>made 1.3 billion on a ~300 million budget
>trumplets still think this movie is a flop
a daily reminder that Sup Forums is living in its own bubble and its neckbeard populace doesnt know economics
>made 1.3 billion on a ~300 million budget
>trumplets still think this movie is a flop
a daily reminder that Sup Forums is living in its own bubble and its neckbeard populace doesnt know economics
A)It made way less money then TFA and share holders demand more money every year
B)They have to recoup the purchase of Lucas film and that's not raw numbers, they have to beat the money that investment would have made if it was normally invested
C)Toy sales are way down and no one is hyped for Solo
500m budget of production + marketing + what the theatres keep + Solo Reshoots + Extra failed marketing in China, they must have made 300 million back at best, what a failure.
The toys, the videogames, the comics, the tv series, the books, all failing in sales too, and Solo is set up to bomb. TLJ damaged the brand.
hasn't made 1.3 billon yet.
It under performing by about 700 million even by Disney estimates
It done lasting damage to the brand, and more importantly, Disney cannot ask for 65% next time.
No shit it made less than TFA. Are you retarded?
TFA was the first star wars movie in over 10 years and the first sequel in 30. There is a reason it made a gorillion dollars and the fact that tlj came even close is incredible
>Toy sales are way down
Oh noooo! Not the toy sales!
>Oh noooo! Not the toy sales!
Are you retarded? I am very skeptic about this, BTW, but if is true, is a fucking disaster.
It would be better for them all the movies bombing and the toys selling like hotcakes, you dumb idiot.
Avengers 2 got more than a billion as well and the mouse still regarded it as a flop
>m-muh toys
as if disney were the one making them
>talking about imaginary money that isnt even earned yet
even if it -only- made 300 million that is a success. That is 300,000,000$ EARNED.
300 million is double what most movies cost to film. Maybe if you stop spending all your time watching alex jones and actually read a book you'd know that
Star war toy shipments (which is how it measures) is down 47%.
From Rogue One.
500m budget? Are you fucking retarded? It would be the most expensive movie ever. Its most likely 250 mil like FA, so 500 mil is with marketing, it still fucking sucked compared to expectations though
still defending this franchise killer eh
It's not a flop or bomb by any means, but unerperforming movie for sure. Nobody is expecting Star Wars movies to flop in modern era, but it still can damage whole franchise popularity which may possibly lead to bombing movies in future.
Chances that this is a false flag thread made by a trumplet trying to smear anti-trump people, or a troll thread made to get (you)s? High.
Budget of production + Budget of marketing is around 500 million no matter what anyone says.
The movie needed around 900 million to break even and was expected to do almost as much as TFA.
The first weekend revenue was similar to TFA's and proyected the movie to box 2 billion $
>TFA is easily the most hyped film of all time
>doesn't even beat Titanic
>3 movies in and Star Wars films are plunging to Marvel levels of profit
>Han Solo looks like an unironic flop
>TLJ was only 300 million
in your dreams, laser brain.
You don't even realize thats not part of the advertising budget. You don't realize that they have to make a certain amount of money based on their previous decisions. Fuck outta here fag.
>mention trump and Sup Forums is triggered as usual
you nazis just cant resist huh? just like the orange-in-chief
Delet this
Even if it makes $1 profit it's a success DRUMPFLET
>Holy shit he actually thinks there hasn't been more than 500m put into a single movie
my nigga jej
>less than the previous movie
>all the hype and advertising in the world and still can't topple Avatar or even Titanic
You seem to be missing that this isn't the bombing of just the film, but of the possibility of Disney getting returns of the whole inversion of buying Star Wars and starting a commercial product for themselves.
If this has been as succeful at killing Star Wars as it seems, Dinsey has tossed a couple of billions to the gutter, with what was suposed to be the biggest movie franchise.
>dumb drumplet doesnt know how to goggle
>made 1.3 billion
>ignoring production/marketing costs plus a million other overheads
$1.3 billion box office is not all profit, user. Back to business school with you.
That does not take in account the ads.
kek any profits are probably covering how shit Coco is doing.
>>made 1.3 billion on a ~300 million budget
+300 million on marketing, and theaters get a cut too. It barely broke even. Especially humilliating when you think that TFA made 700 million more
>TFA is easily the most hyped film of all time
>doesn't even beat Titanic
>TFA is easily the most hyped film of all time
>doesn't even beat Titanic
>TFA is easily the most hyped film of all time
>doesn't even beat Titanic
its a animated movie with zero marketing that cost like $200m and already made $600 in gross
>comparing a cartoon to a blockbuster
nigger u high
>zero marketing
>it was expected to do the same as TFA
since when? TFA was the most anticipated movie pretty much ever, it did way more than expected on pure hype, hype that wasn't there for this.
and isn't this a similar sort of drop between phantom menace and attack of the clones?
This thread has 27 replies. It hardly triggered Sup Forums.
