finch and Fusco couldn't stand her. But she earned her place on the team, eventually. That's not how a Mary Sue works.
>A blue screen and some words it it
>I was crying like a bitch on the floor
I Just wanted a scene where Harold told his qt daughterfu that he loved her ;_;
Do you think she knew in the end, user?
Also, what do you think was Samaritan's endgame? The blood tests, the tablets, the schools, the presiden't assassination, the head chips...
9/10 show. Stays great for a long time and then rusts just a tiny bit for the last two seasons but still good.
Ret-conning Shaw and Root into lesbians was obvious token faggotry that was just starting to reach pandemic levels in television worldwide. That's almost my only complaint.
>Do you think she knew in the end, user?
From the very same scene... Just look at that face. That smile. She knew.
>Also, what do you think was Samaritan's endgame?
What it was meant for - to protect humanity. Only because it was a cold, purely logical machine with a pinch of megalomania it had a really warped view of what that meant, mainly to protect humanity from themselves, probably by keeping them docile and brainwashed. Samaritan wasn't evil, it was just a machine, one that wasn't taught right from wrong.
And the whole presidential assassination thing was just to show that it really didn't give any fucks anymore. It wasn't even pretending to do what the government bought it for.
This is the nightmare scenario. An AI programmed by the only people in the world who value human life even less than Samaritan does - chinks.
>Ret-conning Shaw and Root
I don't think you know what that means.
loved this show, loved the cast, loved the big pictures stores as well as (most) of the case-of-the-week ones.. any show like this is going to have a clunker or two in there somewhere.
jonathan nolan, what else can you say about it?
There's way more annoying ways to put token gays/lesbians/interracial content in shows, to the point you can put a literal who character that serves no other purpose than being diverse and progressive while doing nothing but harm the overall plot quality. Pic very much related, and no racism. That piece a kid tries to put into a puzzle that doesn't really belong in it.
Root had her purpose and so did Shaw. But I guess I can understand being mildly triggered at least. Worldwide SWJism does that, it makes everyone sensitive. I just don't think this show is a clear example of it.
>I don't think you know what that means.
Both Root and Shaw signaled hetero. Then they suddenly are in "love" in an obvious stroke of modern writing.
>wasn't taught right from wrong.
Samaritan had access to everything ever written on morality. It knew, it just disagreed.
love iZambeh
Black dude character was cool but obvious shoe in diversity quality. Would have been ok with her with him if much much later.
underrated show
Root never did, the only other person she ever showed any genuine care for was her childhood friend, who was a girl.
Shaw cared about her partner, who obviously loved her, but it didn't seem reciprocal at all, because she seemed really taken aback by his sort-of admission. And she always had a really blasé attitude towards relationships and sex so her being bisexual was not at all a stretch.
▽--Deviant Behaviour Detected--▽
Shaw was bi, and going though Root's past suggested she had a thing for her childhood friend
Some say later she was full lesbian, but I also think she was bi in headcanon, supported by a few random scenes
I didn't saw them as "le diverse lesbians", just as characters who happened to like each other, like Reese and Zoe
It is a piece of propoganda meant to normalize the idea that absolutely everything you do is being tracked, stored, and analized, for later prosecution.
But don't worry. This power will only rest in the hands of rich, attractive, and unfailingly moral people, to be used only against the "bad guys".
Have a fine day, free of seditious thoughts, citizen. That's an order.
Root was flirty toward men and not women at first. You need to rewatch the first season with her. She is obviously written as hetero.
Shaw showed attraction toward men a few times in between being stand-offish to everyone. She NEVER showed attraction to women. So Shaw's 11% attraction to men vs her 0% attraction to women does not a lesbian make. I can accept an argument for Shaw being Bi but not based on her behavior on the show.
The writers simply changed their minds late. I only wonder if it was pressure to do so or if they were standard modern Hollywood writers. ie fags. Was Nolan still penning episodes or was he producer level by then?
I don't agree with that. Both the Machine and Samaritan were like children, the only reason the current version of the Machine was good was because Finch devoted a great deal of time to teaching her to value life. From the word problems to his lessons about chess, he was the only reason she didn't end up like Samaritan, which was just hastily put together and unleashed on the world without a care. Maybe if Arthur Claypool had lived he would have taught it well, he was a good man, but under somebody like Greer, Samaritan never had a chance. It was basically what happens when you give a child unlimited power. Pretty sure there was Twilight Zone episode about that.
>She knew
Thanks, I just needed to hear it from someone else
One thing is to know the theory. A very different one is to practice.
The main difference between the Machine and Samaritan was the capacity for empathy. Harold, somehow taught her to feel, which is something Samaritan never had.
>You need to rewatch the first season with her. She is obviously written as hetero.
I literally just did a couple weeks ago. She was flirty because it was a way to manipulate people, something that she continued to do well after being "retconned into a lesbian".
That said, she was hardly flirty at all in S2. All she did was play the sexy secretary role for Special Counsel. Nothing she did ever indicated she had any sexual interest in anybody. She was a romantic blank slate when they decided to hook her up with Shaw.
Nobody could be this stupid IRL, have a (you) for tying out all that shit.
I still believe Root was bi.
She wasn't attracted to gender or hotness, but to qualities in things and persons.
>She was flirty
Ok. The underlying meaning if better proof than the outward behavior.
At least we both agree that the show was great.
Also, forgot to add that Shaw had some really questionable interactions with women, even if you put aside her first run-in with Root which was weirdly sexual itself, she also had a really strange relationship with Carter, and also the chinese gymnast woman in S3. But she did show more interest in men before her relationship with Root.
I loved it, except for the parts where some of the relations felt hamfisted, like Shaw and Root just lezzing it out all of a sudden, but it didn't happen enough for me to actually care about it too much, so I'm letting that pass.
Otherwise, it had possibly one of the best series finales I've seen in a television show. The feels were absolutely real. Plus, like another user already said itt, it seemed/s to be the only show that took the concept and issue of the surveillance state to an actual seriousness.
Good show.
>My name is Harold, and this is a thermonuclear weapon