How the fuck did he get a reservation at Dorsia?
How the fuck did he get a reservation at Dorsia?
Other urls found in this thread:
he is steve jobs
he got dubs
with these dubs
The important question is, how did he get the Fischer account when a Rothschild was handling it.
he actually only exists in batemans mind, didn't you watch the movie?
um, then how do you explain people seeing and interacting with him?
Impressive. Very nice.
goddamn ポル!!!!
Cool it with the anti semitic remarks.
Now there's a pretty meme! Exquisite!
check em
When will this meme end? The author of the book and director of the movie BOTH clarified that this theory is wrong.
If I told you I'd have to kill you user
He didn't, he lied about the reservation
your mixed up bateman with him
he looks like jared leto
how the fuck did i get dubs?
No, theyre mine
Not american here, what was so great about restaurants anyways? If they were supposed to be the elite of the society, why did they like restaurants so much? Why not just go party or something? What else did they do to prove they were the elite? They just hang around in their workplace and their apartments?
High class restaurants are a status symbol. If you can swing Dorsia on a Friday night it means you must be a somebody. Also check my digits.
In what shithole country are you residing?
Hey, Sup Forums!
OK all joke's aside that was pretty good
that's nothing. what you're seeing now is repeating digits
Nice, very nice
I think he was lying.
very nice
You looking for those digits ?
what's the "I have to return videotapes" of the current year?
"I have to pick up my wife's son in school"
>I have to run my torrent client to seed
If dubs I get a reservation at Dorsia
>not being a lucky bastard
Spurdospärdö one.
try not being a nordcuck virgin-neet, then you'll understand why people get restaurant reservations, this has literally got nothing to do with "america"
More liek dubsia amirit3
Maybe our culture is just too down to earth to understand.
because he's a lucky jew bastard
>inb4 cool it with the antisemitic remarks
yeah that OR you're a literal nigger who probably can't afford going to a restaurant so he plays dumb pretending not to know why people get reservations at restaurants
Quick reminder that the real estate people in Paul's apartment at the end of the film cleaned up everything for him and didn't tell anyone about it.
gib digits
very nce, now if you'll excuse me and my dubs
you're free to go but your dubs stay with me
No can do
Mediocre dubs. Try these.
Looking for me?
Dub dubs
Rubba dub dub
At least I can get dubs unlike you
>off by one
I have to make it to Redbox by 9pm
Is there ever any movie discussion besides about the cards?
gave the maître d head
can you do?
include me in the screencap
Those repeating digits...
my God, it even has a watermark...
Just rewatched this the other day, when Allen pointed out the newspapers and Bateman drank the water, why did dubs_____________________________
Paul Allen>Bateman>Bryce>Van Patten
this is irrefutable
Bryce's card is better. Textured WITH recessed lettering?!?
now that's classic
To me it's Bryce's vs Bateman's.
Van Patten's one is dated af and Allen's is just awful, that Batman Forever font straight up kills it.
I think Bryce's one is the winner for me.
t. graphic designer
were the trump references deleted from this film too like they did on home alone?
wrong, in batemans card Pierce &Pierce is spaced retarded like this, also the numbers are all misaligned, for example the 6 is centered at the bottom and the 3 is centered at the mid.
Thats nothing baby
I saw HA twice during christmas and Trump was in both times on two different channels
He gave the maître head.
He asked Bobby Fischer.
Greetings. My name is Patrick Bateman™, and I have contacted you for important matters.
I have taken notice to your post. It is of high quality™, but it's not the contents of the post that I'm interested by, it's the post-number.
Your post-number is unlike any other that I've ever seen. It is unique, as no other will ever obtain your distinct strand of numbers, but that is not the only unique thing about it.
Look at the numbers at the very end. Take a close look at them, and you might even realize it, too. Your post-number has ended in repeating digits, that is why I am contacting you.
I don't want to seem like a bother, as I understand that you're very busy crafting hundreds of quality™ posts such as the one I am replying to, but this is a matter more important than posts. It's a matter of life and death.
Here on Sup Forums, it is the most important rule of all that repeating digits much be checked and kek'd, that is why I am contacting you. I am here to check and kek your repeating digits, for it is a matter of religious importance.
So, after all this patience and discussion, I will now check your repeating digits. Here I go: #Checked
Now that your repeating digits have been checked by me, it is now time for me to leave. I cannot spend all day checking your repeating digits, no matter how much I love them. The reason? More digits must be checked.
idorsia dot com