Uncomfortable edition.
Uncomfortable edition.
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If anyone has any ideas for what I could say/act as an audition for you-know-who, feel free to share/write it
WHY WOULD THE MONSTERS MAKE THEMSELVES AWARE THAT THEY EXIST IN THE DREAM? DON'T GIVE ME THAT SUBCONSCIOUS shit they knew exactly what they looked like despite all being taken when asleep. Fucking ridiculous.
And Santa too was also dumb as shit. Don't even get me started on Capildi (who's Italian NOT Scottish) acting like a retard on the sleigh.
Too much this doctor is acting like a retard. And his Clara obsession is ridiculous, she's been around long enough she needs to fucking go. I was so happy when she was like 80 I thought fucking finally but then another twist and she's alive. Pissed me off almost as much as Harry Potter still being alive at the end of the books when you blatantly show him dying.
British writers should just stop doing sci-fi fantasy if this is the shit they are going to make.
Fucking Clara. Fuck Clara. Annoying bint.
At least Tennant could handle a xmas special by himself, this Capildi runs to Clara within 5 minutes WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT MOFFAT.
Really ruined my christmas tv this episode did.
Irish anons. BBC will be filming in Connemara from jan 28 to feb 9th
Is this a copypasta?
know Christopher Eccleston. He lived in a richer area of New York at one point. I bumped into him in a sandwich shop. He was shooting the shit with the sandwich maker when I came up to give my order. I got a standard turkey on wheat with mayo and pepper jack. It was something very simple. All the while Chris was laughing to himself and pointing at me occasionally mumbling, "Is this guy serious?"
I wasn't sure why I guess he was displeased about me ordering or what I ordered. After I got my sandwich I sat down and ate while he just leaved back into the windowed meat display and watched me. When I got up to throw the trash away he stopped me and offered his hand. I was shy because I knew who he was but he introduced himself anyways. When I shook his hand the other hand came out of his pocket holding a tazer which he used on my neck. When I fell to the ground tense I soiled myself. He laughed, "This guy." And started kicking me in the face quoting Doctor Who over and over, "STUPID APE STUPID APE."
I woke up in the hospital next to a vase of broccoli labeled, "From Chris."
Now every year he shows up to my families Thanksgiving dinner, uninvited, unannounced, and just eats, laughs to himself, and then leaves. Last year he murdered my mother. I fear what hurricane Chris will bring this year...
I know this woman at my work who is a big fan of Doctor Who. She is currently having a birthday this month and everyone at the office will be getting her something. The problem is she's transgender and I have no idea what to buy for this kind of person.
This is not a joke, this is not a copypasta, all I want are some suggestions and possibly ones that don't get me arrested or fired.
Whoa, that’s awesome- wonder if I can head down.
After meeting Capaldi in person he was very nice, but I still can't get over how big his head is irl, he looks like he has hydrocephalus in person, whilst on screen his head looks small/normal.
I'm in Galway so I might be able to sneak along
Honestly, what would your reaction be if ALL Series 11 episodes were pure historicals with no monsters or sci-fi elements?
I'd do a cum.
I would die of joy.
What about ALL Series 12 episodes? What if Chibnall phased out sci-fi completely and made it an earth history show?
has there been a better logo?
has there been a worse logo?
>which means entirely set on earth
that idea is shit but that fact makes it a hundred times worse.
Disappointment, I wouldn't ever want a whole series of the show to just be one genre. It would be a failure to exploit the potential of serialisation.
I would be overjoyed, I'm not kidding when I say my favourite type of episodes by far are pure historicals and I loved the early idea of the show being more in that direction. The show would shift to something else after Chibnall anyway. The show is already in enough of a box we're just used to anyway, since the 60s even in the sense of the mix of genres.
All of them
Almost an improvement but the surfboard is still weirdly wide.
>13 gets stranded on a planet like 3 does
>the planet isnt earth
>we spend a whole series learning about the history and society of a unique alien planet and the doctoresque calamities it would face
I would like that a lot
Jodie is staying until series 15.
"Pure historicals" of a non Earth planet are a cool idea.
Yeah, nah. She'll get sick of it just like the last several actors to take the role.
Kek, what a pointlessly brilliant idea
I suspect Chibs would stay longer than Jodie, I assume it's much easier to find someone who wants to be the Doctor for a few years rather than be the showrunner
How does this show have so many right wing fans?
