Good. Hope the movie is good. Would make the Sup Forumstard tears very entertaining.
Black Panther will kill Sup Forums. This board will be FINISHED.
You know your just as annoying as they are whenever you bring them up right?
You're just as annoying as him.
You're just a-Wait a second...
das rite whiteboi
>using a recent trend where people buy tickets online to trigger Sup Forums
>won't even open above 100 million
>overseas will do less than $200, total will be around $450 million
Who else bought their tickets and will return them the week before it comes out?
it's funny to me how the movie is called 'black panther' when in reality the actual black panthers were a terrorist organization whose leaders were mostly violently killed in shoot-outs or sent to federal prison until they got raped to death.
But yeah, you guys do you an shieet.
Nobody believes it's going to suck. It's going to be run-of-the-mill capeshit.
Yeah it actually looks kind of cool
Oh and they were also mostly addicted to cocaine and hiding cocaine inside their gaping asses so they wouldn't be caught by police with their precious cocaine, the lifeblood of the African American community.
The comic predates the organisation. Stop being triggered by stupid shit.
This movie will be a massive success. Blacks and white-guilted liberals will see the movie 3+ times at least.
it's funny how badly your observation falls on its face when you realize the original black panther comic which the movie is based on was conceptualized and ultimately created by a group of white dudes
no that's wrong sweetie, they both came out the same year. so sorry to have to correct you like that all publicly
it'll do fine overseas, it's just the next marvel movie.
it's not going to polarise the audience like it could in america, black vs white race politics really aren't that important.
You realize the Black Panther comic existed before the terrorist organization right? Imagine being this paranoid trying to find stuff that isn't there at all.
>(((white dudes)))
yep, just a couple of mensches, er patriotic americans
who the fuck names a superhero after a GENETIC DEFECT animal?
lol, so true
Why are people so upset about this movie
Why people keep telling this is going to be a black people movie, when most of Black Panter fans of the comics are white guys that wish to have a black friend, but never talk to a black person before
neckbeards aren't people
Same thing as sjwbusters, etc. etc. These people don't see movies, hell most of them don't even fit in the seats. They're just very vocal cuntholes on the internet.
There literally charities out there buying up large numbers of tickets so that groups of underprivelaged (in spite of getting free cinema tickets) niglets, can go watch the movie
No wonder pre-sales are inflated
that's why he said predates you mouthbreating sperg
because it has black people as central characters
Doesn't matter. If it's good, it will just be shills etc
Comic book character started in July of '66
Huey Newton started the party in October of '66
Your turn.
>he has to convince himself that people aren't actually excited for this movie
This movie is going to break Sup Forums. It'll be shitposting on a scale unprecedented.
Why do people unironically pay to watch capeshit? Are Americans that mentally stunted?
Yet the merchandise is rotting on the shelves. Big opening weekend then an 80-90% drop by week 2, guaranteed.
can we get Black Panther memes ongoing? so far only seen very few, for example this
Mostly what the Black Panther Party did was give food to children and run free medical clinics. It's true that some of their leaders, like Fred Hampton, were murdered by police, because they also preached socialist politics. But they weren't a violent organization.
>they think this matters for some reason
hint: it doesn't
*breathes in*
Cocaine vastly supplied by the CIA to bring down the quality of life of urban communities
The plotline is about who has the biggest black dick. So basically: BLACKED: the movie.
>the Egyptians are retards for naming one of their goddesses Isis because of the terrorist organization
You sure showed them!
>o-only conservatives can be revisionist
> biggest first day ticket presale
This is just Disney pre-buying tickets to drum up hype.
Once the comic nerds have seen the flick opening day, sales will tank, as Blacks are only 13% of the population, White people don’t want to watch a movie where they’re blamed for all the world’s ills and the Chinese market sure a shit doesn’t give a single fuck about Blacks.
I'm not doubting that there are many people people excited to see the movie.
The point is that the circumstances in which many preorders are being made is not typical cinema attendance, because most film screenings are not attended by large organised groups that require prior arrangement of their cinema visit.
However, popularity of a film in financial and marketing is probably better reflected in how many people buy their own tickets with their own money, rather than how many are gifted.
No one in china is excited for this movie.
>sold out, so good sale
when tickets are sold out, why should i even try to get?
