can you imagine?
Can you imagine?
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same thread, different day
do americans really remain virgins past 18?
26 years old virgin here
can you imagine?
hahahaah no cause im not a fucking virgin loser
This is basically a softcore cinemax movie. I'm surprised you weren't asked to wear 3d glasses whenever a sex scene started
hahahhahahh i mean a handjob counts against my virginity right guys hahahahaha
Why do so many girls lose their virginity before 18?
i honestly had an intercourse but i couldn't cum because of my death grip
does it count as losing virginity?
the protagonist spends 30% of the film wearing nothing but her panties
Just sex scene after sex scene
because girls are pretty horny in their teen ages and can't stand not having a big black dick in their pussy
it only counts if:
-you didnt pay for it
-you used no condom
-you came inside
fuck off, nigger
Fuck that, I don't want kids
Its the only way to actually prove you busted a nut inside a vagina tho
Lost it at 19 because wow it's much easier to get a girlfriend in college
America is literally the only Western country that shames people for being virgins, or those who don't lose it by a certain age.
>came inside
okay bud.
Well then I guess I'll be a virgin forever.
Jesus Christ this is like a D movie
Lost it at 17 never had sex again, 22 now. Kill me
Shut up, Chad, no it isn't.
In 2 days ill be a 22yo virgin :(
why do you keep posting this like its a big deal? I mean shit, there's even a 40 year old virgin movie
post that you fucking faggot
Next : 12-years-old Virgin
Thanks Leftistwood.
that movie sucks
>virtually unlimited supply of cock multiplied by infinity since the popularization of the internet times a million since the popularization of smart phones and social media
Literally all they have to do is chose. For you it's about putting your cock in a girl for them it's more about chosing who gets to get inside.
Highschool is way easier to get a girlfriend. I had girls literally fighting over me and I'm not a chad
Followed by: "The 9 Year old Virgin: Mohammed Rising"
Dont worry. Once you become 28 you'll be completely dead inside and dont give a shit anymore about being a virgin.
It worked for me
Why cant you fuck a single woman? What happened?
damn, she's hot
what if he came inside me?
he got fat
>mfw 29
>mfw I really don't give a fuck and haven't given a fuck since I was 20
You may be onto something here.
Not a reason. Plenty of fat fucks have access to women
then you're a single mother
>have two girls lined up
>one is an 8/10 ex gf who's insane and cries EVERYTIME she drinks more than one beer
>one is a 6.5/10 coworker who seems nice but might be awful at sex
What do brehs
7 year old virgin: the Hottie Jihady
Sex is only really good if you do it with someone who loves you and you love back ;_;
Did you make it cum with your big hick dick?
I was born with deformed dick so sex is not an option for me.
Plenty of fat dudes get laid with qt chicks.
6 years old Virgin: Hole-in-Cunny
>tfw have sex semi-regularly with a nice chick
>tfw constantly cum within 3 minutes
instant gratification from years of beating it like a jackhammer to porn has ruined me
what a bizarre and completely unfathomable scenario haha
>from the creators of DER
>high school girlfriend, fucked regularly for like two years, she was into it, good girl
>two separate summer flings at my old summer job
>one one night stand with a fat single mother
>haven't kissed a girl since 2011
pathetic? I still got 4 to my name and 2 of them were fucking cuties
You can unfuck yourself from this with some mental discipline and training
I've tried it reverse kegels or whatever they're called and edging, and they only give marginal benefits
I have to constantly slow down or stop fucking altogether to hold it in, which ruins the act.
not pathetic, but I am curious as to why you stopped chasing tail.
Losing your virginity is overrated. I wish I didn’t lose it tbqh.
>I still have the one thing that even money can't buy
Life's not so bad.
Fukken /thread
What Mia Malkova scene is this?
>not fucking dat pussy bareback
Fuck if I know just google the title of the webm and go from there.
always beta, my mom was one of those parents that felt calling your child ugly every day of their life was "tough love" and wouldn't destroy their confidence
All four times I've gotten laid the girl initially dropped extremely obvious hints. I've tried the whole tinder/bumble thing but it usually leads nowhere and I'm content to just jerk off to girlsdoporn instead of jumping through hoops for a 5
>jerk off to girlsdoporn
no wonder no one likes you
it's like if Tommy Wiseau directed American Pie
>tfw slim
>almost a skeleton
>0 chicks
At least I'm not overweight.
>or might be not
anyway insane ex gf sounds bad
women are disgusting whores that's why
How do you talk to someone without it being painfully obvious that the only reason you are talking to her is to fuck her?
beat off first
I have seen this thread before
I do that all the time wtf
it's part of the reason I kinda dig going on tinder/bumble dates
at least they know you wanna stick it in em
The trick is to not give a shit whether or not going to fuck her. It's okay if it's obvious you want to fuck, just don't be desperate. The secret to not being desperate is by realising there's plenty of fish in the sea, and plenty of other girls to fuck.
ROFL! Can I save this image?
this looks like a parody of itself
its surreal
I really cant
is fucking with a condom on considered losing your virginity? I've fucked my gf multiple times now but i still dont consider having gotten rid of my virginity because good handies and BJs are better than not raw-dogging someone
You should know by now sex isn't like porn then. Make proper use of foreplay, take a break if you need to and eat her out or just finish her off after you come. Statistically world wide, sex lasts on average between 5-10 minutes. Just work on it and build confidence, a lot of it is mental.
Yes, you're thinking about it too much.
I still cum within like 4 minutes of gentle, slow foreplay. The mouth is just too warm and soft for me to hold it in. My prostate has a mind of it's own.
26 year old virgin and I simply don't give a shit anymore. Feels kind of good desu.
Same, but I'm 25. When I accepted the fact that I will never get laid and nobody will love me, all my frustrations were gone and I don't care any more.
This is such a retarded advice, if you're an ugly awkward virgin like me you'd still be stuck in that phase where your dick gets hard every time, and that's what happens even if you jerk off before going on a date or talking to a girl, your dick will get hard because minutes and hours have passed for it to be ready again, so you'll act like an autist again
Why do you make threads just to hurt our feelings?
Maybe try one of those pills you see at gas stations or corner stores. They make it to where you can't nut for like an hour. Really though, if its your girlfriend talk to her about it and explore sex together intimately. If shes more experienced she will guide you or it's more than likely you're equally subconscious and can explore that together. If it's just a sex friend and you're sleeping together semi-regularly then something it working out somewhere.
I can only suspend my disbelief to a certain point, but come on!
How many of those 530 matches have you met up with?
doesn't really feel good. The best part of sex is foreplay. you've already hit the peak of sexual stimulation which is getting sucked off. The degree of pleasure now depends on how good the chick is at sucking dick.
Only someone with a tiny penis would say this
12. Ive had tinder since mid december
Damn, pretty good. What sorts of pictures/bio do you have
>breast-size shaming
do girls really do this?
>doesn't really feel good.
are you trolling? Fucking with a rubber on condom feels awful. You feel the contours and warmth of the pussy without feeling the wet insides. And cumming with a condom on feels 1/10 as satisfactory as cumming rawdog balls deep
Course. They just don't realize face > tits and the middle one is the qtest there
>face > tits
this is the truly the patrician choice. though b-cups are still the best