Ask Neo.
Because I can seperate my political views and my entertainment.
That would be pure shit especially when Chibnall himself can't even write a decent episode.
Why does a persons political opinion matters in anything?
I'm the opposite of Neo here, I'd absolutely hate it to be honest. I'm already a little apprehensive about the amount of historicals it seems we're getting.
Like, I'd love some sci-fi episodes set in the 60s or 70s or 80s or 90s just for shits and giggles, but that's pretty much the only way I'd be legitimately hyped for episodes set in the past.
Not sure what you mean, but half the people complaining about the show being sjw and femme Doctor are people who have seen a couple episodes and dont actually watch the show.
At the same time, regular right wing and sjw meme are two seperate groups
bad meme
I'm rw and I'm perfectly fine with the Doctor being female.
>I'm the opposite of Neo here
I knew it
oeNposting when?
Does Neo hate Oxygen since it goes against his politics?
Power of Thee and 42 are great outside the conclusions
well we wouldnt be able to do historicals of this planet until after my idea, since we'd get a feel of the modern version of this planet with the series, then be able to play with it's history and past afterwards
Right now.
I don't know why don't you just ask him
I think Mathieson's a bit overrated but I really liked Oxygen.
Does Neo have a cuckold fetish?
Post spin-off ideas
I don't even think most historical-set episodes are bad episodes. I think The Eaters of Light is fine and it's a decently-written story, but I would rarely rewatch it willingly. The setting of stuff like that just bores me to death.
I'm starting to wonder, why Neo hates Reddit and Soyboys so much despite being a redditor and soyboy himself.
I liked it for the story also for the politics
I mean that makes sense, like I said I'm sure most of the hate are non fans complaining for their base.
Is Neo gay? He gives me a sort of flamboyant fagot vibe
I hear he is a member of gays for trump
How would Neo react if he saw Holly getting fucked by a group of niggers?
Sadly no. He just has good manners.
Mummy > Oxygen > Girl > Flatline
Perkins should've been the Nardole of Series 9
No. I don't understand that fetish at all desu
Fwiw I wasn't a fan of Eaters of Light. Marco Polo is my favourite historical
I am straight.
I don't hate soyboys, I'm just bemused by them. I dislike a lot about Reddit and its culture but it's useful for a lot of things too. It's good at being what it originally was, an aggregate, it's not so good as place for decent discussion or community building.
I agree
good thread so far
>using real name
too far desu
They are all 9/10+ though
I liked "Oxygen", and the Doctor's blindness was really neat, but I really wish Moffat had okayed Jamie's original idea, the "too dark" one that he now wants to turn into a horror movie. Especially since the script was already half written.
This would be pretty great. Does anyone else remember the rumors from pre-"Death in Heaven" that 12 would lose the TARDIS somehow and become a Scientific Advisor for the Shadow Proclamation?
Flatline > Mummy > Oxygen > Girl
Again, the historical thing applies to this. Girl is a great episode with a lot of emotion, sure, but I'm not at all interested in the Viking setting.
>we're getting monganon v3 now
are we taking the term soyboy seriously? It literally means nothing and is based on nothing
Keep /who/ in /who/
>using the wooden Cyberman
It's totally used as a vacant apply-for-anything insult a lot of the time, maybe most of the time, same as "cuck" or "sjw", but I do think there's a specific type of person it's used to refer to by some as well. Not really a hill I want to die on though.
>Holly and Yew
are the rumors true?
Father's Day is kino
More 70s/80s episodes please
Lowkey best S1 ep
I mean it looks like we're setting up for a series that is mostly TARDIS free, unless retreiving it will just be an opening two parter rather than the arc.
FInally seeing the new TARDIS after a whole series would be kino buildup though.
I mean all those terms are groaners to me (sjw used to be acceptable but has pretty much been ruined completely) but soyboy almost sounds like self parody, I'm surprised it caught on so much desu. Not just you but in general.
I think when terms like this first start to be used they have a sort of appealing specificity to some people (like you might say with "sjws" at first, or "nu males" or "soyboys" now), then they get enough of a reaction out of people they just start to be used as catch-all insults.
Upon reflection, I find Eccleston's episodes to be above average at best, but never quite reaching great.
I don't like Oxygen, because it postures as anti-capitalism parable, but due to lacking worldbuilding, it fails to communicate what uniquely capitalist ill does "killing people and steal their stuff" represents.