I think Disney has written Solo as a flop already. 0 advertising for a movie that comes out in 4 months is not a good sign
Who in their right mind makes a b8 thread and then outs themselves this easily?
>>made 1.3 billion
Half of that went to theaters
Also rights for SW cost them 4 billions
kek, you have to be trollin.
Rule of thumb is that the production budget is roughly equivalent to the advertising budget. I mean, its not like Star Wars gets marketed a lot right? It's not like there's toy lines and video games riding on these movies.
Adjusted gross estimates:
>1. Gone with the Wind - $1,804,258,500
>2. Star Wars - $1,590,608,000
>44. Star Wars: The Last Jedi - $594,902,300
First of all I hate Trump, second Frobes reported TLJ probably spent globablly up to 500M in marketing, that's twice the budget of any blockbuster... just for marketing.
Since it had almost the same opening weekend than TFA. Then people saw how fucking awful it was and the drops came in.
this thread will get 300 replies and you know it
>and isn't this a similar sort of drop between phantom menace and attack of the clones?
Are you dishonest or just stupid? do you think this is a question that gives you a point? TPM was not well received and AotC had horrid word of mouth.
Also, see how sequels CURRENTLY are expected to perform.
>and isn't this a similar sort of drop between phantom menace and attack of the clones?
Actually yes, and for the same reasons
>kek, you have to be trollin.
this. is genuinely better ask tumblr
oh nononono
But the drop was no where near as huge between PM and clones.
t. reddit
Forbes being a bad source with money...
I mean whats $150m between friends?
Dont forget to account for the $200m lost from overseas underpeformance too and remember these were the conservative estimates :)
Even Disney vice president of distribution stated those type of numbers before the disney shills get involved.
Of course not, no other franchise has lost 700 million from one movie to the next. But for the sake of the argument, I think The Last Jedi and Attack of the Clones will have the same effect on Star Wars as a franchise
in my country i didnt even know COCO was out, it just got the minimum amount of marketing that all other movies got
but TLJ shit was EVERYWHERE
>it's a star wars thread
Lifelong Democrat here the film flopped hard
Didn't all the articles mentioning industry estimates for TLJ get misteriously deleted?
That means that the movie only made about $300-400 Million in profit. That's nice, but it barely funds the next movie.
You are a brainlet, just stop
The "investment" on purchasing LucasArts is long-term, it's completely irrelevant that it didn't remake the cost of purchasing one of the biggest moviestudios with one movie
Since we got one widely disliked movie now, you can bet your ass the next one will have close quality moderation
Making 1.3 billion dollars on a budget of 300 milliobs is incredible to Disney, regardless of critique, because they can still work towards profiting from LucasArts
They spent WAY more than 300 million though. The marketing for this flop was insane
If they are making 5 movies, that effectively adds an 800m cost to each one's budget. That means TLJ really cost 1.1 billion to make without marketing.
>that effectively adds an 800m cost to each one's budget.
Lying about production cost is illegal.
What is your source?
If the Last Jedi was doing as well as the attack of the clones it would have made 32 million in this upcoming week. There no way it going to get close to that.
>Lying about production cost
>Lying about production cost
>production cost
>production cost
is just too difficult for you I guess.
It didn't make any money off of me, so i don't get who is blown out OP.
In fact i used to spend mad dosh when i knew i was spending on Star Wars itself, now that any money would go to Disney i'm not interested because Disney and Star Wars are two different things.
They haven't disclosed the actual production cost and I was talking about marketing, you dumb shill. Sorry your daddy mouse managed to lose money on Star fucking Wars but it is what it is
Buying Lucas was 4000000000$.
No, LA times and others posted the estimates.
The Vice president of distribution also made a statement on Disney estimated expected opening, thus you can tell that disney was expecting a lot more.
Industry - 225 million opening, 1.7-1.8 billion total
Disney - 200 million opening, 1.6-1.7 billion total.
Ended up being 219 million opening, and
Daily reminder that shillfags can't even come up with semi-believable arguments to convince a bunch of anons on a Tahitian tiki carving board that their master's latest goy propaganda flick isn't an abject failure.
Cry more, mouse kikes.
Marketing is a part of the budget
In movies, production cost is the whole process of making the movie to it ending up in a theatre with as big an audience as possible
You don't know anything about financials or movies so please stop arguing
Marketing is not included in the production budget. And TLJ was marketed pretty hard.
Umm, they didn't make 1.3 billion.
Hell, they not even made 1.3 billion in ticket sales.
They spent 400 million with direct marketing, and got back about 580 million from the ticket sales.
They will make more on TV and disc sales, but its not what they where expecting.
That isn't true at all, filming and marketing are very different and one can continue after the other has finished.
>posting joe weller gifs
TFA wans't 250 and neither this movie, both costed more than 300 with the budge + marketing
This is not a flop. It made its budget back. But it also fell below expectations and gave the franchise a bad name, so unless IX is flawless and welcomed with open arms by both the critics and the fanbase, Star Wars as a franchise is going down like the Hindenburg.
