Movie of the year 2018

Sup Forums already has its anime of the year material.
What does Sup Forums have for its best of the year shit?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's a mess of a show. The writing is outright schizophrenic. None of the characters are developed enough and everything feels like it's going in a rush. Akira is an unlikeable faggot that gets pushed around like a bitch even after turning into Devilman. The whole thing feels hollow and largely pointless. There were occasional moments that seemed neat (which I'm gonna assume were taken straight out of the original work) but don't mesh well with the shit that surrounds them. The animation was good but also inconsistent. I needed to rewatch some of the fights and pause them to see what the fuck was supposed to be going on. I have never read or seen the original Devilman, but this adaptation sure as hell left a piss poor impression of it.

Satan was obviously evil from the get go, it makes no sense whatsoever that the main character would continue to trust him for even a fifth of the time he did. I didn't read the manga, but surely his portrayal was way more subtle in there.

>Akira is an unlikeable faggot that gets pushed around like a bitch even after turning into Devilman. The whole thing feels hollow and largely pointless.

Nigger you're too stupid to understand basic shit.

since I didn't get the chance the last thread I recommend everyone checking out the two Devilman OVAs in the late 80s/90s: Birth of Devilman and Demon Bird. Both are top notch, with great animation and kick-ass music.


I Honestly didn't think it was that good.

Siren was hot though.

Haha. MODS. Filename is script for cp on onion

>yfw this starts playing

>Eva fag thinks his opinion matters
The irony of an Asuka poster calling anything hollow is palpable. Eva is literally a shitty Devilman ripoff with zero substance.


True. You know what else is Devilman ripoff? This show. That's what an adaptation is. Nice non arguments, though.

Along with this dipshit

Not an argument

Devilman Crybaby was absolute kino.

>mfw Devilman crybaby basically just spoiled the crap about how Berserk is gonna end. And now i have to life with the fact that Berserk is just a rip off.

Nyah, it will end in idol off. Guts will be idolmaster.


Only movie i am looking forward to

And I bet you thinking you are hot shit. This post is a laughable mess lol

Is this a copypasta?


You are 100% correct Sup Forums has shit taste and this anime if for the reddit/netflix/soyboy crowd to popularize and buy merchandise.

There was this big hairy demon that showed up one time, easily laid Devilman out, called him a faggot and then just disappeared and was never heard or seen again.

Wtf was up with that?

it is now

It needed more of best girl

Devilman was already weakened. He died during the devilman vs demons finale obviously

Why did she do this?

>tfw the protagonist is a literal rapist

You can't rape demons.

What was the point of this scene

it was shit
you have to be truly autistic to think a story that is such a complete fucking mess is any good
retards are just shocked by the fact that everyone dies so they think it's great
not to mention the animation was incredibly inconsistent and the ending was blatantly trying to rip off NGE

Better question

what was the point of this scene?

Demon body makes you horny. And Miki

He subconsciously wants to rape/fuck Miki but doing so will most likely kill her.

>implying You Were Never Really Here isn’t going to be the superior Hitmankino

>the ending was blatantly trying to rip off NGE

Devilman was pretty kino, I’ll make no denial.

As for films this year, great films don’t start coming out until the Spring (with February being a notable exception). I don’t know what all’s coming out this year, but I’d be surprised if it could top last year.

Yes, this is one of the things I didn't like. Ryo manga>>>> Ryo crybaby
He isn't a sociopath, shows emotions from the beggining and is likable. while still being a mad cunt is not obvious he is evil.

I loved it but the pacing really was terrible.

>time spent seeing akira as a human is so short the change seems irrelevant, we just have characters constantly say "akira has changed" but don't see it
>parents die but it doesn't even slightly matter by the next episode because it's straight into sex hijinks
>humans descent into anarchy is instant, cities are in ruin overnight
>Zennon shows up and seems important but just isn't
>psycho jenny doesn't actually do anything
>devilman rebellion against demons is a cool concept but there's no time so we don't see this major conflict
>taro and his mother just seem to disappear after Akira's rescue attempt in a scene that feels like 5 minutes have been cut right out of the middle of it
>apocalypse happens in about 2 minutes and then Satan feels bad

It was an amazing thing to look at and nothing in it was bad but it really needed another episode or two so it could take a breath and tell the story a little better

>Akira was a faggot
Yeah, I mean, is called crybaby. You can try the two OVAs and then read manga to finish, is pretty short (5 volumes)