Oxygen consumption is the central part of the episode, yet worldbuilding had failed to present a coherent picture on who's paying for it and why is it expensive.
i'm the same. couldn't even explain why. just find historical episodes really dull if they're set before the 20th century. this goes for anything really - i look at my top 50 films and all of them are set within the last 100 years.
could really do without doctor who ever going back to victorian london especially.
Bleh. I'm really, really hyped for Jodie but I really prefer the more conceptual/experimental episodes (which is why I love Moff so much). I hope we get at least some episodes that are at least a little like that. "The Doctor visits x historical event" just doesn't interest me.
Which of the fake synopsis episodes would you want to be real episodes?
New Orleans God-Phone w/ Lovecraft cult sounded fucking god-tier
I'm EXACTLY the same dude, I don't know why. I just find stuff like the 50s/60s/70s/80s/90s way more visually and conceptually interesting.
With episodes like that, you at least have cool backdrops. With historicals, you just get dull settings like "hills" or "forest" or "village" or "desert", etc.
Agreed. I don't even care if it was a fake spoiler for a Kris Marshall Doctor. I want it to happen.
To add to this, you DO sometimes get good historical settings IMO. That's why I'd like a feudal Japan episode at the very least, because visually it could look stunning and unique.
Makes sense, but nowadays the only reaction I see them get is "that term is so embarrasing and you sound stupid" which somehow makes people wanna say it more. It's like what trolling used to be a few years ago
I think theyre usually just executed poorly.
I agree with this, but capitalism does try to comodify pretty much everything it can, like how we could easily end world hunger by just sharing the avaibale food and we just dont bother. I can see how the episode could set itslef up without proper context by just working with assumptions.
Well we're most likely gonna get stuck in present day so it wouldnt be that. I like experimental who but I prefer a standard story because for me when the plot gets too conceptual it often just falls flat on its face.
>I agree with this, but capitalism does try to comodify pretty much everything it can, like how we could easily end world hunger by just sharing the avaibale food and we just dont bother.
We can't end world hunger. If we feed hungry people, they'll just keep breeding until we no longer can feed them.
Africa is the only place that is overpopulated and we keep breeding them, like we want them to explode and destroy Earth.
I'd do that idea for st3 but I'd feel funny about it since I'm not the one who came up w/ it
>mfw watching The Myth Makers in bed after coming in from below freezing temperatures
Name a comfier activity.
masturbating to Louise Jameson's thighs
I disagree. I'd rather have a great concept executed poorly than no concept executed boringly.
yeah japan is definitely an exception. it must be down to the aesthetics in some way because i love seeing japanese temples and shrines.
i did really love the 2016 war and peace adaptation though. maybe it's just the production design in doctor who historicals that bothers me.
>malthus meme
I'm saying we could end world hunger right now, africa's overpopulation is technically a seperate issue but after a population boon it will eventually start trending down like everyone else as long as it gets the chance to continue developing, which is yet another seperate issue.
But all I'm really saying is that I can see Oxygen taking a shortcut based on knowing how things are now, especially since greater context in the beginning would reveal the ending. Maybe a seperate episode would have helped. Actually I think this needs to happen, we never did get a follow up on the context of the world of Sleep No More either.
it would be a great concept executed poorly verus a standard concept executed competently. Which reminds me of Simpsons Seasons 10 to 19 vs 20 to 29. I greatly prefer the biggest issue being something could be boring to the biggest issue being something could be complete nonsense
It's too cold for that.
>all edits by a guy with a MGS related name
Someone needs to write a bunch of Who-related JOI's
>ODYSSEUS: What is it now, Doctor? Upon my soul, you're making me as nervous as a Bacchante at her first orgy.
For kids.
Orgy reference in NuWho when?
Seriously though, it seems like stuff that was nominally for kids got away with a lot more in the 60s and earlier. You'd kind of expect it to be the opposite, but I think the lack of ratings meant there wasn't as definite a line between children's media and everyone-else media.
Is this what happens when pikeys steal your cable for three years?
Thats a funky word desu. Remember in Thor 3 when they said the ship they were using was the orgy ship? I don't know about in the US but here it was rated for young children. Maybe it's just a word that children don't know and passes under the radar for the most part but makes for a funny jokes for others.
I mean maybe, but then I remember that an episode of Rocco's Modern Life is called All You Need is Lube