No it not.
The budget of the film is the cost to get a finished product.
marketing is handled by the distributors, and depends on the contractual elements. Even when done in house the marketing is viewed as a seperate budget, as generally most major companies will budget a separate marketing spend for their entire lineup. this also helps if you need to bury profits for tax reasons.
JediFlop JediFlop
JUST look at that weekend drop
losing money? holy cow
not even china can save it now
LOOK OUT...here comes the JediFlop.
Both films cost of production + Marketing is thought to be about 400 million.
When a budget is official, any cost related to a product HAS TO BE OFFICIAL
This includes marketing, which is always given a portion of your budget from the start of planning
It's illegal to hide any part of your cost
Calling me a shill for understanding what a budget is is actually retarded
Remember when Sup Forums said that it wouldn't pass 600m domestically?
Stop lying shill.
>When a budget is official, any cost related to a product HAS TO BE OFFICIAL
>This includes marketing, which is always given a portion of your budget from the start of planning
>It's illegal to hide any part of your cost
No you brainlet. The budget you see on the internet is only the production budget.
No user, that just plain wrong.
The Budget is the cost of production.
Marketing costs is another department, and there is nothing illegal about that. I am a CPA and there is nothing illegal about having your marketing budget not included in the production budget.
Marking is under the "Marketing costs" or "Distribution costs" under line items depending on how they are itemizing it. Which are not under the budget.
If you want a real life example, look up Sahara, as all there paperwork became public domain due to a lawsuit.
No, and you don't have a screencap which is interesting.
But i do know it's hilarious that TLJ is so low standard it even went beneath China's level who are known to even eat up Transformers movies, and now 95% of the screenings are shut down. The reviews of course are "low IQ" "Ugly Wars" and of course "baizuo".
You realize star wars merchandise is incredibly valuable and always sold well. Half the money was from the merchandise alone that Star Wars was hugely profitable.
Sales are down right now which isn't good for Disney since they can make more money off of that than ticket sales
After tomorrow, china will have shut all screens TLJ
>I am a CPA
>The Budget is the cost of production.
They should fire you.
Star Wars merchandise alone is hugely profitable.
For the sales to be this down on fucking star wars is not good.
chinese want 80s hollywood with an extra serving of cheese.
which is why things like transformers and fast and furious do so well over there. Muscles, babes, explosions.
not these SJW infested soyboy (((movies)))
He is right. But at the same time, the marketing budget is part of the overall cost to produce so its kind of irrelevant.
Based ant people.
No user, look at how movies are produced.
Sahara imdb.com
The "Budget" was 160 million dollars, it it itemized down to the dollar.
Not one cent is marketing.
Then there is a line item called "Distribution cost" which is 81 million dollars.
That Distribution cost is almost all marketing.
Basic line items where
Production...$160 million
That the budget you see
Prints and advertising...$61.0 million
The cost to make prints (digital and film) and direct advertising.
Home video...$21.9 million
Cost of making Discs and marketing said discs
Distribution fee...$20.1 million
The actual fee to the company that did the distribution.
Other cost...$18.2 million
The reason why marketing is broken out is that it not always paid for by the company.
For example, in blade runner Alcon only paid for marketing in North America though WB. Sony paid for the marketing overseas as part of their agreement with Alcon, but those money spent where not part of the budget of 2049.
Budget does not equal the final cost of making the movie. It is just one part of the cost. Just as making prints is not part of the budget reported, as it is in another line item.
Wait people STILL defend this turd of a movie?
It mostly due to the fact that the costs of distribution, including marketing, is not tied up to one single movie.
Lets say I am a production company that makes films. I will make a deal with the distributor to release 10 films over 8 years, and I will spend at least 320 million in marketing as part of that agreement. That 320 million is not bound to any specific movie, and if I think I have a jumanji hit I might spend more, but if I have a stinker like Collide or Snowman, I will say "I will spend 1 million on this one but will make it up on another film" since the money is allocated outside of the actual production of that specific film, it not part of that film's budget.
I know that sound odd but that how the numbers work. It also is useful for tax reasons as you can spread out money across all your films to avoid taxes like a good jew.
Why was Age of Ultron considered a failure by Disney when it made 1.4 billions ? Because the Avengers made 1.5 billions.
Now why would Disney be content with a STAR WARS film that made 1.3 billions when its last iterations made over 2 billions ?
It's not a flop, nor a failure but I'm pretty sure Disney was expecting something closer to 1.7-1.8 billions.
I'm sure they expected more than that. It is a huge failure.
The difference is that Avengers 2 had all the previous original characters to hook you in. TLJ had like what, one? It's not the same.
>they have to recoup the purchase of lucas film
they already have made more money off of star wars merchandise alone than they paid for lucasfilm. i think disney is doign just fine