It's flashy and fast paced so it holds our short attention spans just long enough to stop maybe half the audience from checking their phones
>irrevocably blown the fuck out
>i-it doesn't m-matter!!1 f-fucking niggers w-we wuz ubermensch n' s-shiet!!
Just opened a fresh bag of (You)s. I've got all night ;)
its a good idea. tap into the black market so they all go out in droves to see it.
i mean they could have done a film actually meaningful and moving to prove their worth in the community but capeshit sells i guess
its the same with obama. be black or promote blackness and youre guaranteed success
give me a (You) for this reply of nothing, pls
imagine being obtuse
must be rough life
reminder that pic related are the type of people who'll get upset over this film's success
It's gonna get BTFO everywhere outside of the USA
tfw you will never be a cute
Its the most blatant media racial tension instigator in the last 5 years.
What are you most looking forward to in the new age of blackino?
In what way
black people are in it
>yfw you really want to watch Black Panther, but at same time don't wanna feed it's BO coz (((they))) gonna push more nogs into future movies if it's successful
awww kill me, fuck
Black Panther comic predates the BPP
BPP were not terrorists
I guess I'm missing out on why I should be upset about this
Using Wakanda as an example of what a black country would be without colonialism, then having a white antagonist.
I never really saw pol or tv saying BP would fail. I mean..they may not like the whole " super advanced african nation" angle but I think everyone expects it to do well financially and critically. Its just pol and tv think its a stupid idea and WANT it to flop but i doubt they actually believe it will flop.
im not, no one outside of Sup Forums is upset about it, no one considers race as much as Sup Forums does
Because Sup Forums feels threatened by black people
Would Sup Forums like this though, blacks staying in Africa in an enthnostate.
The antagonist is black though, stop commenting on shit you obviously don't know about.
>there goes that fat balding white man taking photos of the toys again
>now he's typing furiously
>why does he look so angry
>did you ask him if you could help him find something?
Sup Forums here. looking forward to this movie as it autoparodies blacks
>trailer "YO HOL UP"
>they wear shitty clothes like ages ago
>mandingo fights!
this is just most stereotype nog movie ever
What does krypton represent on a political scale? I'm just not sure where I should take fiction seriously and where I shouldn't.
>being this scared of brown people
Talk to one, user. You might be pleasantly surprised.
You mean random joke twitter accounts?
>BPP were not terrorists
heh, get extra popcorn Sup Forumsbro. it's gonna be a fun 2018.
>Disney does a serious version of a superhero movie when it's black
>every other hero is a joke
Gee thanks, I actually liked Thor comics (well Walt simonsons run). Got two half assed flicks and a dumb kids comedy by a moronic Australian
But they're thriving. Of course Sup Forums would hate it, Africa is supposed to be a punishment for niggers. "Oh so now you don't like this place we brought your ancestor's against their will?! Too good to stand during the national anthem now?! Then leave to the place that we stripped you of the culture of that probably hates you as much as we do!"
Yup just like SheWars. Also black people don't buy fucking toys unless unless Toys'R'Us wants to start taking EBT
>Sup Forums here
stopped reading here
are they gonna replace popcorn stands with watermelons?
morons don't realize that their discrimination of low expectations is probably worse
ya Jamal, you sixteen, you read you a book, you real smart Jamal.
i like that this is the pic that comes up when Akinator guesses Mike Stoklasa
yap, i m ready
also upcoming Fahrenheit 451 remake with black guy may be funny to see
Facebook/twitter nogs burning books
China hates niggers so...
is not only China. But more than hate is like most of the planet doesn't give a fuck, it's just another "lots of black people in a black people movie, made for black people in america".
Like yet another shit Spike Lee movie.
then why are fast and furious movies so popular there?
No, no he's not as cancerous as Sup Forums is
No he's not. Sup Forums has been spamming this board for weeks with offtopic twitter screengrabs
cars, cars, cars
Vin Diesel
>t. Sup Forums
fucking DC could have beat them to the punch with Vixen or even Cyborg but nope, keep being a shit production company and trying to copy spider-man for flash instead of fucking figuring out what makes him different and better than marvels poor mans copies of dc characters.
xD segregation was fine bro
who cares if we were lynching blacks LOL
BPP was so uncalled for xD seig HEIL! fuck the jews at marvel LOL anyone have any more redpills for me ??
vin diesel is half-black but whatever
what about coco? made more money in china than it did in US
or jumanji, it's number 1 in china atm and it has the rock and kevin hart