Neezis are evil!

>neezis are evil!
>WE have to save all, whateverv we do they are the evil ones


Do americans believe this is how things were?
That the US army went there to avenge evil? lmao

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Nazis were evil dude
So were the japanese
Italians weren't that bad though

The movie shows nazis arent evil because that nazi let the guy go after he found him under the tank. That showed nazis are nice and good people after all

you're talking to some french fag right now.

this movie has a pretty realistic depiction of late war american soldiers

In band of brothers and other series like it you have like.... Iowa farm boys who are eloquent and have complex dialog

The reality is they were likely illiterate grunting meat retards. This film did that well

It also showed americans dying which is realistic too

>Fighting wars with substandard equipment

I've never understood how the Military Industrial Complex has got away with it

Did you even watch the movie? It’s probably one of the few to humanize nazis.

It also showed nazi fags getting their heads blown off by said Americans.
Which is also realistic.

>Static tank
>Germans just go full retard and dont try to blow it up
>Instead let's try to get the guys inside the tank
>After hundreds die some random Nazi soldier has a change of heart and let's the last guy go

Trash movie

It is the only non internal war that USA didn't get into only to fuck things up, kill innocent civilians, and worsen the region, user. Let then have something to feel proud.

Oh yeah, there was that thing when they made the worse genocyde in human history, but thats unrelated.

>It's trash because the last part is a bit


yes op tell me how things were because you yourself were actually there.

a bit dumb*

The entire movie was trash made for Mexicans who can't comprehend war

Don't have an autistic fit because I made fun of your dumb movie


Stay mad that you got BTFO so hard, inbred alt-righter

Haha, classic unintelligent american reply.

Daily reminder that the 76mm gun on a sherman can pen the Tiger I's front plate under 100m

They wasted 3 perfectly good shermans for fuck all

That's not how tank combat works

If they were nazis, I have my doubts that they were fags???

They were in the closet.
Otherwise they'd be executed.

If they were really nazis then they would have seen why they needed to be executed and wouldn't have hid it. They weren't nazis, they were traitors.

nazi their good boi they dindu nothin wrong

Blow it out your ass, faggot

and the weirdest part was at the end when suddenly one SS officer decides to let them go, even though up till then it was americans=good nazis=bad and SS=literal child killers

they could have just walked around it

I thought it was really good and one of Pitt's best performances right up until the stand-off in the tank.
God that was ridiculous.

The kid was a foot soldier, not an officer, probably 16-17 and drafted. Did you seriously not get the significance of the scene?

for me the most cringy senes were the ones with the kid and his ''struggle'' with heartbreaking music in the background.
i love how much attention they were paying to him, when in reality they would ditch him so fucking fast.

movie was garbage but it doesnt change the fact nazis deserve to be gassed together with ((()))

>16-17 and drafted
>in the SS battalion

Happened all the time. As an example:
>"After the initial rush of Volksdeutsche to join, voluntary enlistments tapered off, and the new formation did not reach division size. Therefore, in August 1941, the SS discarded the voluntary approach, and after a favorable judgement from the SS court in Belgrade, imposed a mandatory military obligation on all Volksdeutsche in Banat, the first of its kind for non-Reich Germans.

This. It's about the necessity of murder during such a widespread war, and about how Brad Pitt used dehumanising depictions of Nazis to ease his conscience when he forced the kid to shoot a Nazi. The movie doesn't at all sell its audience the idea that Nazis are evil.

The ending was retarded of course they had to come up against THE MOST EVIL AND FIERCEST OF ALL THE NAZIS as if it was some final videogame boss. Laughable

why do people get some assravaged and austistic towards ww2 movies?

>demonstrates how to not overburden an english family by eating too much
>now that was the wrong thing to do!

fucking lol

>The ending was retarded of course they had to come up against THE MOST EVIL AND FIERCEST OF ALL THE NAZIS as if it was some final videogame boss. Laughable
That did not happen at all. Did you watch the same movie I did? Or are you just not aware of the fact that tank battles were a thing on frontlines of WWII? You sound like a whiny bitch who doesn't know anything about history.

Because ww2 is the foundation myth of modern western society.

a lot of people who browse Sup Forums have low empathy/compassion levels, imagine my shock that a good amount sympathize with nazism whether ironically or unironically

besides that, Fury is a shit film though

Bob was about paratroopers not some low ass criminals who execute pow for the lulz like furry

Paratroopers still were illiterate farm boys, you dingus.

The winner writes the history m8, guess why ameriblobs obey their (((overlords)))

they had a better training and went through a real selection a total retard had no chance to be a paratrooper

>>didn't fuck things up
>>didn't kill innocent civilians
>>didn't worsen the region

That's true, but they aren't the eloquently spoken and classically trained actor gentlemen you see in Band of Brothers.

So did Norman fuck the German chick or was he too much of a soyboy he only held hands with her?

>hand half the continent to the tussians for 50 years because Eisenhower is stuck in a 1917 mindset for how the front should be conducted

We could've ended the war in europe in 44

They say we are a judeo christian country.

But our values system is actual judeo-marxism.

Was a passable war film until the last act where it just got retarded and they dumped their somewhat realistic approach for a cliche 1 man army thing.